Other Cons:
- Keep in mind a lot of people don't read much, if at all which is sad. Meanwhile, you still need to hire people.
- We're all motivated by money. Like you said you don't work for free. Neither would I. A job is a job and for most people it means sacrificing very precious hours of their time (time they will never get back, no matter how well they get paid) in exchange for that money. It's nothing but a contract which can be summarized as this: you give me money, I give you my expertise/willingness to sweat on my part of that contract. End of the contract. We're not family, we're not (yet) friends (and we never be), as an employer you have no say in what I do outside of work (no matter how it's becoming the norm to think the opposite), and what I like to read is none your business as my employer. Obviously, we may both be willing to talk about it but that's a personal choice. I just re-read P.K. Dick's Ubik, have you read it?