
joined 11 months ago
[–] Bytemeister 15 points 4 hours ago (3 children)

IT, more specifically user support.

Let's talk passwords. You should have a different password for every site and service, over 16 character long, without any words, or common misspellings, using capital, lowercase, number and special characters throughout. MyPassword1! is terrible. Q#$bnks)lPoVzz7e? is better. Good luck remembering them all, also change them all every 30 days, so here are my secrets.

1: write your password down somewhere, and obfuscate it. If an attacker has physical access to your desk, your password probably isn't going to help much. 2: We honestly don't expect you to follow those passwords rules. I suggest breaking your passwords down into 3 security zones. First zone, bullshit accounts. Go ahead and share this one. Use it for everything that does not have access to your money or PII (Personally Identifiable Information). Second zone, secure accounts, use this password for your money and PII accounts, only use it on trusted sites.Third, reset accounts. Any account that can reset and unlock your other accounts should have a very strong and unique password, and 2FA.

Big industry secret, your passwords can get scraped pretty easily today, 2FA is the barest level of actual security you can get. Set it up. I know it's a pain, but it's really all we've got right now.

[–] Bytemeister 1 points 5 hours ago

Better sex-ed in schools. A philosophy change that the best thing you can leave behind on this planet is nothing.

[–] Bytemeister 4 points 5 hours ago

Crikey, she's a beaut.

[–] Bytemeister 1 points 11 hours ago

She might be wearing it to keep other people away and stop them from taking to her.

It really does stop the voices, just not the voices you'd expect.

[–] Bytemeister 7 points 12 hours ago

Not sure why people rip on commercial air travel so much.

Some "back of the napkin math here".

A380 can hold 84,545 gallons of fuel, and has a range of 9200 miles, giving it a fuel economy of roughly 0.1MPG...

Except it can carry 853 people at a time. At 1/3rd capacity, it exceeds the average fuel economy per person per mile than a car with a single person in it in the US. (26mpg). At full capacity it's around 85 mpg/person.

[–] Bytemeister 5 points 13 hours ago

Classic Antifa/leftist/woke propaganda trying to destroy America. Corporations are people, especially the ones that donate/have financial ties to politicians

[–] Bytemeister 3 points 13 hours ago

It's about a political as glasses, braces, crutches, wheelchairs, insulin pumps, or any other exterior medical devices. Fuck off with that false equivalency bullshit.

[–] Bytemeister 6 points 15 hours ago

Yeah, as someone who still frequently wears a mask, I occasionally get comments, but telling the person off because they have no idea that my partner/child/sister/mom/grandparents may have compromised immune systems usually shuts them the fuck up.

[–] Bytemeister 11 points 15 hours ago (2 children)

Only thing that is approved is full spectrum light bulb up the ass, and Lysol shots with a Clorox chaser.

[–] Bytemeister 1 points 1 day ago

I think I would do okay, but that's because I had a watch fascination when I was in school. Big thing that revolutionized navigation was stable clocks that could work on a boat. Depends on how far back you go really.

[–] Bytemeister 0 points 2 days ago (1 children)

In the US, you own the airspace up to the highest point of your property, including structures (and maybe trees). You also technically own your underground property to the center of the earth, but you may not have mineral rights to it.

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