Right, but aren't those girls in it for the attention? The thrill? Sounds like she's not getting any attention, either.
The craziest thing about this is that you're boss doesn't text you anything else all day?? Is all other communication over email? I mean I assume a lot of it is face to face but they never message you while they're in a meeting?
I have no idea if you're a man or a woman, but I'm guessing based on your comment, you're a man? You're talking about those hooks/ indents like halfway between the hook and the end of the hanger? I think those are a lot more useful on women's clothes, which tend to have much wider necks which means they just slip right off hangers. The hooks help wide neck blouses and jackets stay on the hangers, and they're especially useful for tank top or spaghetti strap type tops and dresses.
I hear you but after my husband was laid off (along with thousands in his field in our area) he looked for months and months for a new job. Unfortunately so did the other thousands, so sometimes even with 6 or 8 interviews he wouldn't get the job. One place ghosted him after THEY made an offer.
He's an apprentice now in a trade. These two years are really tight with money, but we wish he had started up in the trade immediately instead of wasting all that time looking. We'd be surviving better on this low pay if we hadn't had so many months of zero pay for him.
Wow what a great response, thank you so much! I had no idea we had such a Small beam. I guess the downside of that is the rest of the world won't be as concerned with figuring out how to stop it as they would if it were more random.
How long before impact would we learn where the hit is going to be? A real lotto scenario, but my money is on the ocean. What happens if it hits the ocean?
I agree that the adults here are the most responsible, but I hope those kids understand the gravity of what they've done.
"It [the bullying] had gotten so aggressive, Carranza was meeting with a school counselor multiple times a week. Her family, however, was never notified."
What the literal fuck. The bullies said the bullying wouldn't ease up until her family got deported. She was meeting with the school counselor several times a week and the school didn't separate the bullies out? They didn't notify the parents? I hope people are held personally liable. Your beloved little girl taking her own life is an unimaginable tragedy.
The president is setting such a shameful example.
Obviously we need to support everyone and ableism is bad, but I wouldn't want to get drafted which is basically a death sentence and then a guy who gets bring from A to B mixed up with bring from B to A is beside me with a loaded gun. I definitely wouldn't want him behind me with that gun. To say that's elitist is intentionally naive.
That's like saying you're the authority on what an acid trip feels like because you watched someone take one. Also step parents and adoptive parents love their kids without "having" them
Separate from this conversation I'm guessing you're pretty young based on your response, and I want to just ask if you're doing ok.
Like bread and noodles for dinner and skipping breakfast, not getting 8 hours of sleep.. I hope you're doing well and remembering to take care of yourself. Veggies and protein are important! Even if you're just opening a can of beans and a can of carrots, you should give your body something more than grains. Seems like you don't like up put a lot of effort into dinner so I'd at least suggest those frozen bags of veggies that you microwave in the bag they come in to steam them. Aldi has them pretty cheap!
You might take the bus on the many make days a year there's a heat advisory to stay indoors In my state (USA). Plus often when it rains here, it's not a little rainy. It goes from sunny to pouring in 15 minutes, torrential downpour for 20 minutes and right back to sunny. Pretty unpredictable. But mostly I don't think it's nuts to take the bus to class when there's time pressure and then walk home when there's not.