
joined 1 year ago
[–] ChexMax 12 points 23 hours ago

In my area you get a gift for donating. Usually a T-Shirt, but often a T-Shirt and a movie ticket, or a $10 gift card or once I got an insulated lunch box. The movie ticket era was nice because you could donate blood with your significant other and then go to the movies together, and feel good about donating. A good but weird date every couple of months

[–] ChexMax 15 points 2 days ago (6 children)

Yeah pixels are awesome. Call screening is my favorite feature. Someone calls and my robot assistant asks why they're calling, and then I get a real time transcript of who they are and why they're calling and I get to decide whether or not I pick up.

[–] ChexMax 10 points 3 days ago

$1500 a month? I wish!

[–] ChexMax 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

What am I missing about your point?

Looks like income dropped following 2020 and hasn't returned yet.. am I miss reading?

[–] ChexMax 2 points 1 week ago

Yep, assigned reading in Florida

[–] ChexMax 3 points 1 week ago

Kids! I thought when I was a kid I wanted them no matter what. In my early twenties I decided I only wanted kids if I could find the right partner. Now I have one. Sometimes my partner is great, sometimes he sucks. I don't care, because my kid is great. She's a joy to be around and gives my life purpose in a way I didn't realize was possible. My whole purpose is just to enjoy reading her a story in that moment. My whole purpose is to feed her when she's hungry. My whole purpose is to look into her eyes. My whole purpose is just to enjoy the moment I'm in, and she accidentally causes me to be fully present so often. It's amazing.

That said, I would say if you're not 80% sure you want kids, don't. Figure out what would get you to 80% first. Financial stability, a good partner, a solid career field, etc.

[–] ChexMax 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

As a former Golden delicious stan, may I suggest trying honey crisp? Now there are two apples I prefer and I get a little variety

[–] ChexMax 10 points 1 week ago (2 children)

If this is the case, they should put a ring around the base with what color the markers are. As long as the lid is the main indicator of color, people will put them lid up. Is lying down ok, or does that ruin them too?

[–] ChexMax 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I've gotten the whistle. Only when I was a teenager though. Seems the type of man who whistles doesn't like adult women

[–] ChexMax 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Did anybody else read tangerine as a kid? I still think about it pretty often and I'm 30.

[–] ChexMax 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

How much is a convection oven? Because my air fryer was $35 and it's amazing. What's the scam here? It's much smaller and available for very cheap. Unless convention ovens are way cheaper than I think? Looks like even the cheap "countertop" ones are a couple hundred bucks. The real ones are 15 hundred easy.

[–] ChexMax 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You're fighting for semantics, but the other guy is right here. Organic labeled food and "organic food" can be used interchangeably


Is anyone else having the issue where you're 30 comments deep into a post, you reply to a comment and when you submit it refreshes the whole post making you lose your spot in the comments?

Is there anything I can do to prevent this?

I'm on a Google Pixel if that's relevant.

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