this post was submitted on 30 May 2024
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[–] LEDZeppelin 659 points 3 weeks ago (15 children)

Now watch the Republican Party of “Law and Order”nominate a convicted felon to be the next president

[–] [email protected] 282 points 3 weeks ago (24 children)

You have to understand that this isn't ironic to them. To them, this was not a legitimate trial and trumped up charges, if you'll pardon the pun.

[–] ashok36 128 points 3 weeks ago (12 children)

The guy behind me that watches fox news all day because "he needs something to help him focus" immediately started spouting fox talking points as soon as the verdict was read. My younger coworkers were like, "no way, that's crazy" to all his bs. I just had to say, "no that's not true. I read the jury instructions and they don't say that." He moved onto insisting there was no evidence and Cohen perjured himself and at that point I was already on my way out the door.

He's Gen x, a landlord, new York exile, classic gabagool. Ugh.

[–] [email protected] 78 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

Gen Xer here that does not share your co-worker's moronic view. Lock him up!

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[–] [email protected] 94 points 3 weeks ago (12 children)

Maybe the phrase “trumped up charges” will have new meaning after today

[–] [email protected] 77 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

It's like when you're guilty of 34 felonies but still pretend you're innocent to scam idiots

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[–] [email protected] 78 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Don't forget their party of "family values" and "religious morals" candidate who slept with a porn star while his wife was recovering from giving birth to their child

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[–] [email protected] 451 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

To find out what rules he broke for each guilty verdict, search “trump rule 34”

[–] xantoxis 83 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Huh, idgi. I looked it up and all I saw was him getting fucked by 12 of his peers.

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[–] TropicalDingdong 448 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

Count #1: Guilty

Count #2: Guilty

Count #3: Guilty

Count #4: Guilty

Count #5: Guilty

Count #6: Guilty

Count #7: Guilty

Count #8: Guilty

Count #9: Guilty

Count #10: Guilty

Count #11: Guilty

Count #12: Guilty

Count #13: Guilty

Count #14: Guilty

Count #15: Guilty

Count #16: Guilty

[–] DeathbringerThoctar 245 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)
[–] babeuh 235 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Count #17: Guilty

Count #18: Guilty

Count #19: Guilty

Count #20: Guilty

Count #21: Guilty

Count #22: Guilty

Count #23: Guilty

Count #24: Guilty

Count #25: Guilty

Count #26: Guilty

Count #27: Guilty

Count #28: Guilty

Count #29: Guilty

Count #30: Guilty

Count #31: Guilty

Count #32: Guilty

Count #33: Guilty

Count #34: Guilty

[–] [email protected] 150 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)


[–] babeuh 129 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Again? Sure

Count #1: Guilty

Count #2: Guilty

Count #3: Guilty

Count #4: Guilty

Count #5: Guilty

Count #6: Guilty

Count #7: Guilty

Count #8: Guilty

Count #9: Guilty

Count #10: Guilty

Count #11: Guilty

Count #12: Guilty

Count #13: Guilty

Count #14: Guilty

Count #15: Guilty

Count #16: Guilty

Count #17: Guilty

Count #18: Guilty

Count #19: Guilty

Count #20: Guilty

Count #21: Guilty

Count #22: Guilty

Count #23: Guilty

Count #24: Guilty

Count #25: Guilty

Count #26: Guilty

Count #27: Guilty

Count #28: Guilty

Count #29: Guilty

Count #30: Guilty

Count #31: Guilty

Count #32: Guilty

Count #33: Guilty

Count #34: Guilty

[–] britishblaze 84 points 3 weeks ago (15 children)

Just one more time... I want it, no, NEED it one more time

[–] citrusface 79 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

I got you.

Count #1: Guilty

Count #2: Guilty

Count #3: Guilty

Count #4: Guilty

Count #5: Guilty

Count #6: Guilty

Count #7: Guilty

Count #8: Guilty

Count #9: Guilty

Count #10: Guilty

Count #11: Guilty

Count #12: Guilty

Count #13: Guilty

Count #14: Guilty

Count #15: Guilty

Count #16: Guilty

Count #17: Guilty

Count #18: Guilty

Count #19: Guilty

Count #20: Guilty

Count #21: Guilty

Count #22: Guilty

Count #23: Guilty

Count #24: Guilty

Count #25: Guilty

Count #26: Guilty

Count #27: Guilty

Count #28: Guilty

Count #29: Guilty

Count #30: Guilty

Count #31: Guilty

Count #32: Guilty

Count #33: Guilty

Count #34: Guilty

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[–] DirkMcCallahan 426 points 3 weeks ago (13 children)

When the GOP sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are convicted felons.

[–] [email protected] 80 points 3 weeks ago

That's just not true

The GOP is sending their best

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[–] [email protected] 326 points 3 weeks ago (15 children)

Can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Get fucked you piece of shit

[–] [email protected] 269 points 3 weeks ago (82 children)

I have doubts he will do any time.

[–] [email protected] 135 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I can dream. I guess there’s some consolation to his mind slowly becoming his prison. If anyone deserves dementia, it’s this traitor

[–] [email protected] 91 points 3 weeks ago (16 children)

Asshole kept comparing himself to Capone…

Let’s give him what he wants!

Sentence his ass to 11 years & a roaring case of neurosyphilis.

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[–] sudo42 317 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

An earlier article said the Trump team was hoping for a hung jury.

Guilty all 34 counts.

Certainly was a hung jury. Hung like a horse!

[–] sanguinepar 224 points 3 weeks ago (25 children)
[–] disguy_ovahea 140 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

In NY, even if he’s sentenced to prison, it’s up to the judge’s discretion whether he has to report to prison while awaiting appeal…and we all know he’s going to appeal.

[–] [email protected] 97 points 3 weeks ago (27 children)

Well here's hoping this judge is tired enough of Trump's shit.

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[–] [email protected] 175 points 3 weeks ago


[–] [email protected] 157 points 3 weeks ago (10 children)

Conservative comments on this joyous event can be divided into three groups.

Group 1: how dare the government do this to our golden god!?

Group 2: this is good for Trump’s campaign for reasons

Group 3: the demonrats are going to say mean things about us

Note that none of these are “oh man, I might have been wrong to support him.” The complete absence of regret coupled with severe delusions around trump are more than slightly distressing in the long term.

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[–] [email protected] 155 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

For more details, google "trump ruling 34"

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[–] [email protected] 153 points 3 weeks ago (55 children)

Do you guys think this matters to his voters/supporters?

[–] NeptuneOrbit 209 points 3 weeks ago (25 children)

Some undecideds, sure. It only takes ten thousand voters in a couple swing states to change the outcome.

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[–] [email protected] 74 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Everyone talks about his base as an unmoving monolith. But to get elected, he needs more than his base. He needs the fence sitters. Many of these people may be very ill informed about all the corruption in his original administration and his business dealings. This result will make a big difference to them because it's simple to understand. He's a convicted felon.

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[–] Jakdracula 137 points 3 weeks ago
[–] nyctre 116 points 3 weeks ago (13 children)

Holy crap... Did you guys read the bottom bit about Georgia voters?

"Another man Bob, playing with his bluegrass band outside a café, was more sure. He wanted a positive outcome for Donald Trump and said a conviction would not change his mind. What would?

“If he was convicted of murder, I'd be like that's not a guy I want to go for!” "

Not surprised, tbh, but I still find it ridiculous to read.

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[–] 3volver 112 points 3 weeks ago (31 children)

Good now that he's a convicted felon he can't run for president just like you can't vote, right? ...right? Fuck this system.

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[–] [email protected] 104 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I'll personally donate $100 to the DNC (i'm poor leave me alone) if Hilary goes to every campaign stop chanting 'lock him up'

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[–] [email protected] 104 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (10 children)

Ready for nothing to happen?

[–] dohpaz42 127 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

To be fair, I’d never thought he’d get this far. So maybe, just maybe, at least in an alternate universe, justice will actually be served. 🤞

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[–] [email protected] 101 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

I'm googling "Trump rule 34" but can't find anything related to his trial. Can you link some relevant article?

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[–] FlyingSquid 101 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Wait... this thread hasn't been Rikered yet? Just the other one? That gets fixed now.

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[–] randon31415 99 points 3 weeks ago (17 children)

Trump's civil trials: Half a billion in fines, lost ability to do business in New York.

Trump's Jan 6 Federal case: stuck with SCOTUS deciding on presidential immunity by looking at polls in September.

Trump's Stolent document case: postponed until an inept judge can figure out how to have a trial where one of the exhibits is "stolen plans to assassinat all current world leaders: CIA, do not distribute" without all world leaders catching wind.

Trump's Georga interference case: Trying to get the other 10 defendants guilty before going after Trump

This was the only case that could have given him prison time before the election. Let's see the judge screw it up.

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[–] DontRedditMyLemmy 99 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

In a row? Try not to commit any more felonies on your way to the parking lot!

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[–] Jakdracula 86 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)
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[–] LordOfLocksley 84 points 3 weeks ago (9 children)

This is only going to be considered by the swing voters come the election.

Die hard Trumpers will double down. Die hard Republicans would never vote for a Democrat, so better a felon than a Liberal. Die hard Democrats would never have voted for him anyway.

People who flip between the two parties now have another thing to consider when casting their votes, and only their internal compass will direct them to Trump or Biden

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[–] [email protected] 83 points 3 weeks ago (9 children)

I think the best we can hope for is house arrest, which would still be really good since he couldn't campaign. I doubt he will go to prison even though it would be amazing and hilarious to see him in those paper thin orange prison jump suits. He could be roommates with Nicholas Tartaglione, but I can only get so optimistic

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[–] [email protected] 83 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Sweet, but let me know when anything actually comes of it.

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