
joined 1 year ago
[–] gedaliyah 1 points 2 hours ago

This reminds me of that movie Tusk.

Don't watch Tusk.

[–] gedaliyah 1 points 8 hours ago

Okay, now we're cooking!

This is like when the bad guy from the last movie teams up with the heroes at the last minute to help fight the new big bad.

[–] gedaliyah 14 points 8 hours ago (3 children)








Burning down the house

[–] gedaliyah 2 points 10 hours ago

At least now you know who to blame

[–] gedaliyah 1 points 10 hours ago

Russia’s southern region of Dagestan held the first of three days of mourning Monday following a rampage by Islamic militants who killed 19 people, most of them police, and attacked houses of worship in apparently coordinated assaults in two cities.

In the early 2000s, Dagestan saw near-daily attacks on police and other authorities that was blamed on militant extremists. After the emergence of the Islamic State group, many residents of the region joined it in Syria and Iraq.

The violence in Dagestan has abated in recent years, but in a sign that extremist sentiments still run high in the region, mobs rioted at an airport there in October, targeting a flight from Israel. More than 20 people were hurt — none of them Israelis — when hundreds of men, some carrying banners with antisemitic slogans, rushed onto the tarmac, chased passengers and threw stones at police.

[–] gedaliyah 5 points 15 hours ago (2 children)

TBF to the sister in Christ, someone is taking the Giants down.

Automation (
submitted 16 hours ago by gedaliyah to c/lemmyshitpost
[–] gedaliyah 15 points 16 hours ago

So his usual spaghetti strategy - throw out every crazy idea and see what sticks. If the base doesn't like it then it was just a joke or misunderstanding - surely you didn't think it was serious, did you?

[–] gedaliyah 22 points 17 hours ago

Well... Good for them. Am I supposed to be alarmed by this? Weren't we saying a decade ago how China was the top contributor to pollution? Now they are doing something about it by investing in necessary tech?

If US and EU can't compete due to subsidies, let's increase our subsidies. C'mon, it's not rocket surgery.

[–] gedaliyah 14 points 1 day ago

Aren't cicadas already sex-crazed?

[–] gedaliyah 1 points 1 day ago

Thank you for adding. These details were not available at the time of posting.

[–] gedaliyah 12 points 1 day ago

The point is not that the church is evil. The point is that it's wrong and unAmerican even if the church is everything it claims to be.

Your church can be all about helping others, making a more equitable world, non-judgement, providing community services, teaching good ethics, etc. (what are you, pastafarian?), but it still does not belong in the public schools. Sorry not sorry to Christians and Pastafarians.

[–] gedaliyah 2 points 1 day ago

Not quite so cut and dry, but yeah. This is a likely possibility for what is meant by "the 10 commandments."


You can choose anywhere on earth, pick a decade, and hear music from that time and place. Pretty neat.


The synagogue is now on fire with large flames and plumes of smoke billowing heavily out of a series of windows on at least one floor of the structure.

At least one police officer was killed and another injured, according to preliminary reports from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan duty officer.


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi secured a third term, but his party lost its majority in parliament. Modi portrays himself as a strong leader of a rising nation, but his ten years in office have been marked by a fierce crackdown on dissent and India's ethnic and religious minorities. Producer Zeba Warsi traveled across northern India to report on the impact that has had on Muslims there.

Mozilla VPN? (self.piracy)

I see Mozilla pushing their VPN quite a bit by I don't think I've ever heard someone say they actually use it. Is it any good? How does it stack up next to the popular ones?


Texas law bans abortion, except when a doctor, in their “reasonable medical judgment,” believes it is necessary to save the life or protect the health of the pregnant patient. Doctors have struggled to know when they can safely intervene without risking their medical license, as well as potentially up to life in prison and a $100,000 fine.

The guidance was criticized as both overly vague and overly prescriptive. At a stakeholder meeting in May, Steve Bresnen said the board shouldn’t “be afraid to start with a blank slate.”


Rights activists have noted that, although prosecutions under the "sodomy" and "unnatural sexual offences" laws were infrequent, these laws have fostered ongoing discrimination against the LGBTQ community and instilled fear of arrest among gay men.

Namibia inherited the laws when it gained independence from South Africa in 1990, though same-sex acts between men were initially criminalised under colonial rule.

South Africa has since decriminalised same-sex sexual activity and is the only country on the African continent to allow LGBTQ couples to adopt children, marry and enter civil unions.


Called the Reproductive Freedom Alliance, the coalition’s executive committee—comprised of California, New Mexico, Illinois, North Carolina and Massachusetts meets frequently to help set the group’s trajectory. Spiegel said the alliance won’t allow itself to get distracted by the enormous scope of work and the ongoing attacks on reproductive freedom.


The land, water and air around us are chock-full of DNA fragments from fungi that mycologists can’t link to known organisms. These slippery beings are so widespread scientists are calling them “dark fungi.” It’s a comparison to the equally elusive dark matter and dark energy that permeates the universe.

submitted 3 days ago by gedaliyah to c/news

The land, water and air around us are chock-full of DNA fragments from fungi that mycologists can’t link to known organisms. These slippery beings are so widespread scientists are calling them “dark fungi.” It’s a comparison to the equally elusive dark matter and dark energy that permeates the universe.


Ukraine, including Kyiv, is struggling to cope with a new wave of rolling blackouts after relentless Russian attacks took out half the country’s power generation capacity.

Residents and businesses of Kyiv are adapting to the absence of electricity using generators, power banks, and flashlights and even recalculating their bathroom visits. Heavy damage inflicted to the country’s power system has left millions feeling uncertain about Ukraine’s ability to meet the national electricity demand after the warm weather months are over and the weather turns cold.

The circumstances force businesses and households to rely on alternative sources of electricity and light to get through a day as the summer heat makes more and more people use air conditioners. And many are worried the situation could get even worse.

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