
joined 1 year ago
[–] pelya 3 points 1 hour ago

Just do a quick simple sudo apt-get install task-kde-desktop

[–] pelya 1 points 1 day ago

You can listen to FM radio with gqrx relatively easily, if you can navigate through hundreds of input boxes.

sudo apt-get install gqrx

Anything more complicated will require some coding knowledge, unless someone already created a library for that specific thing.

There is also a ready-made package to listen to GPS signal, unfortunately it needs an external amplifier and a proper antenna, because RTL-SDR is not sensitive enough for GPS.

[–] pelya 24 points 1 day ago (10 children)
[–] pelya 10 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Because TeamViewer will set up a port forwarding and a NAT traversal for you.

VNC and RDP only work when your host has a public IP, or you know how to set up a proxy.

[–] pelya 5 points 5 days ago

It's the Secret Service of Ukraine. Dissidents don't join the Secret Service in the first place, and the people 'purged' got treason charges.

[–] pelya 1 points 5 days ago

No one does firing squad nowadays. It's either poison or defenestration.

[–] pelya 2 points 1 week ago

You don't need to worry about the accuracy of your smoothbore pistol pepperbox if you fix your target with the attacked spearpoint before each shot.

[–] pelya 21 points 1 week ago (1 children)

RISC-V is not proprietary enough.

[–] pelya 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

So if I'm developing a garage door opener using ESP32 RISC-V module, I'm not a RISC-V developer? The dev tools and the cross-compiler only come in x86_64 variant, they simply won't work on RISC-V laptop. But at least they provide a Linux installer.

The only use case I can think of is to build Debian packages on a target architecture without cross-compilation, because many packages do not support cross-compilation, but it's more an issue of poor build scripts.

[–] pelya 15 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Targeting developers is, I dunno, misses the audience. It would have been a great netbook, or a Raspberry Pi replacement.

If I develop something for Risc-V arch, it is probably some embedded thing with 100 MHz CPU and 2 Mb RAM, and I am cross-compiling it anyway on my more powerful PC.

[–] pelya 6 points 1 week ago

That's what the asteroid belt is for!

[–] pelya 9 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Go on and put AR-15 on your flag, be like Mozambique with AK-47 on their flag.


I've unlocked all weapons in Vampire Survivors, and I'm too bored to grind the remaining 14 unlocks.

Please recommend me some proper, $10 up-front games.


I've alrealy played all versions of Space Marshals, Tesla vs Lovecraft, Tesla Force, Jydge, Crimsonland, Grind Infinity, Solomon Keep, PewPew, and Vampire Survivors (although it's not twin stick but close enough).

Are there any new twin stick shooters, preferrably something I can pay for once and without IAP going up to $100?


I want to open large image with comments below when clicking on a post, like in Jerboa


Is there a way to cast my phone screen to TV using some kind of Tasker plugin? I'm using screen cast to view one specific app on a big TV, but the screen mirroring stops whenever the wifi blinks, and I'd like it to reconnect automatically.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by pelya to c/androidgamers

I've encountered many, many mobile games where the character needs to perform five different actions, so the developer adds five separate buttons to the screen. Of course you will mis-tap them and die in the middle of a boss fight.

The best touch controls are achieved when the dev designs the game around touchscreen, not attempts to adapt touch controls for some existing game.

For platformers there are two movement buttons on the left, and three buttons on the right part of the screen - jump, attack, and alternate attack or some action like dodge. Any more buttons make the game hard to play. There is also a common mistake of making buttons the size of a thumbtack. Ideally the buttons should be as big as a 5 Euro coin, that would be a third or even a half of screen width for most phones.

My recommendations are SuperTux and Swordigo.

For twin-stick ahooters there are two joysticks, and maybe one or two extra action buttons above the right joystick, but not anything more.

The best examples are Space Marshals and Crimsonland.

Top-view RPGs and dungeon crawlers also tend to use twin stick controls. The gameplay tends to be more relaxed, because you can slways grind few more levels and don't bother dodging enemy attacks.

Shoot-em-up is another type of game that works really well with the touchscreen. Your aircraft follows your finger no matter where you touch the screen, it's simpe and it works well. There is a wide variety of quality shmups on Play Store, try OpenTyrian for some classic DOS gameplay.

Honorable mention to swipe controls. You can swipe up/down/left/right without aiming for a specific button and even without looking at the screen, ao it's impossible to mis-tap the wrong button. The downside is that swiping is slower than taps, so the gameplay tends to be slower. Reaper is a good example.

First person shooters are okay for casual gaming, but playing any competitive Counter Strike clone like Critical Strike or Critical Force will earn you a friction burn on your finger, because you are swiping the screen non-stop to aim.

I'm not reviewing strategy games here, they can have 10-layer menus and dialogs and still be playable.

Some racing games support gyroscope as a replacement for the steering wheel, it works rather well.

And of course there are infinite runner games. I don't want to call the whole infinite runner category trash, there are some good runner games like SmashHit or Vektor or Alto's Odyssey, but if it's three lanes infinite runner, you will watch ads each 30 seconds, and the gameplay is only fun for the first 30 seconds.

Flappy bird. Best touch controls ever, but the game itself is garbage.

There is a specific class of mobile gamers who are using gamepads. The gamepad is great for sure, you have a separate button for each finger, however the gamepad is more often than not bigger than the phone, so you are losing convenience and need clothing with huge pockets.

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