Canada put out a warning against carrying large sums of cash when vacationing in USA because of this. Fucking insane that we allow this.
US Authoritarianism
ChonkyOwlbear is an Illegitimate Usurper
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All courts are bastards apparently.
No worries people. The Supreme Court is just formalizing the notion that they aren’t subject to consequences. This will surely improve the public perception of cops.
This will surely improve the public perception of cops.
And the public perception of the supreme court. I've never had such a low opinion of them as I have had lately.
This is the supreme court rewriting the 4th, 5th, and 14th amendments against search, seizure and due process.
There should be additional checks and balances on supreme court decisions such as their decisions not taking effect unless approved by congress.
We need to learn from the french
Viva la revolution
Yeah it's pretty disheartening when SCOTUS makes a bat shit ruling and we are all supposed to just abide by it. If they have a heinous ruling they should be thrown out over it.
thrown out
"Out" is only one option; have some fucking imagination.
I don't see how that would work if they are making decisions on things congress has passed. Congress could then choose to ignore the decision they make leaving the SC pretty useless.
the point is to make elected officials take credit for supreme court rulings and responsibility for them. It could easily be setup as "either the senate or house must confirm a supreme court ruling for it to take effect". This way every supreme court ruling requires political capital to enforce. If the supreme court deviates too far into the unpopular they will simply be stalled.
The left hand washes the right hand
Both sides, amirite? /s
No, but the corruption in all layers in government means that checks and balances are more then a little moot.
If only those 6 conservative justices would have their property seized by police. Doesn't matter if they didn't do anything; never did.
You do realize these laws don't apply to the rich. The police is there to protect the rich.
Don’t forget social control, that’s another part of the function of police
Two of them actually put their name to an opinion wanting it to be challenged in general. Unfortunately, this case didn’t directly challenge the practice, just a very narrow issue if rather or not a preliminary hearing was required. With the 3 dissenting liberals, that’s 5 votes to eliminate it.
Remember kids, you don't consent to any searches ever and they can come back with a warrant.
Ughhh. I'm not surprised. This problem needs to be attacked with legislation
Yes, but you see, the legislators need the police to protect them from the unwashed masses. But the legislators don't want to have to pay the police themselves, so how do they compensate the police for the extra protection? By leaving asset forfeiture in place; Legislators don't have to do anything, and get benefit from it. Police only have to claim your property is guilty of being involved in a crime, and boom, it's theirs now.
It doesn't really. The ruling is blatantly contradictory to both the spirit and the word of the Bill of Rights. Under the US Constitution, it's an invalid ruling. The problem needs to be attacked by removing judges that brazenly undermine the US Constitution.
I thought this was an onion article.... But here we are....
Land of the free?
"You are free to do what we, the rich and powerful, tells you"
"You shall own nothing and be happy"
don't know where these quotes came from, but they fit all too well the situation in the USA
This is literally the thieving rich taking what they can before they fuck off to their private islands or bunkers or whatever they have before the whole thing comes tumbling down. Their plan is to wait it out until the poors are dead and then reemerge to reclaim the world and shape it in their image.
Now, I know how crazy that sounds, but they know that things can't keep going like this forever. Something has to give, eventually
That might not be the plan, but it's not not the plan.
I have to constantly remind the white supremacists in my country (South Africa) that the only reason the US isn't ranked higher than South Africa in those silly "corruption indexes" rich people's media loves so much is because the stuff that gets called corruption over here is perfectly legal in the US.
In South Africa, pigs stealing your stuff is thoroughly illegal - not that this stops SA pigs, of course - while it's been perfectly legalized in the US.
And it can't be corrupt if it's perfectly legal, right?
And it can't be corrupt if it's perfectly legal, right?
Well that is how they made bribery legal as long as you use PACs.
Yeah corruption is corruption, be it the US government or the SA Government. Problem in both is how it becomes entrenched and keeping themselves elected through blind following and populists rhetoric. Also the ANC needs the white supremacist, their enemy or WMC/snowball if we are talking Orwellian, to distract from their base while buying their votes with t-shirts.
At least here in SA our courts have not yet been politicised too much, even though some politicians try, cough cough Zuma cough. At least certain institutions have stood their ground to government interference, like the courts or reserve bank for example.
can we just put the supreme court against the wall
Surprisingly, there is a little bit more to this. Here is a video that goes over some of the Justices' opinions. Again surprisingly that bitch ass Thomas might have something postive to contribute by saying that CAF could be unconstitutional the way it's being used now.
Sounds like the cops are behind on their lobbying payment
Most worthless court. Start ignoring their rulings.
I rule that you can kill them and not feel bad about it.
Obama nominated Garland in 2016 when scalia died, republicans broke every angle of the spirit of the law to keep the SC right-wing, still so many potential voters rewarded republicans by refusing to vote effectively to keep the orange parasite out, now this - among many other things - happens, and what is going to be the likely knee-jerk reaction from so many of these same potential voters?
bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe
Lazy ignorant self-centered dolts that they are.
Cant expect a system that has funded the gangs army to be done away with