
joined 11 months ago
[–] FooBarrington 2 points 20 hours ago


[–] FooBarrington 2 points 1 day ago

You have to first carve the wood into wooden ducks. Since wood and ducks both float, this cancels out their buoyancy.

[–] FooBarrington 1 points 1 day ago

That would be a worthwhile idea if any evidence pointed towards it (e.g. any public documentation about legal communications).

Without any evidence, it's a useless accusation for an explanation that:

  • has happened in many documented cases, both bigger studios as well as indies
  • happens to many people every day with similarly important data (just search for new people trying to recover their incredibly important data - it's a very common occurrence)
  • is especially likely to happen to fresh developers, which they were

I can accuse you of any number of horrible things, and I'd have the same amount of evidence you have for your accusation. What would this add to the discussion?

[–] FooBarrington 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Then tell me: what else could the reason be? Why make people deliberately think you're stupid? What's the advantage?

And yes, this is a thing that happens literally to thousands of people every day. Almost everyone has a "I didn't make backups" story. Humans aren't born perfect - they make mistakes and learn from them. How many doctoral theses do you think are lost every day due to missing backups? Or how much art, how much data in general?

Instead of assuming some evil genius agenda hiding behind their stupid stated reason, you could just try to accept that people make mistakes. But you surely don't ever make any, so why would anyone else?

[–] FooBarrington 4 points 1 day ago (4 children)

They told you their reason: they were inexperienced. Why do you assume they must be lying, and hiding another reason?

[–] FooBarrington 5 points 1 day ago (6 children)

"We lost access to the source code because we didn't use VCS or make backups"

"Well, it would be rude to think they're not smart enough to make a backup[...]"

No, what's rude is assuming that people are lying to you without good reason.

[–] FooBarrington 2 points 1 day ago

They aren't invading the privacy here. They are preventing a malicious actor from running an attack via VPN and ssh tunneling in addition to IP address, device, etc. At worst they are associating IP with browsing at competing stores. Preventing the VPN was likely required by a lawyer and auditor and a risky attack vector for a billion dollar company.

Then why do their ToS say they use this data for advertising purposes? If they really need to be able to track you to prevent malicious actors, they can do so without using the data for advertising.

[–] FooBarrington 5 points 2 days ago

problem with random lottery is that 50% of people are more stupid than you.

Speak for yourself, for me the number is closer to 10%

[–] FooBarrington 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

What the fuck. I'm a guy and don't wear bras. How is a worn bra more dirty than a shirt I wore? Is there something magical about boobs that makes the shoulder strips of a bra (where you'd hang it up) so much dirtier than the equivalent place on a shirt?

[–] FooBarrington 6 points 4 days ago (7 children)

I wouldn't be grossed out by a shirt hanging off the handle, and a bra isn't more dirty.

[–] FooBarrington 30 points 4 days ago

A fine battle tactic - I had not considered disrupting ghaik supply lines before. Like killing two ghaik with one red dragon.

Lae'zel approves.

[–] FooBarrington 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

Prices should have been decreasing, like they should have been with housing. But due to a lack of funding and manufacturing, modern nuclear power plants have very little R&D investment, and the entire labor pool surrounding nuclear plant fabrication doesn’t really exist anymore.

Exactly. This means that pumping money into this sector is ineffective if the goal is to combat climate change - the optimal build times will most likely not be met for any of the initial reactors that could be built, which pushes the first day of power generation back further and further. Renewables start to give some power immediately while you're building up more and more capacities.

The primary reason for the prices of renewables falling is more than likely china and chinese subsidies gunning for a market dominance, followed by technological advancement, Unfortunately these advances don’t solve the problem of solar panels needing silicon, [...]

Given the technological advancements and the current prices, it's a good idea to start investing massively. If this should affect pricing negatively instead of positively (it was the latter before), investments could ensure local production. Every country will want access to silicon anyway for chip production, so this is not a new problem, just a difference of scale.

and batteries being expensive, [...]

The price of batteries keeps falling and falling. Recently, the price of renewables + grid-scale storage has fallen below the equivalent price of nuclear energy. Given the current pricing trends, investing in nuclear means hoping that the trend reverses. With renewables and grid-scale storage, you're simply betting on the same trends of the last decade continuing.

and wind turbines being a maintenance nightmare, as well as a disposal nightmare (most wind turbine blades are made out of fiber glass, good luck have fun)

Just like with nuclear energy, these are problems of investments and scale. Because of the supply of used turbine blades increasing, there has been a lot of development and investment into recycling them, and the situation has already improved a lot. You're, again, hoping that the same will happen for nuclear energy on a short-enough timescale.

Yes the grid is centralized. What next, going to the grocery store is centralized? Wait until you figure out what walmart did.

And that somehow means it should stay centralized? A decentralized grid has a bunch of advantages: lower costs for the individual participants, higher resilience during catastrophes, lower impact of maintenance/disruptions/attacks, and a much shorter time to first production.


It doesn't stop. It just never stops.


Please use spoiler tags for comic spoilers (anything that hasn't been shown in the latest episodes of the show)!

Hey all! I'd like to try starting a directed discussion, since participation in the episode discussions hasn't really happened yet (but it's slowly picking up on the sub, woohoo!). Depending on how things go I'll post more in the coming weeks :)

What was the moment or thing that happened which made you go "This isn't like other superhero media"? I think we can all agree that Invincible feels very refreshing and has many interesting ideas. Is there something you really like? Or something that defines Invincible?

[DISCUSSION HUB] Season 2 (self.invincible)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by FooBarrington to c/invincible

Use these links to get to the individual episode discussions:


What are your thoughts on this episode? I know the comics, so the beginning didn't throw me off - but I watched this episode on a bunch of reaction channels, and I love how confused they were at first!

submitted 8 months ago by FooBarrington to c/berserk
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