i'm not a woman but something tells me that they wouldn't want to be with a person who even remotely considers the idea of owning a robotic sex-slave.
Am a woman - can confirm. It’s such a self own it’s laughable. They didn’t want a partner in the true sense to begin with.
... Can it do domestic labor or just sex? I am a woman and frankly I'd be interested in a robot wife.. I've got my husband for sex but we're tired of cooking dinner and cleaning the house. We'd both like a wife.
Nab a crate loading robot from an Amazon warehouse, it can lift more and will have much less pricey maintenance.
Most of those men were never that desirable on a personality level anyway.
They think of women in transactional terms, where they only do what's necessary to get laid.
I think, especially the incel types almost live in an RPG. Women are just NPCs, you do some quests for them, fetch her father's sword from the orc cave, hit the right speech options and if you gathered enough reputation, you get the ethereal pussy of power that gives +5 on mana.
Switching directly to robots does make sense in that world.
I really don't understand the dot connection from sexbots existing to women becoming secound class citizens or whatever they think will happen. It's as if they think women only exist for sex and marriage and won't have a purpose without it. And that's not even to go into their assumption that every single person will decide that having a human connection is pointless and can be replaced by a non sentient(god I hope so) sexbot.
I feel like it would free a lot of women to focus on their careers and stuff as opposed to being conditioned to find a husband.
Is this how we remove these "alphas" from the gene pool? Hmmm... carry on.
And nothing of value was lost.
Awesome. As a woman, I cannot wait for the day men will be so occupied with a robot waifu, that we can finally walk safely at night.
The idea that Musk would have a black robot girlfriend is the most unbelievable part of this.
That was probably just a mistake from the racist image generator secretly adding the word black to the prompt
Should of
As a non native English speaker, that is the grammar mistake that most baffles me in natives. Like, how does anybody think that “of” is the right word there, how does it make sense in their heads.
True 🦴🍎☕️ material, if it weren’t that absurdly common.
I think the mistake might come from a lack of reading. The contraction "should've" is often used in speech, which might be mistakenly written as "should of" if you don't read a lot and see it written properly all the time. We've mostly lost the voiced quality of "v" at the ends of words like that, so it's basically pronounced "should-uf" in American English.
I feel like someone, somewhere, ate the onion.
At this point, I think the universe has eaten the onion.
lol this would be amazing news for straight women. it should be super cheap and accessible too. imagine the number of weirdos who will preliminate themselves from dating before you even know them. what a wonderful gift to the world. it's great for straight men too, if the women won't have to spelunk through so much garbage to find a normal dude.
I'm looking forward to the anguished screeching when they find out that male sexbots will be a thing too.
Would be an interesting timeline if your hookup line is: "Hey, our sexbots should totally smash."
We're just a few pandemics away from that.
"Robot files for first robot-human divorce from musk"
I love the logic here: if you won't fuck us, we'll fuck machines.
that'll show 'em. goddamn.
I am 100% behind this. If you want to fuck a robot because "western women" are "to blame" then you go right ahead. Take you and your robot back home and don't come out until you can play well with others.
He'll believe the robot wives when they pay him the compliments he programmed them to give.
No big surprise we have a anti feminism group here in Australia.
Probably full of the same dickheads causing all issues here in Australia (lots of them tend to be construction or truckies for whatever reason)
I don't think men want robot wives. Believe it or not most men actually like women and enjoy their company. A robot could never compare.
Only western women though, they are the degenerate ones that deserve being made obsolete. Nice Slavs and Asian women are obedient and keen to home slavery, so they won’t be impacted by this competition. Thank god.
Damn imagine being the richest man alive and all you can do to get a picture with women is “make” your own ai
It's weird that no one is even questioning where the robot husbandos are.
Especially since, like, women have been using machines to pleasure themselves for a while now and it's still kind of a novelty for most het cis men
These are automated body pillows. FTFY.
But he can’t even get a self driving car right. Why would I believe that he can replicate women before that?
Help! My dick got stuck in my Titsla Cybercuck while it was updating, and I'm gonna be late for work!
Dons boomer hat
Well we all know women can't drive either, am I right fellas?
Turns toward camera. Cue laugh track
Misogynists and fascists like disgusting Elon aside, I do believe there is a serious problem on the horizon.
Just existing AI capabilities, "cyberdildonics" and virtual reality headsets. It doesn't have to be a full sized sex robot, simple hardware like the handy already exists.
Imagine combining that with a ChatGPT and video generating AI that is designed to create "engagement" similar to how social media does this - not just with sexual pleasure but also through generated stories creating a pseudo intimacy based on illusion.
It sounds pathetic but algorithms could relatively quickly generate the "ideal" forms of pornography and stimulation to maximize pleasure, including "aural" stimulation and sex stories. And that generated for the tastes and desires of each individual.
So there is at least the possibility of a kind of addiction or at least habit forming from a kind of "ultra porn". Long term this will lead to changes in dating and procreation and socialization, if sexual desires are being able to be fulfilled illusionary and in a fantasy world.
No matter how pathetic you think this is, it's going to be a real problem or at least disruption. Obviously it won't be a feminist "self own".
Oh no, the shittiest men in the world will stop being a problem, the horror.
More evidence men should have been given dolls as kids... brought to you by the same men who would flip out if you suggested giving dolls to boys