
joined 1 year ago
[–] Gradually_Adjusting 1 points 12 minutes ago

Buddy, then it's you and me against the world. I'll be your campaign manager, you're the charismatic one.

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 1 points 15 minutes ago

Well that was depressing. Where's Professor Elemental when you need him

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 1 points 58 minutes ago

It's pretty simple - sex is basically your reproduction capabilities (in biology even this is far from trivial "A or B") while gender is more like how you see yourself, how you present to the world, and usually comes with certain assumptions and roles from the society you're in. That's why people say it's a social construct; it's literally constructed, socially. Being cis or trans just means whether your reproductive traits match your socially constructed traits.

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 1 points 1 hour ago

It feels awful to know this might actually happen again. I can only hope that America actually puts down the rebellion for good this time. We left the schism intact with a failed reconstruction, and look where that got us.

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 3 points 1 hour ago (2 children)

Fine line. We want "enough" charisma, but we don't want demogoguery.

I would have been fine with both of them having proxies for the debate and sitting in, with the proviso that they could chime in if their proxy said something they don't approve.

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 1 points 3 hours ago

Hail Sedatin'

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 2 points 4 hours ago

Probably just a kinky green grocer. What's good for the goose is good for the gander

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 35 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

Isn't it weird how all these stridently isolationist voices are taking Russian money? I just can't seem to connect this dot. Putin must really hate woke 🙃

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 11 points 15 hours ago

I could be swayed from voting for Biden angrily to voting for Biden with bland calm.

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 6 points 1 day ago

Now why would they be doing that?

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 3 points 1 day ago

I write again having done my own research. It turns out he's had a wifesaving neck surgery known as a twateotomy

[–] Gradually_Adjusting 2 points 1 day ago

"AI", if it ever does get invented, will be world changing (note the deliberately value-neutral term).

The value of NVIDIA depends on AI being increasingly costly to compute.

This, in particular, is not a foregone conclusion.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Gradually_Adjusting to c/foodporn

I made quesabirria de res and proveletta cheese with consomme. My little innovation is that I gave it a pat of cilantro garlic compound butter with flake salt on top. I'm gonna die happy. These are the best tacos I've ever made. They taste better than being thin, god help me.


A normal septagram continues in an unbroken loop, and is used by some to ward off evil as "god's favorite number". This broken septagram represents a failed attempt to resist evil. We can see pentagrams within from multiple angles, askew, but always frustrating the eye. We cannot ever fully defeat evil, nor attain divinity.


Living in a walkable city means my weekly shop is a few hours of walking or biking instead of being stuck in traffic, and I'm only mildly tired afterwards since I use a bike with pretty large pannier bags. Since I have no car related costs I can afford more fresh food, a healthier diet, and I can afford to be more choosy about the ethics of what I buy. There's a twice weekly farmers market about a ten minute walk away, and quiet walks through parks to get to the shops. Living somewhere with car centric infrastructure, as I used to, this lifestyle was far less feasible.

Have your experiences been different with moving to walkable/bikeable cities? Any questions or points to be made? I'm not very up on the theory side of city planning, but my experiences line up with the whole "fuck cars" thing.

Orcas wore dead fish as hats, and this was a fad among adolescents


I love this album, it's a quirky, twee little bop. Not my vibe at all under normal circumstances, but it speaks to the malnourished side of my soul that just wants to play Earthbound, laugh like a kid, and throw popcorn at the TV.


Absurdity is cruel, and cruelty is absurd.


But those tomatoes really stole the show

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Gradually_Adjusting to c/bready

200g flour

5g baking powder

Pinch of salt

30g oil

125g milk

Truly idiot proof. You just mix and roll out, cut with a glass cup, and cook in a pan. One came out undercooked, just split in half and toast right in the pan, it was actually the best one of the lot

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