
joined 2 months ago
[–] sudo42 7 points 8 hours ago

Didn’t you hear about that about that wind turbine that exploded and spread wind all over a dozen farmer’s fields? /s

[–] sudo42 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Got a message saying I was banned from a sub I wasn't even subscribed to and hadn't posted to. I replied to the message telling them to get stuffed. They reported me and got me banned from Reddit for 3 days.

So instead, I banned Reddit and haven't looked back. F-'em.

[–] sudo42 4 points 1 day ago

Tesla's newest approach to cost-cutting? No longer paying for air in their customer's tires?


[–] sudo42 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

“Somebody’s got to pay for the grid,” Wara said. “Especially in the past, that somebody else is a low-income, poor-credit-score person who doesn’t own a south-facing rooftop maybe because they live in multifamily rental housing.”

Remember back in the '20s when PG&E pretended to care about low-income people as an excuse to raise rates on everyone?

[–] sudo42 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Nuclear Power Industry: "We need to invest $10B in nuclear plants!"
Everyone else: "Why not just spend $1B on battery storage instead?"
Nuclear Power Industry: "Nah, that's not feasible."

[–] sudo42 1 points 2 days ago

I skip the app and use one of Safeway's "Please Don't Rape Me" cards that I found in the parking lot.

[–] sudo42 260 points 3 days ago (6 children)

If you value your privacy and you have a choice between using a browser to access a service vs installing their app, use the browser.

Online services can get much more information about you through an app vs the browser. Browsers are generally locked down more. Apps in general have access to much more information from your device.

[–] sudo42 14 points 3 days ago

True. And the nepo-babies that lead these corporations are making millions off dollars each year simply by showing up to work.
Switching over to electric vehicles is inevitable. But who's going to do that work and take that risk? What if they screw up? Ain't no nepo-baby gonna screw up that cash cow. They're going to continue showing up to work every day, sucking up the income and when the end of gasoline happens, they'll throw up their hands and say, "No one could have seen that coming."

(To be fair, it's not just management. There are tons of people at every level who don't want to risk losing their job with an uncertain outcome over just showing up to work every day and doing the same job they already know. But it's the "leadership's" job to do that anyway for the long-term health of the company.)

[–] sudo42 4 points 3 days ago

But not at the software companies that require monthly subscriptions, right? They get money every month, so they have lots of incentive to fix all the bugs. Right? ... Right? /s

[–] sudo42 17 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Talking about energy wastage, next time you're walking around commercial buildings, pay attention to how many lights are on during the middle of the day.

Drove by a closed car lot the other day. The place has been abandoned for months. Weeds growing up everywhere. The entire lot is fenced off getting ready for demolition.
The only building on the lot is small and completely surrounded by glass walls, so you can see right through it. The red neon around the outside of the building is still on 24 hours.

[–] sudo42 7 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

I mix my wasabi and soy sauce every time. I also dip my sushi in this mixture rice-side down. I’ve never had anyone complain about this. If any sushi chef ever does complain I will just leave and never give business to that gas station again.

[–] sudo42 8 points 4 days ago

Just making doubly-sure the door won't pop off during the return flight.



I distinctly remember saying, "Beef".

Give Blood or Life (
submitted 6 days ago by sudo42 to c/lemmyshitpost

The blood center is getting aggressive...

Brown Sriracha? (
submitted 3 weeks ago by sudo42 to c/cooking

Has Huy Fong Sriracha changed color?

Saw a bunch of bottles at the store today, but instead of their usual brick-red color, the sauce was almost brown. I checked the expiration dates on a few bottles -- the date was June of 2026 (or there abouts, don't remember the exact date), so they weren't expired. Anyone know if these Sriracha bottles are unusual, or is Sriracha brown now?


Grass, weed, tree, just some of the sources of pollen that can send our allergies off.

In my experience, I’ll react (itchy eyes, etc.) for a day or two, then it will wane. Certainly the pollen I’m reacting to doesn’t magically disappear in a day. What processes do I have to thank that allow me to suffer only a relatively short time? Are the allergen in pollen unstable and break down quickly on their own? Are there bacteria or other life forms that are helping to break the allergens down?

Tearing eyes and draining noses want to know!


In the Dune universe, when a laser weapons hits a shield, both are destroyed in a nuclear explosion reaction.

So instead of building nuclear weapons, wouldn’t it be easier to tie a timer and a “parachute” to a laser gun and drop it from orbit onto your enemy’s city?

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