
joined 1 year ago
[–] nycki 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)
flat pyramids rule (
[–] nycki 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

I'm a huge fan of Mice Tea (nsfw), it's more comic than game (it's actually a choose-your-own-adventure) but I read it on my Deck <3

It's an erotic romance about a nerdy girl, a bookstore, and some magic tea that turns you into a furry. Tons of literal and metaphorical aftercare.

[–] nycki 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

this is my sticking point with fish. I still need to know bash for writing portable scripts, so its hard to justify scripting in fish.

[–] nycki 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

woah this is amazing!!! how do i subscribe to you?!

[–] nycki 17 points 1 week ago

I still use firefox despite their questionable leadership, for one major reason: it prevents Google from setting whatever web standards they want. Sites that aren't standards compliant will usually still work in Chromium-based browsers, but they will break in Firefox, and then I can report the bugs.

[–] nycki 3 points 1 week ago

The thing that sold me on the Steam Deck: mods. Mods for minecraft, mods for skyrim, mods for stardew valley, mods for SteamOS itself. I can customize it like no other console, and I don't even need to hack it first.

[–] nycki 12 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Not enough people seem to get that the Steam Deck isn't just a console that runs PC games, it's also a console that runs mods. The first games I played on mine didn't stretch its graphical capabilities, they were just games like Stardew and Minecraft that I could have played on the Switch, but only on the Steam Deck could I play them my way.

[–] nycki -1 points 1 week ago

maybe something like a Raspberry Pi and set him up with html? html and js is still a great way to learn, you get immediate feedback!


cards, dice, icehouse pyramids, and tiny plastic ducks

[–] nycki 2 points 1 week ago

yes there are and yes they do! actually that's the sole reason I decided to get textured vinyl instead of smooth, I like the touchpads being a bit textured.

[–] nycki 2 points 1 week ago

the good news is that they made a TON of them and you can pick one up in working condition for like $50 on ebay still.


i designed this and ordered a print from mightyskins, it came out pretty good!

[–] nycki 1 points 1 week ago

agreed, i prefer third party docks to the official one, especially if you want to put a silicone case on your deck.

gameboy mode (rule) (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by nycki to c/[email protected]

using an android phone running retroarch, an 8bitdo Zero Two wireless controller, and this 3D printable mount .

works pretty good for gb/gbc titles, and its much smaller than other controller attachments! I've been using it for some gba stuff too, like Game and Watch Gallery 4 or Pokemon: Too Many Types, which don't require the L/R buttons.

if this makes you want to buy a controller, I recommend the 8bitdo Micro, which is the same size but with two extra buttons.

submitted 1 month ago by nycki to c/196
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by nycki to c/[email protected]

inspired by The Best Way To Count.

mermaid diagrule (
submitted 2 months ago by nycki to c/[email protected]

made this to demonstrate mermaid flowchart generator


Homeworlds is a pure strategy game played using a set of colored pyramids. The colors and sizes represent different resources, and the goal is to build an interstellar supply chain to destroy your opponent's home planet.

Because the game is pure strategy, there's a risk of the meta becoming stale someday. Chess and Go are intimidating to new players because you basically have to study centuries of meta before you can do anything new in them.

So I've been thinking about ways to modify Homeworlds to be "imperfect strategy". This is my favorite pitch so far: the Secret Weapon.

When building your homeworld at the start of the game, each player also secretly places a 12mm dice under a large opaque pyramid. I'm using black 'mids here because they're not used for any purpose in game. The number on the hidden die represents one of the four resource types: 1 = yellow (warp), 2 = red (steal), 3 = green (replicate), 4 = blue (transform).

Once per game, without costing an action, you may reveal your Secret Weapon. Immediately take any piece of that color from the bank, and build it at your homeworld.

I haven't playtested this yet, so let me know if you do. I'm hoping it would lead to situations in the early- to mid-game, such as "hmm, I think it's safe to build a large piece, because you can't steal it this turn... unless your secret weapon is red, of course." The bluff and counter-bluff would make it impossible to play perfectly, so the meta would always have room to evolve.

budget vr rule (
submitted 2 months ago by nycki to c/[email protected]
dinosaur.png rule (
submitted 2 months ago by nycki to c/[email protected]
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