When you are being an obtuse dickhead I really don't know what you expected.
I mean who could complain about better reception. 🙄
Yeah i tracked down that site. They don't sell that particular sticker anymore so that was a bummer.
Nice. Also I want that sticker
Of course he doesn't regret it. These people are inhuman cunts.
Mine got the shots. They are ALL fine. And alive I might add. Fucking ghoulish cunts, protect your kids dammit.
It's funny you listing out that experiment, because that's more akin to the bullshit I run into with Linux when I need to fix some weird ass quirk. Tons if incorrect or outdated information, and forum assholes calling people idiots for not knowing and refusing to help or being autistically pedantic because you misspelled something. Support on either platform is a garbage experience. I haven't denied that at all.
Granted it is becoming less true on 11. But I am not wrong about the rest. I run into abandonware that doesn't work far more with Linux.
I'm aware not all software is consumer grade. And many depts like sci/lad/manufacturing/medical definitely have more to worry about with upgrades. Windows 11 is a shit show even at the consumer level, I'd hate to be managing a migration to it for an office, let alone any dept relying on custom hardware. But blaming windows for something that would just as easily happen on a linux machine is a bit disingenuous. Upgrades break shit across all the OSes. I've had to rebuild linux servers because an upgrade would break them and keeping them air gapped on a closed loop wasn't an option.
Thanks for the suggestion, I will review the docs and see what can be improved.
Yell at the wind