USA is collapsing, and best we can do now is hope for a better future in its ashes.
Buddy, look at who are the other major players right now. Russia, China, and the EU. If you think for for a hot second that whatever rises out of this fire is going to be better, have I got news for you.
Yeah, fairness doctrine is shit. I would prefer a law where when a media source deliberately spreads misinformation, the must provide equal time and visibility for an approved retraction.
So when fox had all those assholes come on and talk about how migrants were eating all the cats and dogs, based on one the Twitter post recounting the story of a friends daughter's friend's temporarily missing cat, they should have had to run equal time segments on the same channels and local stations admitting that they failed a basic journalistic test to question the validity of that info, and that after further investigation it appears to be blatantly false.