
joined 2 years ago
[–] mPony 22 points 3 days ago

because that person is a professional actress with more talent in her little finger than most hacks have in their entire family .

[–] mPony 3 points 4 days ago

for this short film, the end-credit music is a ukelele cover of "Grand Finale" from 2112, with a soothing voice saying "We have assumed control... We have assumed control..."

[–] mPony 18 points 4 days ago

I guess gamers really are walking dollar signs, according to all these folks.

[–] mPony 4 points 4 days ago

If you want to produce the same shit twice, just use a colon.

[–] mPony 1 points 5 days ago
[–] mPony 8 points 1 week ago

For every American who gets offended at someone from Boston there's a Canadian that isn't a thin-skinned little bitch. ;) (okay maybe not a perfect metaphor but after the day I've had I'm not workshopping this one)

[–] mPony 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

a bit of an extreme reaction to a hedge AND a fence, but I'll allow it.

[–] mPony 1 points 1 week ago

Using public money for hit squads to hunt down ransomware gangs sounds great and all, but be sure to throw in some documentary crews as well, so we can get some good TV out of it.

[–] mPony 24 points 1 week ago

Well, he certainly does. Whether you watch that episode or not is up to you.

[–] mPony 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I used Duolingo for a while (for French and Spanish) but it didn't allow for progress at the rate that I wanted to go. Then I realized that it was holding me back by design, to keep me using the app regularly. I know people who have done well with it, but it wasn't a good fit for me.

[–] mPony 1 points 1 week ago

That's why it's the first song they throw at you in RockSmith.

[–] mPony 4 points 1 week ago

I would not.

An old friend of mine was doing the same thing with Suno. He gave up after a while because he lost interest, because there's not really anything to enjoy in the process.


The first song from our third album. New music drops every few weeks until August!
Yes, listening makes your life better, but sharing makes other people's lives better.

Love, 3LEN.


I made this :) This band is still the most fun music project I've ever been involved in. Please have a listen, on the platform of your choice.

Hey there ! I'm in a band called The Three Leonards. We cover pop songs in a jazzy style that might remind you of artists like Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave, or Tom Waits. We have two full albums of songs, streaming everywhere:

and a YT channel


Hey folks! We are The Three Leonards, from Canada. We perform our own versions of pop songs, with a sorta jazzy/dark/moody twist to them. You know this one: Umbrella (originally by Rihanna.)

Umbrella turned out quite cool, I have to say. Some of our other songs sound sorta fun, and we all need a bit of fun in our lives, right? If you're in the mood for some different music, you might not even know it. So give this one a go.

Much love from Canada, where it is friggin' cold today.


Hello! I'm a member of The Three Leonards. We do covers of pop songs in a playful jazzy style which might remind you of artists like Leonard Cohen, or Nick Cave, or Tom Waits. We might even remind you of that one time you tried mushrooms with those degens from upcountry. We're not here to judge: life is just like that sometimes. You do you. And while you do you, whether you're on mushrooms or not, you should listen to our music. Because it's fun. And because you've probably never asked yourself: "What would it sound like if Leonard Cohen did a cover of Toxic by Britney Spears?" And now you don't have to ask yourself. It's right there.

Feel the groove. Feel the love. Feel The Len.


We finally released our second album! featuring Bette Davis Eyes, Your Woman, Slave To Love, and many more. We even do a cover of Toxic. Yes, Toxic by Britney Spears. I know, right?


Our cover of the brilliant Hooverphonic song. We aimed for some serious Bond vibes on this one.


From an ongoing project where we reimagine pop songs in the style of characters (very) loosely based on Leonard Cohen.

yes we still realize how crazy this all is , but take a listen :)


Morning everyone. Here's the most recent release from our ongoing music project The Three Leonards. We re-imagine pop songs in a LeonardCohen-esque style.

Have a listen and tell me what you think. We know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but some people really like tea. Remember your first cup of tea? I sure do.

We also released an entire album last year, which I can link in the comments here because this place doesn't have a gigantic stick up it's arse.

Have an awesome day, Internet. You deserve one. Maybe our music can be a part of it.

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