mullet for my valentine is so good
he already looks like all three
I'd say you're half right. what i meant was back then it was fringe, and the majority of people didn't take them seriously. the internet not only brings these people together but galvanizes their beliefs and spreads them. they're not just louder, they are more numerous. and stupider.
this is the most annoying part for me.
even conspiracy theories are much more stupid than before. at least a lot of old conspiracy theories had some reason behind them. black helicopters, hidden aliens, multiple shooters... whatever, yeah you could see why they might have happened, and why the government would have reasons to keep those under wraps if they were true.
now they're like ... trans agenda (whatever that is), covid to cull the population, covid vaccines to implant chips, 5g, flat earth (I know it's old but there's no way it was as popular as it is now)... just the fucking dumbest, most nonsensical, pointless, improbable and impractical shit.
god I missed playing deus ex. it doesn't hit the same now. at the time it was a ridiculous story that incorporated every well known conspiracy theory, and it was fun as an obvious fantasy world where those things were all true.
now knowing there's a alarmingly huge number of people who not only believe those but much much stupider shit while ignoring what theie government is doing right in front of their face ... it just ruined my enjoyment of it. what used to be obvious fantasy now sounds exactly like genuine right wing propaganda. fuck me.
Extreme responses like this push people with genuine questions away.
This makes it impossible to learn.
are you a bot? this comment has nothing to do with anything.
kendrick lamer
Iran maiden
loo fighters
lady maga
nine inch fails
pearl ham
this is worse than the ratm one
it said ruin not improve
the what store now