
joined 11 months ago
[–] DirkMcCallahan 7 points 17 hours ago

"Sounds like a good time to bring back company scrip."

  • Supermarket owners, probably
[–] DirkMcCallahan 3 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

3/10 Americans are complete idiots.

[–] DirkMcCallahan 17 points 19 hours ago

It's like they're actively trying to destroy the planet.

[–] DirkMcCallahan 9 points 2 days ago (3 children)

The real challenge is finding a decent hacking scene.

[–] DirkMcCallahan 41 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Edit: Thank you, kind stranger!

[–] DirkMcCallahan 6 points 5 days ago

I always thought that Big Bone Lick was a pretty funny name for a state park.

[–] DirkMcCallahan 8 points 5 days ago

Retroactively justifying the existence of vanity plates.

[–] DirkMcCallahan 2 points 1 week ago

I remember when I used to be able to find dedicated message boards for bands that I liked. Now I'm lucky if there's a subreddit where it's just a bunch of people submitting poorly drawn fan art of the band.

[–] DirkMcCallahan 16 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

I wonder if they fired the person who wrote out the death sentence.

[–] DirkMcCallahan 1 points 3 weeks ago

Netflix is really pushing the "boil a frog" theory to its limits...and sadly, so far, it seems as if its users are fine with it.

[–] DirkMcCallahan 2 points 3 weeks ago

Serious question from someone who isn't terribly technologically literate: if other websites adopt this feature, how will ad blockers adapt? For example, would they be able to fool the site into thinking that you've viewed the ad before you actually scroll down?

[–] DirkMcCallahan 12 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

There was a time in my life when I was wary of wearing out certain songs, but now I just play them to death if that's what I'm in the mood for. Life's too short to deny yourself the pleasure of hearing a song that you really want to listen to...and if you DO get tired of your current earworm, so much? There's so much great music out there that it shouldn't be long before you discover something new that you can immerse yourself in.


That is, is there an archive or a mirror somewhere? I don't want to give him the traffic.


Sorry if this is the wrong community for this. I'm looking for a compilation of Trump's most rambling moments (e.g., "Look, having nuclear"; Gettysburg being beautiful; etc.). Does anyone know of any sites that would have something like this? Thank you!


I usually avoid them because of the mark-up, but yesterday I was in the mood for a soda and didn't feel like going into a store and interacting with the cashier, so I bought one out of a vending machine. I enjoyed it. What about you? When was the last time you used a vending machine, and what did you buy?


Maybe I have sensitive gums or something like that, but eating the cereal right after I add the milk makes my mouth hurt.


“They’re doing this to create the appearance of impartiality so that they can continue their jihad against Donald Trump.”


They probably think it's funny, but it's actually a pretty good indictment of their greed.

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