
joined 2 years ago
[–] xantoxis 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

So this one isn't necessarily about the poverty and struggle, but it definitely feels like a character in the life of the main protagonist: Blue Ruin

(action/suspense film, but mc lives in a car)

[–] xantoxis 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I know, and I'm glad of it, but look: tech companies DO fuck around. A lot. There are lots of ways to pressure individuals into cutting corners, and to pressure auditors and controllers to look the other way. The regulators might catch them, but there's a very real possibility that a tech company fucks up REAL bad before they get shut down. They have a very long history of it.

[–] xantoxis 20 points 4 months ago (4 children)

You can swear on here. Stop censoring memes, it's fucking dumb.

[–] xantoxis 8 points 4 months ago

I'm a bit paranoid about neighbors stealing it. I live in a place where most people vote the way I do, but I'm still anxious about people just being assholes, or thinking I look like a conservative (I get it, I kinda do) even though I'm not.

I still mail mine in though, I just try to put it in my mailbox an hour before the carrier is gonna arrive to pick it up. Plus, I am subscribed to an email system that tells me when they get it.

[–] xantoxis 6 points 4 months ago (4 children)

And who's going to make sure these tech companies actually run a nuclear power plant responsibly? Have they ever run anything responsibly?

[–] xantoxis 27 points 4 months ago

Unfortunately, the bees weren't attacking Mark Zuckerberg, they were just hanging out at the build site.

[–] xantoxis 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Who's getting therapy, is that the kid from Home Movies?

[–] xantoxis 5 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

I'm ambivalent about this in some ways but what you're suggesting is compatible with what I would ask from them. If they're going to have a central directory, moderate that directory: that's one instance. Let others put up their own directories and moderate those; those are just additional instances. If the tech can be deployed to multiple instances, then it's federated by default.

[–] xantoxis 6 points 4 months ago (3 children)

I didn't say I wanted capitalism and American neoliberals, I said I wanted moderation or I won't put my identity and work and face next to people who want me dead. The app you're on, the community you're posting this comment in have moderation. Do you think the mods who receive reports about this thread are the Saudi government?

Cancel culture isn't real, grow up. The people who made the term up want you to demand that all conversations be treated equally, that all viewpoints should be able to shout down all other viewpoints until the internet is full of trash and we're all completely isolated. That's how fascism works: piss and shit into the discourse until nobody wants it any more. That is why X is becoming trash: because the person who owns it made it his first priority to start shitting into every progressive conversation until none of them wanted to be there any more. Taking away the ability to block and deplatform people SUPPRESSES minority voices, because that environment only rewards whoever shouts the loudest, and if you have a majority on the platform, you are shouting the loudest.

Everywhere is "beholden" to some person or organization that made the place and controls it. The stream directory of this app is already beholden to the people who put it up; their lip-service code of conduct suggests they don't want to platform nazis. The only thing I'm complaining about is that they aren't taking any concrete steps to ensure they're kept out.

[–] xantoxis 36 points 4 months ago (7 children)

The whole thing is dumb if you accept a premise of "infinite monkeys". An infinite number of monkeys will type the works of shakespeare immediately, because an infinite number of them will start with the very first key they hit and continue until the end. (So it'll be complete exactly as fast as a monkey can type it, typing as fast as simianly possible, with no mistakes.) You don't even need the infinite time.

It only becomes interesting if you look at the finite scenarios.

And BTW, the lifespan of the universe is finite due to the eventual decay of all matter, including the monkeys and the typewriters. There's no infinite time.

[–] xantoxis 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (6 children)

What about moderation or controls over the directory? I don't want to host a stream and be published next to nazis. Is anyone keeping them out? I do see a sort of lip-service "no tolerance" statement with no details about what fits that criteria and no claims of active moderation; without those two things it's toothless and the whole place is at risk of nazi bar syndrome.

[–] xantoxis 16 points 4 months ago (2 children)

It could have been worse, they were still charging up the THIS ROBOT IS TRAINED TO SMASH JIMMY'S DICK

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by xantoxis to c/liberalgunowners

I've owned my 9mm for 4 years without ever firing it, finally got up the courage to go yesterday and take a beginner class. Had a pleasant time, cleared away some anxiety. Turns out I'm actually not half bad.

Noticing that this community isn't getting much traffic, is there anywhere else folks are hanging out?


I'm an immich user, switching from a standard u/p login to an SSO-based login.

I've tested the SSO login successfully, it seems to work, and I'm not having any issues with that.

However, the account generated by SSO login has a different email address and identifiers from the account I created earlier. I don't want to start from scratch with my photos, as I've spent countless hours updating metadata.

I think I need one of the following:

  1. a supported, tested way to merge an account with another account. I don't know if this is going to be similar to the "partner sharing" feature. I don't want to simply share the photos, I want to have full control over them; including, if I delete a photo, it's gone forever.
  2. a tested way to manually update the database to change all identifiers over to the new account
  3. a way to login to the existing account via my SSO portal. I can create any SSO user I want, for example.
  4. a way to export the entire library with metadata and re-import it to the new SSO account, structured exactly the same way. Ideally this would also restore anything ML has done with my photos, but it's not a disaster if I have to wait for ML to recreate what it already did in the new account.

Does anyone have information on how to achieve one of the above?

Followup question:

  • can anyone confirm with certainty that metadata changes I made in immich have been saved in the image files in /library/upload/*? I am already making backups (both pg_dump and the entire contents of the library), but it would be nice to know where the metadata is actually kept, in case I have to do DR.
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by xantoxis to c/selfhosted

I've been on Tidal for years, but it's frustrating to use for lots of reasons (they only pay their artists slightly better than Spotify, streaming services are flaky, works poorly with my DLNA home speakers). I'm looking for something I can selfhost with the following features, and I would appreciate any suggestions in this direction:

  • integrates with downloading services (nzbget and qbittorrent; or better yet prowlarr)
  • has a suggestions/radio/mix feature, or integrates well with something that does. I currently use jellyseerr for other kinds of media, so something in that vein.
  • has a mobile app which lets me download all the tracks I want, or integrates with one that does. Big bonus points if the mobile app can play to DLNA speakers.

A bit about my lab:

  • Proxmox-based, lots of VMs and containers on 2 different cluster nodes. Lots of underprovisioned RAM in the cluster. Nodes run Fedora and I'm partial to quadlets, but I can convert anything to a quadlet if I need to.
  • Airvpn port tunneling is available to me.



I'm setting up with HA and zigbee smart bulbs. I've got a few automations already set up, such as turning on a bunch of lights in the morning and turning most of them off again at night.

All these lights still have physical switches. I don't want to take those switches out for lots of reasons, and putting smart switches there seems like overkill when the bulbs are already smart. What are people doing with their physical light switches to ensure that they don't get flipped?

Ideas I've had:

  • some kind of physical plastic covering that fits snugly around it. I'd probably do this if I had a 3d printer, but I don't. Maybe someone sells a thing like this? More just a reminder not to touch them.
  • Carefully paint the switches a different color (perhaps the HA color scheme?). Again, basically just a reminder. This especially makes sense with a few multi-switch plates where some of the connected lights are automated and some are intentionally left manual.
  • Entirely replace the plate with a smart switch? Besides incurring a nontrivial cost and being a bunch of work to install, this won't even help me with the aforementioned multiswitch plates. I don't want all my lights automated.

Other ideas?


This song plays in RDR (the first one) when you enter the nation of Mexico.


Seems self-explanatory

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