
joined 8 months ago
[–] nycki 4 points 3 days ago

Its not that they think they'll be affected. Its that they believe the market is "fair", and therefore rich people must have "earned it", and taxes are an unfair punishment.

Of course the reality is that the market is only ever fair when it approaches equilibrium, which is typically achieved through taxes...

[–] nycki 4 points 3 days ago

lol, as if the internet would survive long enough to be studied archeologically. most digital media lasts 10 years, 20 tops. future archeologists will get whatever was worth laser-etching into a sapphire disc and they'll just have to live with that.

[–] nycki 13 points 5 days ago

stronger products need less advertising, so an over-advertised product is likely inferior.

[–] nycki 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Technically there is a successor to Vib-Ribbon but it's iPhone only if I recall? "Russian Dancing Men".

[–] nycki 2 points 1 week ago

Retro/Grade is a rhythm/shooter mashup where you travel backwards through time and un-fire a bunch of lasers to un-kill a bunch of ships. It was designed for a guitar hero controller if I recall? I found the visuals nauseating and the music lackluster but that premise is gold and deserves another chance.

Also PLEASE play the music backwards??? It's a game about going back in time, c'monnnnn.

[–] nycki 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Alley Cat actually got a second chance! Look up "Alley Cat: ReMeow"

[–] nycki 1 points 1 week ago

hell yea cohost representation

[–] nycki 9 points 1 week ago (3 children)

If they enable IMAP for all accounts that'd be awesome. I've been reluctant to use their mail system in case it just becomes another lock-in.

[–] nycki 14 points 1 week ago

syncthing is the easy option if you have some files you always want to have on both. if you just want to access your desktop files from your phone, I recommend Cx File Explorer for Android, it's a file browser that supports various network file share protocols including Samba and SFTP.

[–] nycki 13 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'm impressed that you found a way to give an answer less helpful than 'just google it.' Where do you think chatgpt (and google) get their knowledge?? Threads like this one.

[–] nycki 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I would avoid the .us domain unless you have a good spam filter. If you register with .us, you get put on a public list, and you get calls from people begging you to hire them to design your website.

[–] nycki 11 points 2 weeks ago

I dont. Its honestly not great. I'd rather that effort went to preserving and repairing the existing tools of the free and open web -- the old protocols are extensible. Imagine if we had an RSS client with a "reblog" feature!

"Federation" adds overhead and honestly creates as many problems as it solves. It's not a selling point, its a price tag.


This article says that NASA uses 15 digits after the decimal point, which I'm counting as 16 in total, since that's how we count significant digits in scientific notation. If you round pi to 3, that's one significant digit, and if you round it to 1, that's zero digits.

I know that 22/7 is an extremely good approximation for pi, since it's written with 3 digits, but is accurate to almost 4 digits. Another good one is √10, which is accurate to a little over 2 digits.

I've heard that 'field engineers' used to use these approximations to save time when doing math by hand. But what field, exactly? Can anyone give examples of fields that use fewer than 16 digits? In the spirit of something like xkcd: Purity, could you rank different sciences by how many digits of pi they require?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by nycki to c/[email protected]

Following the advice here I tried recording data to a cassette. I'm using maxwell tapes and a "tomashi" walkman with a mic input. The output is extremely noisy and I have very high data loss. I tried recording music and that's very noisy too. I'm guessing I need a better recording device? Why does it matter though? Or am I missing another step?


Following this tutorial, I tried gyro aiming on my Dualsense controller, which has analog triggers and gyroscopic motion controls. I set gyro to act as mouse, activated by a right trigger soft pull. If you use Steam with a controller I highly recommend this; it gives you almost as much control as a mouse and keyboard! Along with a few other custom rebinds, this gives me a console-ish experience on Minecraft Java :)


It's been long enough that I'm sure someone besides me has shelled out the $200 for a DS5+, since it's a bluetooth controller with a touchpad and grip paddle buttons. Is it worth it?

Edit: To clarify, I own a Dualsense, but I'm lusting after the Dualsense Edge revision.


I have a steam deck dock in the living room, with a dualsense and some joy-cons paired to it. Are there any games similar to Ring Fit that work well on PC/Steam? Do I need a new controller or can I use these?

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