
joined 1 year ago
[–] FlyingSquid 1 points 43 seconds ago* (last edited 13 seconds ago)

I'm not sure what "cave women" (I hate that misconception) 20,000 yeas ago you're talking about, but abortions outside of medical settings are extremely dangerous, so women getting them some other way or just figuring it out on their own is going to kill many of them.

[–] FlyingSquid 1 points 2 minutes ago

Oh i do care about people dieing,

You literally said that nobody gives a fuck, make up your mind.

Empathy is a thing that isn’t really provable, you might feel bad when you kill a innocent, bit when someone charges you with a knife and you can shot him, you still do.

That's literally what empathy is. Innocence has nothing to do with it.

[–] FlyingSquid 1 points 9 minutes ago

My daughter is in online school, a public school in fact, and a WFH job would be difficult for me to hold because I have to spend all day supervising her, which is exhausting enough, and the job would have to be one I could do in the evenings.

[–] FlyingSquid 1 points 10 minutes ago

I think many of the people who push this aren't overtly racist, but there is no question that the source of all of this, Madame Blavatsky, was just a racist.

[–] FlyingSquid 3 points 12 minutes ago

It hasn't been put that way to many of them in the Fox News bubble they live in, which is a big part of the problem. They hear "abortion is murder" and don't think about it further than that.

[–] FlyingSquid 2 points 13 minutes ago (2 children)

Most of humanity has a thing called 'empathy,' wherein they care about others dying.

Also, I'm not 'letting a warmonger do whatever he wants.' I have no power to do anything about any warmongers and I doubt you do either, which is why you're complaining about it on Lemmy rather than acting. So maybe don't point fingers.

Also, I'm quite familiar with the paradox of tolerance, and that has absolutely nothing to do with people other than you caring about a war even if you say they don't. I care.

[–] FlyingSquid 1 points 16 minutes ago

North Korea can't even successfully launch satellites most of the time. I don't think they'll be able to do much with Russian ICBM technology if they can't do something that Russia has been able to do since 1957.

[–] FlyingSquid 3 points 22 minutes ago (4 children)

I give a fuck. Anyone who doesn't want lots of people to die gives a fuck. Just because you don't give a fuck doesn't mean you speak for everyone else.

[–] FlyingSquid 16 points 23 minutes ago (5 children)

But really, it doesn't matter why. A woman shouldn't be forced to carry a fetus for the same reason one of those anti-abortion fucknuts would object to being forced to give someone else one of their kidneys.

[–] FlyingSquid 2 points 25 minutes ago

At least Israel did one thing right. Hopefully this extends to all other places of worship.

[–] FlyingSquid 2 points 31 minutes ago (1 children)

I don't know about getting fucked, but I hear you can get pregnant on the Subway if you sit in the wrong seat puddle.

[–] FlyingSquid 12 points 53 minutes ago

Tots. A girl with five tots. She has this cookbook:

Done and done. (
submitted 18 hours ago by FlyingSquid to c/politicalmemes

Those are the radios in the photo. I adjusted the light levels, but it's not bright enough on that shelf.

I sort of stumbled into this collection. I had the three on the sides for years and two of them were gifts from my wife after I bought the first one because I liked it so much. Then yesterday, I saw that beautiful one in the middle in an antique store/junk shop for $18 and had to have it. Now we have it on that bookshelf in the photo to display them all, but the lighting is really inadequate. I want to install a light above them at the top of the shelf to show them off better, but I really don't know much about this stuff in terms of what sort of light I should be using and I don't want to waste my money on the wrong one.

None of my searching for how to light a Bakelite radio brings up anything fruitful no matter what search terms I can think to use.

Any ideas?

One last thought- Bakelite seems to love dust. I'm going to dust them regularly, but if there is a way to light them well without making the dust show up well, that would be great.

Not to mom shame... (
submitted 23 hours ago by FlyingSquid to c/lemmyshitpost

I haven't seen a funny New Yorker cartoon in years, but they used to have some good ones.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by FlyingSquid to c/pics

We decided to take a trip over to the charming little town and visit some antique stores. I got this first addition to my small Bakelite radio collection in years. You can't turn down a beauty like this for $18.

Does it work? Probably not. I'm not planning to find out.

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