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Hello World,

we know one of the most important indicators of comment and post community interest is votes. Beyond that, reports help to regulate comments and posts that go beyond down-votes and into the rule-breaking territory.

Unfortunately, Lemmy's current reporting system has some shortcomings. Here are a few key technical points that everyone should be aware of:

  • Reports are NOT always visible to remote moderators. (See Full reports federation · Issue #4744 · LemmyNet/lemmy · GitHub)
  • Resolving reports on a remote instance does not federate if the content isn't removed.
  • Removal only resolves reports in some cases, e.g. individual content removal. Some people remove individual content before banning the user, especially when the ban is with content removal, as individual content removals resolve reports on all instances. Bans with the remove content checkbox selected will not currently resolve reports automatically.

Our moderators are also volunteers with other demands on their time: work gets busy, people take vacations, and life outside of Lemmy goes on. But that doesn't mean content that causes distress to users should stick around any longer than reasonable. Harmful content impacts both Lemmy.world users AND users of all other instances as well. We always strive to be good neighbors.

While the devs work on the technical issues, we can work to improve the human side of things. To help keep the reports queue manageable and help reports be resolved in a REASONABLE amount of time we will be enabling global notifications for all stale reports. Open reports older than 1 day will trigger a notification for 1 week every 2 days so as not to overwhelm community moderators endlessly. If a community moderator does not wish to receive these reports, they may simply block the bot, but we still expect them to address unresolved reports.

We expect that this feature will eventually be removed once Lemmy has a better reporting system in place.

As an aside, we recommend that all LW communities have at least two moderators so there is some redundancy in resolving reports themselves, and to reduce the workload on individual moderators. We know this can be harder for smaller communities, but this is just a recommendation.

We recommend that moderators have alt accounts on Lemmy.world to resolve reports that are from federated instances.

As always feedback is welcome. This is an active project which we really hope will benefit the community. Please feel free to reply to this thread with comments, improvements, and concerns.


FHF / LemmyWorld Admin team 💖

Additional mods

We recommend using the Photon front-end for adding mods to your community.

With the standard lemmy-ui, additional mods can only be appointed if the account has made a post or comment in the community.

Photon (https://p.lemmy.world) does not have this limitation. You can use the community sidebar, click Gear (settings) icon, then click the Team tab, and add any user as a mod.

submitted 23 minutes ago* (last edited 23 minutes ago) by Olap to c/scotland

He said there was 'no genocide' in Gaza and has now been expelled. The SNP line has now been set. Interestingly https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide lists a legal definition which broadly equates to an attempt to destroy a group. It is very hard to argue that Israel is not attempting to destroy the Gaza strip and it's peoples. And impossible within the SNP now

submitted 9 minutes ago* (last edited 8 minutes ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Für eine Erlaubnis benötigen Betreiber der Anbauvereinigungen unter anderem spezielle Schulungen zum Präventionsbeauftragten. Die Schulungen, die aus zwei Online-Workshops und einem Präsenzseminar bestehen, bietet das LGL erst seit September an. Inzwischen haben laut der Behörde 27 Teilnehmer die erste Schulung absolviert. Die nächsten Termine sollen demnach Ende Oktober und Anfang November stattfinden. Bevor die Anbauvereinigungen grünes Licht bekommen, sind nach Angaben des Gesundheitsministeriums auch unangekündigte Vor-Ort-Begehungen nötig. Bisher hat laut LGL aber noch keine dieser Kontrollen stattgefunden.

Verzögern wo es geht, damit der Steuerzahler und Wähler auch ja nicht in den Genuss bestehender Rechte und Gesetze kommt. Und niemand kann verantwortlich gemacht werden. Man könnte fast meine, da spielt jemand mit demokratischen Regeln.


Hi everyone.

I’m on my work computer on the perennially terrible Lebanese internet, in a relatively safe town. I’m talking about some stupid client KPIs in a meeting with a bunch of people around the world. An “important” meeting. The clients assume I’m in Dubai or somewhere like that, and I don’t correct them.

I’ll get asked “How are things in Lebanon?” by some coworker in Dubai or Europe after the call and I’ll say the classic “Alhamdulillah, my family and I are okay.” And we’re safe, we haven’t been bombed, not personally. I am lucky to work with decent people, but how could they understand. Will HR give me shit if they learn how much time I’ve spent out and about helping move essentials to shelters in the “dangerous outside world” instead of just burying myself at home “until it’s over”? Maybe I can get fired for putting myself in danger. Or maybe they give me leeway as a relatively senior person with the best English in my team who they get to pay less than everyone else because I don’t have a French passport - what a steal! (They pay me okay, and quite well compared to others around me, but we all know what this arrangement really is)

But corporate work, in normal times, rots the soul from the inside out. This is worse. I have to stare at the bad screen for hours while the EMTs dig people from under their homes. I have a duty to at least try to help my people, but I can’t. If I quit my job, my family loses this home and this security, and we have no place to go now that our original town is being bombed. I don’t come from money. I can’t just move or buy a house abroad or even a plane ticket (Lebanese people with no other nationality can’t go many places without a long visa process). I can’t “just move to Europe bro”, I can’t “just move to Dubai bro”. I have responsibilities. I’d love to move, but I can’t. Maybe I should.

Naturally, even nice coworkers cannot comprehend this. Besides, they need my input on the KPIs. This client is very important and number must go up after all. I hear another thud in the distance, through the crickets, I feel it in the pit of my stomach. Not close enough to threaten my life, but close enough to understand I might be next and that no area is truly safe.

This isn’t a woe is me post and I don’t want people in the comments feeling too sorry for my situation yeah. I still have my family, four limbs and two eyes, my home, a source of income in actual usable currency. Save your real sorrow for the people who have lost more both here and in the occupied territories. It could have been me in Gaza, it could have been you.

Please donate to the Lebanese Red Cross if you have the ability. Our people in the orange jumpsuits are our pride and they need everything they can get, especially now that they’re being hit as well. Relatively transparent and reputable org with boots on the ground and a functional donation platform, please consider helping.


🏓 "Viel zu viele Leute glauben, sie hätten eine Chance gegen die Tischtennis-Europameisterin

Sofia #Polcanova, die in Linz ihren Titel verteidigen will, sieht sich oft von frechen Leuten herausgefordert. Auch vom @derStandard . Sie hat gelernt, damit umzugehen"


"Für eine Umfrage in Großbritannien aus dem Sommer wollte ein Marktforschungsinstitut von Befragten wissen, ob sie sich eine Teilnahme bei #Olympia 2028 in Los Angeles zutrauten. 27 Prozent bejahten die Frage. Fast jeder Zehnte der Befragten sagte: Zum olympischen Tischtennisturnier schaff ich's."

@tischtennis #Tischtennis #Sport #Österreich


I'm talking about the ones that stay in north during winter, not migratory birds. I've noticed that birds like sparrows or tits (yes yes i know funny name) look more rotund in fall, but is that actually fatness or just them fluffing up?



Deutschlands Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher zahlen im europäischen Vergleich nach wie vor überdurchschnittlich häufig mit Banknoten und Münzen. Im Schnitt haben Deutschlands Einwohner 2023 pro Kopf insgesamt 304 Mal elektronisch bezahlt, wie die Unternehmensberatung Boston Consultig Group (BCG) in der neuen Ausgabe ihres jährlichen "Global Payment Report" (PDF) schreibt. In den USA, Großbritannien und in Skandinavien machen Barzahlungen etwa 10 Prozent des Werts der Verbraucher-Transaktionen aus. Der Anteil in Deutschland ist laut dem Bericht von 50 Prozent im Jahr 2010 auf 25 Prozent im Jahr 2023 zurückgegangen.
Nach einer jährlichen Umfrage der Bundesbank lag die Bargeldquote unter der Anzahl der Transaktionen im Jahr 2008 in Deutschland noch bei 83 Prozent, im vergangenen Jahr waren es noch etwa 51 Prozent. Die Debitkarte wurde laut der Bundesbank-Studie für 27 Prozent der Bezahlvorgänge genutzt.


Today’s game is Alan Wake. I got back to it and finished Episode 5. Tomorrow the power will be out and I’m hoping to clean through Episode 6 entirely and start the DLCs (possible thanks to my Steam Deck).

Episode 5 ramps up the difficulty a lot I feel like, but not to an unfair level. I think the only part I struggled with to an unfair degree was a jump while being chased by the tornado in the screenshot. The power plant is also really fun to play through because you can push enemies into powerlines to kill them.

I also found another red chair out of bounds in the start of Episode 6. The player could never see it in normal play through I think. I’m wondering if maybe it’s a twin peaks reference or a developer in joke.

Well? (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 hour ago by MinguPingu to c/bikinibottomtwitter

The specific dates, locations and rules surrounding early and absentee voting vary by state, county and even municipality. First confirm that you are registered to vote and then contact your local election office or check their website for details about early and absentee voting.

Ballotpedia is great for learning about ballot measures and candidates. Check the left side bar for 2024 elections.


"Der Machthunger von Chinas Präsident Xi kennt wortwörtlich keine Grenzen: Mit klandestinen Operationen nimmt Peking Einfluss auf in Deutschland lebende Chinesen und deren Nachkommen. Auch die deutsche Politik hat China im Visier, wie der Fall einer hochrangigen Mitarbeiterin des Kölner Rathauses zeigt."

LOW INVENTORY (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 hour ago by SeattleRain to c/housing_bubble_2

The strike was in response to Israeli attacks, including air strikes on Thursday, that Lebanon's health ministry said killed at least 22 people in central Beirut.


Israeli soldiers and Palestinian former detainees say troops have regularly forced captured Gazans to carry out life-threatening tasks, including inside Hamas tunnels.

An investigation by The New York Times found that Israeli soldiers and intelligence agents, throughout the war in Gaza, have regularly forced captured Palestinians . . . to conduct life-threatening reconnaissance missions to avoid putting Israeli soldiers at risk on the battlefield.

While the extent and scale of such operations are unknown, the practice, illegal under both Israeli and international law, has been used by at least 11 squads in five cities in Gaza, often with the involvement of officers from Israeli intelligence agencies.

Palestinian detainees have been coerced to explore places in Gaza where the Israeli military believes that Hamas militants have prepared an ambush or a booby trap. The practice has gradually become more widespread since the start of the war last October.

Detainees have been forced to scout and film inside tunnel networks where soldiers believed fighters were still hiding. They have entered buildings rigged with mines to find hidden explosives. They have been told to pick up or move objects like generators and water tanks that Israeli soldiers feared concealed tunnel entrances or booby traps.



Artist: Rinotuna | pixiv | twitter | artstation | linktree | patreon | danbooru

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