submitted 1 hour ago by [email protected] to c/asklemmy

There's probably a different word for it, but linkhole like rabbithole.

You went to this one site, and it mentioned some other site, and they kept your interest and kept linking on to others and you've surfaced just long enough to share here.

submitted 6 hours ago by PlanetOfOrd to c/asklemmy

My dream is to own my own business (just kidding--own several businesses), but I'm currently experiencing financial hardship. After frantically looking for work for over a year with a network that let me down, I finally managed to find part-time work at a local nonprofit.

But I want to keep the foot on the gas (quite literally). Looking for a good business podcast I can listen to on my drive. I've listen to some in the past, but the quality of them has gone down. Oftentimes the guests are showboating, with like 30 seconds of helpful nuggets in the middle. Or I'll roll my eyes when I see the guest is some Dr. Oz-like green juice prophet.

Yes, I realize podcasts need to make money. I fully accept that if a podcast is free, ads are unavoidable. I simply skip past them.

Previous podcasts that have fallen out of favor with me: University of Adversity, School of Greatness, Achieving your Goals with Hal Elrod, Mel Robbins, Entrepreneurs on Fire, and How I Built It (where each episode just sounded like a 50-minute commercial for WordPress).

Looking for ones that focus on becoming rich, but also ones that talk about how to bolster a network and overcome hardship. Somewhere along there.

Any ideas?

submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/asklemmy

I comment a lot on stories having to do with state governments and legislation or regions of the country. It got me wondering how many people I'm accidentally disparaging when I don't mean everyone in said state or region is terrible. So… Please be as specific or obtuse as your privacy filter requires. I'll start:

I'm in the Bay Area, specifically Oakland. Despite Bay Area hate from some posters, I think it's great. How about you?

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 3 hours ago) by lulztard to c/asklemmy

So far I've checked several "getting started"'s and FAQ's and Google and everyone just tells me that it's possible but nobody tells me fucking WHERE. So obviously I'm in need of help. Preferably with a diagram or colourful pictures.

Edit: Okay, so old.lemmy.world doesn't seem to have been updated to allow instance blocking. Did it on the vanilla UI, thanks for everyone who rubbed my face into it! Appreciate the help. <3

submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/asklemmy

This is a serious question, mostly addressed to the adult women among us but also to anyone else who has a stake in the matter.

What did your father do for you/not do for you, that you needed?

Context: I have recently become a father to a daughter, with a mother whose father was not around when she was growing up. I won't bore you all with the details but our daughter is here now and I am realising that I'm the only one in our little family who has really had a father before. But I have never been a girl. And I know that as a boy, my relationships with my mother and father were massively influential and powerful but at the same time radically different to each other. People say that daughters and fathers have a unique relationship too.

Question: What was your father to you? What matters the most when it comes to a father making his daughter loved, safe, confident and free? To live a good life as an adult?

I'd like this to be a mature, personal and real discussion about daughters and fathers, rather than a political thing, so I humbly ask to please speak from the heart and not the head on this one :)

Thank you

P.S Apologies if this question is badly written or conceived; I haven't been getting enough sleep! It is what it is!

submitted 2 days ago by DandomRude to c/asklemmy
submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by [email protected] to c/asklemmy

I had this discussion with a friend, and we really couldn't reach a consensus.

My friend thinks Lemmy (and other Reddit-like platforms) is social media because you're interacting with other people, liking/disliking submissions, and all the content is user-generated.

I think it isn't because you're not following individual people, just communities/topics. Though I concede there are some aspects of social media present, I feel that overall it's not because my view of social media is that you're primarily following individuals.

In my view, these link aggregator + comment platforms are more like an evolution of forums which both my friend and I agreed don't meet the criteria to be considered social media (though they maintain that Reddit-like platforms are social media while I do not).

So I'm asking Lemmy now to weigh in to help settle this friendly debate.

Edit: Thanks everyone! From the comments, it sounds like my friend and I are both right and both wrong. lol. Feel free to keep chiming in, but I have to go do the 9-5 thing that pays my mortgage and cloud hosting bills.

submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/asklemmy

Breakfast cereal served the standard way, in a bowl with cold milk poured on and eaten with a spoon. Does this count as a soup, why or why not? Defend your answer with logic (or emotion, whatever I'm not your dad)

submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/asklemmy

We only know about when humans mastered fire or started using metal. But we know the exact date when the first powered flight took place. What are some really early "first ____" we know the date of for sure?

submitted 3 days ago by toomanypancakes to c/asklemmy
submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by [email protected] to c/asklemmy

Basically the title I installed a game, played some, got bored and wanna delete it but then remembered that I used to have a tab long time ago and we'd mess with it by installing a ton of games , So at a point it got too hangy that we deleted every game but it still wouldn't work as good so we had to factory reset the thing which was very easy as we didn't use it for anything and didn't have to back up anything . That was a long time ago and I think the tab was running android 4 or 6 or 5 or somethin anyway I looked some online and the opinions are mixed I now run android 9 ( which I use barely ) and 11 (which I daily drive) . so if a game or app has no file or anything (at least I can't find anything ) is deleting it after wiping data return the phone to the phone to the condition it was before installing it ? If so why did the tab behave that way ? I also remember an old huwai phone doing the same .

Sorry for the long read, just wanted to explain the question and got carried on . also feel free to let me know if this doesn't belong here and just suggest another place to post it to and I will move it but don't down vote in case I can get some answers .

submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/asklemmy

Inspired by /u/[email protected]

Please, authentic fart stories only, no jokes.

For stories of old, you can also visit:

submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/asklemmy

I'm reading more and more webtoon, which means that I get my comics by chapter not by volume. Is there a instance where asian comics are presented this way? I'm not against adding the chapter myself but I look for a community that's also using the chapter format.

Also I'm on The Library of the Uncommons which is nice but the search is soooo slow...

submitted 3 days ago by pb42184 to c/asklemmy

First let me be clear: I'm not a crazy conspiracy person (...on this) I just don't rely on a municipal well. As far as I know adding fluoride to the private well at my houses is not a thing, good or bad. I did drink municipal water for two years when I lived on campus in college.

That said, is fluoride a benefit to adults or just children?

When I was a kid I got fluoride treatments at the dentist, but then aged out. I've never had a cavity in forty years, but I'd like to keep it that way. Should I still be doing it?

Also no, I'm not using the internet as a substitute for a dentist, just my next dental appointment is in four months. TIA

submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/asklemmy

Is there a list somewhere? Are the rules different per instance?? I see:

Comment removed:

Rule 1.

I see this all the time, but I don’t know what rule 1 is. (Not me by the way, though I’ve had a few comments removed here and there)

Is there somewhere I can see where these rules are?

submitted 4 days ago by SatansMaggotyCumFart to c/asklemmy

Posted with my thinkpad running Arch btw.

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/asklemmy
submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/asklemmy
submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/asklemmy

Is there a name for this specific concept? Where somebody invents something (to do them good) but then that thing turns around and backfires on them?

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/asklemmy
submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/asklemmy
submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/asklemmy

What did other people do in the past to make our world beautiful but which we do not notice now?

I am rural and I want to plant some trees and copses on my land, in particular places, with beauty in mind. It just occurred to me that others, who are long gone, may have done the same thing here in the past; planting a particular tree in its place only for its beauty. It may have outlived both themselves and their vision of what beauty is and I have not noticed it. Perhaps there are things around us which we thought were utilitarian, or even mistakes, but which were a choice made by someone with a subtler purpose than we give them credit for.

Have you ever noticed something in your surroundings and thought that it was done deliberately to be beautiful, and maybe you are the only person around now to have noticed it as such?

submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/asklemmy

What is something you can’t live without, technology wise that saves you time?

I have to say it’s my virtual assistant I’ve made. It saves me a lot of time with making reminders and such alarms for meetings or interviews, music etc.


submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by _number8_ to c/asklemmy

(when seated in a group with others, i should clarify. if i'm by myself i'm absolutely happy to be on my phone or book)

i genuinely have an issue. it's like....there's people on all sides. i need to rest my eyes somewhere, esp in a social setting which is already inherently a bit wearing

  • if you look down at your food, you look sad or disinterested or whatever
  • if you look at the ceiling that's insane, isn't it?

so that's down and up out. let's look at:

  • the sides, which have people there or nearly there, or obscuring the view of a nice window or painting, and you can't stare at people.

fuck fuck fuck. what about:

  • the center. oh no. this is the nightmare zone. let's break it down into 3 sections: the top contains their face, that's quite insane to look at. downwards, the table across from you with their food, that could seem like you're looking at their body very intently, can't do that. the middle? if it's a woman, then that's very much bad form. but if you're a guy generally attracted to women, part of your brain wants to look no matter what, at least a little. and since when you're sitting, forward is the most natural direction to look (you can't really turn around or move, particularly), so you keep coming back to it and AHH FUCK

fucking nightmare.

submitted 6 days ago by wjrii to c/asklemmy

"We've almost got some of their telecommunications cracked; the front end even runs on a laptop!" The Mac that sunk a thousand ships could have been merely clunky product placement, not a bafflingly stupid tech-on-film moment.

"Senator Amidala is in a coma. Even if she recovers, she will never be the same and may not live long." But no.... George had to have his god-damned funeral scene, even if it demanded Simone Biles levels of mental gymnastics to save Carrie Fisher's most emotionally resonant moment from ROTJ, as well as one of the more intriguing OT lore dumps.

Bonus points if a scene was scripted or filmed and got cut.

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