
joined 1 year ago
[–] Skullgrid 6 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

It's not a meme, it's a shitpost.

Martin Luther was the king of those back in the day. There needs to be a compilation of translated letters and writings he made, focusing only the ones where he told people to lick his asshole

EDIT : Incidentally, the Mozart piece Leck mich im Arsch would count as a meme.

EDIT 2 : lol he didnt even write the music, just the lyrics, making a legit meme.

[–] Skullgrid 4 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

I did something close to this, not as far as corsican though.

I booked a holiday for feb, and I gave my notice that my leaving would kick in just before.

[–] Skullgrid 2 points 10 hours ago (1 children)
[–] Skullgrid 3 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

As a chess player (trash) I love Fool's gambit.

Rogue poker is sooo generic... also, it feels like it would be something like enter the gungeon where everything is themed after one thing, in this case, playing cards.

[–] Skullgrid 1 points 12 hours ago

Just install automatic.

[–] Skullgrid 25 points 1 day ago (2 children)

open the door

get on the floor

everybody do the dinosaur

that better?

[–] Skullgrid 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

conservatives : i pUt iNtO ThE Ai "JaPaNeSe iMpErIaL AcAdEmY" aNd iT ShOwEd aN IrAnIaN GuY, tHiS ShIt sUcKs. I WaNtEd a rAcIaLlY HoMoGeNoUs pIcTuRe sO I CoUlD JeRk oFf tO HoW IsOlAtIoNiSt i tHiNk tHe wOrLd hAs tO Be.

[–] Skullgrid 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

damn. you're right

[–] Skullgrid 1 points 1 day ago

come on, only one out of those four is a programming language

that's part of the joke ;)

[–] Skullgrid 39 points 2 days ago (4 children)

I hate working in frontend because I have to keep switching computers between Javascript, HTML, CSS and sometimes SVG

Theme from Farscape (
submitted 4 days ago by Skullgrid to c/anymusic

I loved watching farscape and the theme song always got me pumped for it; it really fit the exotic alien universe they've built up in the fiction.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Skullgrid to c/aimusic
Slugdge - Crop Killer (
submitted 2 months ago by Skullgrid to c/leftymusic

Is this how you want to live your lives?

inside the vultures circle

can you feel the talons in your neck?

Only the strong survive you say?

Just pray that prey you don't become

You've got no time for safety nets

There are no alpha wolves

Only those struggling to survive the state of nature

Domestic animals lost without the trappings of their civilization

You like to play armchair eugenicist, militant pessimist

An ivory tower that's built upon

the product of a million labors

Regression to the mean, repression of the weak

fraudulent pyramid scheme of human hierarchy

Do you ever wonder why you've been deprived

the wealth of nations?

do you feel the trickle down your leg?

Preoccupied with war against your own and your own home

How is it you're not already dead?

Another failed experiment

Evidence suggests you will not pass the last great filter

The soldiers won't defend the hive

when the Queen neglects to satisfy the builders

You like to play the devil's advocate, passive and impotent

brood over fallen empires

That were built upon the bones of millions

Narrow minded sanctimonious

self-serving sophistry

Greed governing holiness?

Not in the version I have seen.

You will not see the stars

doomed to the tides

access denied, fated to die


One day, may you too sit upon the Dopethrone.


worth it for the Bong Jabbar breaking

I'm back after my about 3 year long T break. (
submitted 3 months ago by Skullgrid to c/weedtime

we vibin


Not of this world -> space turtles are in space, thus not on earth, which is this world.

submitted 4 months ago by Skullgrid to c/connectasong

Connection : 20th of the month.

Bear with me.

According to this :

Today was a good day took place on the 20th of Jan, 1992. 4/20 weds is for the 20th of april 2005, because Fantomas decided to make a calendar album. Both songs are based on the 20th of their respective months.

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