(I can probably take an educated guess, but) context?
Mark my words, there will be absolutely nothing that implicates anyone in power. At least not for the next four years.
"It's going to make great television,"
I can't say I'm shocked that these are his personal standards for running the most powerful country in the world in an international setting.
The ice grows thinner...
These criminals walk free while people who smoke weed are locked in cages and exploited for labor.
You could use thumbnails instead of cards so the images take up a lot less space on screen until you open them
(Just realized Connect is one of the few apps I haven't tried, but I'm willing to bet there's an option for it)
The world needs him back u_u
Same. I've got the boy part down, but...
HRT seems scary because politics and my location.
She is!! Before I took that pic she was relentlessly meowing at the door because, as the only one who was awake, I was obliged to get out of the shower and let her in, lest she be alone for 10 minutes.
She's weird because she's the only cat I've ever had that loooooooves to be held but doesn't like to be pet. And she loves to play wrestle, but she only bites softly and barely uses her claws. (She's never broke my skin). She's also the only cat I've ever had that will play fetch. (Still working on getting a vid of her bringing the toy back). Also, I'm the only one who's allowed to blow raspberries on her belly, not even her original owner.
I didn't have to roll out the red carpet for Donald "Israel needs to win and win fast" Trump to push for voting reform.
Every terrible thing we told you would happen is currently happening, so I hope you're happy for queer Americans and about the fate of Palestine. You got exactly what we told you we would get. I hope you're comfy on your soapbox, because it's not comfy for trans people right now. Thanks a lot.
I didn't know that. I don't really follow celebs tbh, I was just giving Bluesky a shot and he popped up in my feed.
If Canada gets rid of FPTP before we do, I'm moving and Molotov'ing my house on the way out