this post was submitted on 31 May 2024
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[–] Gradually_Adjusting 58 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Incredible pun perfectly used

[–] architectonas 6 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I am not a native English speaker and would love to learn. Can you explain the pun to me?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago

They're referring to the title of the post. I was confused about that one too.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 3 weeks ago

This is the power of fascist movements. Everyone outside the movement is enemy and deserves no regard. It's about loyalty in accordance to dominance hierarchy. That is to say, the lower ranks are loyal to the upper ranks, though not vice versa.

Eventually everyone in the lower ranks ends up on the undesirables list and packed onto the cattle trains by enforcers from the next tier. The enemy from within narrative helps keep the lower ranks from questioning the cause.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

It's like they have to fight for their god or something, why???

[–] [email protected] 18 points 4 weeks ago

Well, when you put all of your personality eggs into one basket, and that basket turns out to be a basket-case, people get weird. Almost like linking your identity to a narcissistic douchbag probably wasn't the best idea.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 4 weeks ago (3 children)

who? cans i havs some context pws 🥺👉👈

[–] [email protected] 85 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

The federalist society six on the Supreme Court have been throwing out tons of law (abortion is the big one) based on bullshit readings of the law. That is the happy guy.

The sad guy is sad because Trump was convicted of 34 charges yesterday in relationship to his election interference case. He improperly edited his books to hide the fact that he paid a porn star to not speak about their affair before the 2016 election. This conviction has really pissed off Trumpers because they are credulous dipshits.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 4 weeks ago

Credulous dipshits is an understatement. They were going to cry foul no matter what, it was already predetermined for them. Same with the 2020 election, and same with the election in November. Fascists gonna fascist.

[–] [email protected] 52 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

SCOTUS overturned roe vs Wade, which normally doesn't happen in the American legal system (contradicting previos precedent and jurisprudence sort of opens a Pandora's box of "well does this system even work if you can do that").

Donald Trump was just convicted on all 34 counts in his NY court case and his followers are calling for the judges execution.

[–] JusticeForPorygon 45 points 4 weeks ago

"...and his followers are calling for the judge's execution."

You know, a completely normal thing you do to support the guy you want to run the government.

[–] FooBarrington 5 points 3 weeks ago

The newly appointed judges who helped overturn the decision also specifically stated in their confirmation hearings that Roe v. Wade was settled law:

[–] [email protected] 13 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Trump vows to appeal what he claims is ‘scam conviction’, laying into Biden and complaining about trial – live

Your one of today's luck 10000. Or maybe considerably more.

[–] Fedizen 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

ah yes biden, the uh president of new york?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

You're correct that Trump complaining about Biden for this New York case doesn't make any sense. Presumably Trump is counting on his supporters believing in some conspiracy or being uniformed. Alvin Brag is the District Attorney of New York County and doesn't report to Biden.

[–] Stovetop 4 points 3 weeks ago

Conservative critical thinking skills are low, so the basic logic is that New York, as a reliable blue state, must therefore be under Biden's control.

Much of the Republican worldview is based on projection, so part of that assumption is that Biden controls an army of loyalists just like Trump does. To Republicans, New York may as well be Mordor.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 weeks ago

Rules for thee, not for m[y preferred politicians, but I'm too blatantly ignorant to understand that the rules are absolutely also for m]e

[–] AdrianTheFrog 8 points 3 weeks ago

Overturning precedent in itself is not bad, segregation was court precedent in the past for example. The difference is that the current court leans conservative. Whether the court system should have that power at all is a different question.

[–] doingthestuff 6 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Honestly this is why the appeal process exists though. Good or bad, big cases often get reviewed.

[–] Skullgrid 5 points 3 weeks ago

sure, as long as his ass is in prison during the appeal process like joe schmoe