submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by MargotRobbie to c/android

The Fairphone 4, as nominated by @[email protected]!

As promised, you will be receiving 1 Lemmy Silver, and of course, bragging rights.

But, we also have an honorary Golden Lemmy award, which goes to...

Every Android device that is not the Samsung Galaxy S22+, as nominated by @[email protected]!

You get 1 Lemmy Silver (and bragging rights) too!

That's it for this year's Golden Lemmy, folks!

(Nomination thread is here for future references.)

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by MargotRobbie to c/android

Previously: Submission Statement Edition

Haven't done these in a while, so let's get started.

  1. Since we haven't really heard any feedback one way or the other, rule 8 is now official. To be fair, we've had a lot less microblog posts than I expected (only one Twitter/X post in the last month even after I waited longer than the initial 1-2 weeks expected, and that was a crosspost.)
  • Again, the rules are always a work in progress, feel free to give your two cents here whenever you like.
  1. As you guys know, PipedLinkBot went completely insane 2 days ago and looks like it's temporarily shut down. So, I'd like to use this opportunity to explain why I banned the bot pretty much immediately after our community reopened. (And gloat a bit, of course)
  • Even though I do agree with the principle of using open source, privacy focused frontend instead of using Youtube directly, I have a real problem with using a bot to respond every time somebody posts a Youtube link. It feels like spam, and it doesn't feel like it serves any utility besides pushing an agenda (even though many people here would agree with it). Most people have seen it around here enough to use pipedvideo if they wanted it to use it already.

  • I think it's always been a rage inducing part of the reddit experience that you see you received a response to your comment, but only have it been a bot smugly correcting your grammar or tell you all your letters are in order or something useless like that. So, for this place, I would like to make sure that everyone you talk to here is a real person as much as possible, because people inspire people to be greater, but bots don't.

submitted 1 day ago by ForgottenFlux to c/android

The new open ecosystem of extensions on Firefox for Android launched in December with just over 400 extensions. Less than five months later we’ve surpassed 1,000 Firefox for Android extensions. That’s an impressive achievement by this developer community! It’s exciting to see so many developers embrace the opportunity to explore new creative possibilities for mobile browser customization.

What are some of your favorite new Firefox for Android extensions?

submitted 2 days ago by GreenEngineering3475 to c/android

Google Messages wants to make sure you don't see texts from blocked contacts anywhere with this upcoming feature.

submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/android
submitted 2 days ago by GreenEngineering3475 to c/android

Google Messages' sent text editing feature has now begun rolling out to beta users, indicating that stable rollout is around the corner.

submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/android

In recently purchased Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 Pro with MIUI I see the message app isn't available for many popular apps, those messages usually show when the android version is old but I have android 13 so I don't understand why I see those errors so much in the play store.

submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/android
submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/android

Option 1: leave everything enabled, & everything works with full spyware enablement too

Option 2: disable everything, but forget basics like mail notifications, yet still resign yourself to invasion from irrevocably disabled services

Option 3: the middle ground. Just kidding, disabling only what you truly don’t need is wildly opaque, and painfully slow: options are split and hidden wherever possible. Forget any “apply to all” graces being given by King Google. Disable the wrong thing, and break a seemingly enabled feature.

Also love how some options are given during setup, while others are only informational: “visit settings later to change this thing - hope you forget!”

So, what’s left: Option 4, root your phone and hope Magisk will work when you need to use your bank app?

I just want my cell provider to spy on me because physics. (Govt banning sale/sharing of that data would be epic, maybe some day in the far future.) Extra spying in the shadiest ways is bad and Google should feel bad.

Review of Android 12

submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/android

Just thought I'd share. Probably nothing new or fancy, but may help some of you find a way to repurpose devices that aren't worth repairing into home servers or something: e.g. op5 I've used has better CPU compared to raspberry pi 4, can run linux (postmarketos, albeit with some caveats), and costs less if bought with broken display (or nothing if you have one lying around)

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/android

So I'm interested in buying a Pixel 8 to install GrapheneOS in it but I'm also interested in rooting it and from what I've read rooting your device with a privacy focused custom ROM like GrapheneOS beats the purpose of installing it, so I don't know if it's actually posible to do it or if it actually has any grace, honestly I just want to be able to install some Xposed modules and be able to auto-update my Droid-ify apps in the backgrounds without user interaction.

Excuse my ignorance in the subject, I have never rooted or installed a custom rom before.

submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/android

About time!

I haven't installed or tested in any way.

submitted 3 days ago by blazeknave to c/android

I've used notification cleaner for years but it's dead. Anyone recommend alternatives? This has been difficult to find online

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by [email protected] to c/android

Is there any way to install and use the Gemini App without the Google App and forced association of the account with my Android phone?

I have a specific Google account just for Gemini, but I neither use the Google app nor desire for my phone to maintain this alt google account as one of the phone associates accounts. I think many folks would prefer login stay within the app itself.

submitted 6 days ago by [email protected] to c/android

Hey guys, I am somewhat new to android (went straight to grapheneos) and am a bit annoyed with this widget.

It looks good, but the skip buttons are tiny and my gorilla fingers have trouble hitting them reliably. Is there a way to change to a different layout with bigger buttons or even gesture support?

I am aware that most music apps come with a widget for the home screen but I specifically need the one shown on the lock screen and pulldown menu to change.

Thanks in advance!

submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/android

I have some apps which I need them to synchronize in the background but they don't, even with battery optimization turned off. I've tried using an app called PhoneProfilesPlus but I don't need whole profiles, I just want an app to be opened and that's it.

Another problem I have and this may be at purpose for Android security reasons, is that even with PhoneProfilesPlus, when I set up an app to be opened in the background, the app only opens specifically when I turn on my screen, and for some dumb reasons the apps that I mentioned need to be in the main screen to be synchronized.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/android
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by lazycouchpotato to c/android

Google’s migration guide for developers lists what they’re supposed to switch to on Android phones and Wear OS. However, there is no replacement for the Goals API that lets Google Fit users set “how many steps and heart points they want to aim for each day.”

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/android

I've heard the process is a pain in the ass and not very reliable. I am trying to prepare for when Apple adds RCS support because unfortunately in the US almost everyone has an iPhone and refuses to use a messaging app outside of iMessage.

I have installed sandboxed play services and the Carrier Services app from the google play store with a dummy google account and have put in my phone number in Google Messages for it to verify but it has not been able to do anything and is just stuck on "Trying to Verify" for hours now.

I've already tried clearing cache and everything as well.

Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: the following did the trick! Steps are to

  1. settings
  2. apps
  3. Sandboxed Google Play
  4. Google settings
  5. mobile data messaging
  6. phone number verification
  7. automatically verify phone number (toggle on)
  8. RCS should verify
  9. Back to 7. And toggle off

Then go to Google Messages and enter xyzzy in the search bar, click the debug option, click RCS, and click on Force Client to Unregister, and then I went to click on RCS in the settings again and boom it was enabled.

submitted 1 week ago by IHateReddit to c/android

Hi, I am planning to build my own location history service similar to the google maps timeline.

For this, I need a simple app that sends my current location (and current speed/altitude if possible) to a given HTTPS endpoint every x seconds.

Is there an app that does that? I could also build my own app, but I'd prefer to spend my time on the server-side.

I found a similar feature in OsmAnd (see the image below), but I'd like to not send my coordinates via URL parameters for security reasons.

submitted 1 week ago by yokonzo to c/android

It's a very long story but ultimately all you need to know is, i have to make sure an unknown app isn't sending an assload of traffic through port 25 on any network im connected to. How can I confirm this on my android device without an external PC?

submitted 1 week ago by GreenEngineering3475 to c/android

There's a new Google Messages update page that takes up your phone's entire display every time you open the app.

Granted, keeping your apps up to date is important, and this new system will help get that across to users. But we’re not sure annoying the hell out of the user about it is the best strategy.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by GreenEngineering3475 to c/android

Starting today, apps made by state and federal governments are getting a new government badge to help users better identify official apps.

The badge will first appear on over 3,000 apps for 12 different countries.

submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/android

I remember that when I used Geometric Weather (not developed anymore, its more known fork is called Breeze Weather) it had a option to notify me when it was going to rain, but know that functionality was removed from Breeze Weather, it's there any other app with this functionality?

submitted 1 week ago by GreenEngineering3475 to c/android

One of the best features of Google Photos is the app’s ability to show old photos as a “Memory,” but sometimes showing a specific person isn’t what you want. Now, Google Photos is preparing to make it easier to hide someone’s face from Memories.

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