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[-] 3volver 2 points 1 hour ago

Old white career politician celebrates black leadership while cannabis is still federally illegal and is about to send more money to Israel.

[-] 3volver 12 points 1 hour ago

You can't judge PC gaming by cherry picking shit releases. I could easily make the argument that it's the absolute best time for PC gaming.

[-] 3volver 4 points 3 hours ago

Weird, first time I'm hearing the term "jaydriving".

Most sources indicate that the term "jay driver" came before "jaywalker" there being numerous article headlines from 1905 through the next decade that include the term "Jay Driver." Peter Norton's book Fighting Traffic on 78 indicates that in 1922 use of the term "jay driver" was an attempt by George A. Davies to use the known meaning of "jay walker" and apply it to drivers of vehicles.

[-] 3volver 5 points 3 hours ago

I think you missed my point. The joke is the idea that one asshole driver spoils the ability to drive for anyone else, shitting on the statement "Don’t ride like an asshole or you might get ebikes banned in your area". Replace with "Don’t drive like an asshole or you might get cars banned in your area" with the same logic. Would never happen, because fuck this system and our infrastructure strictly designed to benefit oil companies.

[-] 3volver 18 points 5 hours ago

Imagine driving like an asshole got cars banned in your area.

[-] 3volver 2 points 18 hours ago

It's incorrect to assume he doesn't have any knowledge of economics. If you ever listen to him speak about Reagan you'd understand that yes, he does have an understanding of economics, just not from the perspective of someone brainwashed by the system.

[-] 3volver 6 points 1 day ago

He's not an economist and that's exactly why I trust him more.

[-] 3volver 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Whataboutism. Comparing the situation between Israel and Palestine to North Korea isn't smart. And you say what "we've" done to Palestinians, I haven't done anything to them, I didn't vote for any of that shit.

[-] 3volver 9 points 1 day ago

Is this a joke? He won without the popular vote in 2016, that already happened.

[-] 3volver 12 points 2 days ago

The pivotal moment in American history was at some point in the 1970s. We're experiencing the effects of bad decisions made 50 years ago. Sanders winning in 2016 was our last chance. Biden will never be a progressive. We need our votes to actually matter. We need ranked choice voting or STAR voting, and we need to end the electoral college, popular vote now. I'm cynical at this point. I've accepted the idea that things will need to get worse before meaningful change occurs, which has been happening regardless of what I believe anyway.

[-] 3volver 9 points 2 days ago

North Korea is such a let down for humanity, a sad disappointment. They'd be so much better off if they worked together with the world. I firmly believe the US military has a complete view of their imports/exports through spy satellites.

[-] 3volver 2 points 2 days ago

manufactured term “marijuana”

In accordance with my initial point that it's a racist law to keep it illegal, I'll use cannabis from now on. Reading the history of the usage of the term "marijuana/marihuana/mariguana".

It's funny how we try to regulate a plant, yet the term cannabis could be referring to industrial hemp or the dankest highest THC concentration cultivar possible.

Broadly, there are three main cultivar groups of cannabis that are cultivated today:

Cultivars primarily cultivated for their fibre, characterized by long stems and little branching.[21]

Cultivars grown for seed which can be eaten entirely raw or from which hemp oil is extracted.

Cultivars grown for medicinal or recreational purposes, characterized by extensive branching to maximize the number of flowers.[21]

A nominal if not legal distinction is often made between industrial hemp, with concentrations of psychoactive compounds far too low to be useful for that purpose, and marijuana.

submitted 1 week ago by 3volver to c/showerthoughts
The US isn't authoritarian (self.usauthoritarianism)
submitted 2 weeks ago by 3volver to c/usauthoritarianism

You're trivializing authoritarianism by focusing on the US. Focus on Iran or Russia instead, then you'd have yourself a fun time.

submitted 2 weeks ago by 3volver to c/nostupidquestions
submitted 3 weeks ago by 3volver to c/showerthoughts

It's becoming really annoying.

submitted 3 weeks ago by 3volver to c/reddit

I just wanted to peek at the front page. I guess they don't want people to use their shit anymore. I'm starting to believe in the dead internet theory.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by 3volver to c/showerthoughts

The way someone with $100,000,000 would perceive $1000 is how someone with $100,000 would perceive $1.

submitted 3 weeks ago by 3volver to c/nostupidquestions
submitted 3 weeks ago by 3volver to c/asklemmy
submitted 3 weeks ago by 3volver to c/general

The message should be for the US to stop sending money to Israel. Israel isn't going to stop this shit in the name of "peace". The best any US citizen can do is constantly berate the US for sending money to Israel. Biden needs to know he'll lose to the orange man in November if he doesn't take note. When you protest you need a clear demand, and the US could definitely stop sending money to Israel.

submitted 3 weeks ago by 3volver to c/nostupidquestions
submitted 4 weeks ago by 3volver to c/showerthoughts
submitted 1 month ago by 3volver to c/asklemmy
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