*shits in own water.
Owing to how water works.
*shits in own water.
Owing to how water works.
It's insulting to president musk and his fat, gross lap dog.
War is tactics. This is connected to his people being murdered by russians in the field, which is where the camera not held by liars is pointing.
Didn't they come out after he went publicly crazy?
They know that if they give them credit for it, they'll keep doing nothing.
Guess jack daniel's is on team everybody and knows that trump's a dumbfuck now and will oppose him at every turn.
No they don't, they're just foaming at the mouth with rabid anger, like the shittiest kid you ever saw break down in public.
In order to love something, you first must be able to love.
Nationalize Amazon.
It's become that now, because of trump, and the news' failure as journalists. They're basically complicit, and won't report plainly.
oders hospital to be stuffed with puppies and blown up
"In a spectacular, controversial move indicative of the president's unusual presentation style..."
Pussies. They think their job is to have a certain news-like tone, instead of understanding reality which is that their job is to tell the god damn news.
It's not a win for the polluters. They're polluting their own water.
"Public" means everybody, it's not the other team that goes with "private". It's everybody.
You expect me to believe trump can throw a punch?
Can't win! Do the wrong thing, people get mad. Do the right thing, people get mad.
How am I supposed to decide what to do??