This. They just do the work, and then if they feel like it they do a video or whatever claiming responsibility and whatever afterward. That's how Al-Qaeda did it on 9/11/2001. They just hijacked the planes and hit the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, then Osama bin-Laden released a statement afterwards. He didn't announce the attack beforehand. That day would have gone much differently if he had. But this isn't like some comic book or Saturday morning cartoon where the villains go on some monologue about their fiendish plot before they do it.
It's called "Buy, Borrow, Die", and that's exactly what they do. They buy or inherit assets, hold them indefinitely, because they have no monetary value until sold, and take out loans using those assets as collateral. Then they just pay the interest on the loans, and then play with the money. Southern slave owners were doing a similar thing before Emancipation. The lax rules of Southern banking even allowed them to take out multiple loans on a single slave.
The point is to make living in America under the current administration so shitty that people will revolt. Justifying a crackdown, in which hundreds of thousands, if not millions, will die or be incarcerated. And depending on who is backing the revolt, their ideology will replace the current one. And either way, the system of boots and faces will continue.
I can agree with most of this. Capitalism, and society in general, banked rather hard on Galileo's old saying,
"Measure what is measurable, and make measurable that which is not so."
They took that to mean, "Give every facet of everything an objective measure in order to determine how make imaginary lines go up so imaginary numbers in our bank accounts go up.
They basically looked at the entirety of the cyberpunk genre and misunderstood it entirely. They want to be "cool". Like, pretty much everything Musk does is to get you to like him.
So, Behind the Bastards did a special on Curtis Yarvin (aka Mencius Moldbug) and his "Butterfly Revolution" that's really good. One of my favorite takeaways was that this guy definitely got the everloving shit bullied out of him as a kid. However, like most incels he refused to believe that he was the problem. Coming from a background of privilege and wealth, he believed it made him naturally superior to everyone else. It certainly didn't help that his IQ got him recognized by John Hopkins University, and he was selected for a study on "mathematically precocious children". He was an early adopter of the Internet when he went to college, back when it was Web 1.0. He would post and congregate with other individuals like him on Usenet, before the Eternal September happened.
Google the following:
"Mencius Moldbug" and "Butterfly Revolution".
But to summarize it all: Gothic MAGA is basically about destroying America as we know it, government and all. Dissolve the borders and reform the nation as thousands of small countries called "network states". These "network states" would be owned and controlled entirely by oligarchs, and would compete for citizens the way corporations compete for customers. By necessity, the oligarchs will have total control within their borders. Massive, omnipresent surveillance apparatus to watch and control their citizen customer/workers, but if you don't like how one network state is oppressing you, you're free to leave.(Provided of course, the brutal tyrant doesn't have a rule saying you can't leave unless it's in a body bag.) At least, that's how Curtis Yarvin(aka Mencius Moldbug) puts it. And because he's also a racist far-right POS, he's also a eugenicist and thinks because he's got such a high IQ that naturally he and other high IQ individuals should be in charge. The POTUS would be more like a CEO who works on behalf of the oligarchy, who would be the country's Board of Directors.
It's a lot like the early "seasteading" movement, but repackaged because not everyone wants to live at sea.
For the landlocked, may I recommend the Dead Drop Protocol? Leave the message in a place that everyone knows about, but only the intended recipients knows a message is there to be read. Like the Message in a Bottle, it supports all encryption methods and is disconnected from the Internet.
There are a couple drawbacks, though. For one, unless you are watching the drop point, you have no way of knowing whether your message made it to the intended recipient or if it was intercepted. Vice versa, if you are the intended recipient of a dropped message, the only guarantee you have that the message is authentic is if the message uses a self-authenticating encryption method. Also, there is a potential that any drop point you use may be under surveillance, so make sure to not use the same drop point too often.
Removed the ability to communicate cryptographically. Our only tool.
Not entirely. The old methods still work. I'm talking about old fashioned pen and paper. OTP ciphers and dead drops. Messages, hidden where only the intended recipient knows it's there. The problem is, there's no dead drops in cyberspace. There's no place one can leave a hidden message that can't be seen by others in cyberspace. And while quantum computing might break OTP, it's too expensive to use for that purpose.
There's a certain artistry to the old ways. Invisible inks, dead drops, One-Time-Pads, and the like. Cryptography existed long before computers. Those who would be our rulers have bent so much of their energies towards preventing our communicating in cyberspace that they've neglected those of us who studied the pre-Information Age methods. And we can still use them. A guy walks by a trash can, and throws away a seemingly innocuous food wrapper, and a couple hours later another guy goes and collects it, knowing that there is a message written on it in ink that can be revealed with the use of heat and lemon juice. If their intent is to return the USA to the "good ole days", then let's use the spy tricks from the "good ole days".
Such a state of affairs can only continue for so long before it becomes untenable to continue.
The plan then is to literally bomb the competition until the biggest repeat customers have no choice but to come back to us. It's not listed on Project 2025, though. And the ones that can't be bombed will be turned into puppet states, so either way, they come back. I doubt that their plan will actually unfold how they want, but we'll see.
This, especially the first point. When 9/11/2001 happened, the world had no clue it was coming. It was planned and then executed. There were no threats, no messages; bin-Laden didn't release a statement until after the attacks were carried out. They just did it, they didn't talk about doing it.