This is why repubs don't have to cheat to win. Democrats will it into existence.
In their 250k Mercedes maxed rigged van
Fuck around and fuck off geezer
I were attending Columbia I would leave. Give fascists nothing! Not an inch!
Check the comments for the name of the actress...
It was super annoying how scared he acted when he knew it was styrofoam and it wasn't even going to leave a scratch on the car. I would have like it much better if the car crashed into and actual wall and burst into flames.
This guy is a real piece of shit.
Monroe Live was pumping the single cast member so so hard for years. It make things easy to manufacture and stronger, but harder to fix.
Chuck you fuckin fuck you. Always plenty of Democrats to give Republicans what they want, and then when the shoe is on the foot they pretend to be overpowered at every step. Ohh won't someone not think of the Senate parlitarian. Fucking worthless sobs.
Turned ours in today. Also took a financial hit but fuck that guy. Had a relative call and inform me she would've bought it and paid more than the trade in. She told another relative that I was brainwashed and that Elon is saving the world.
Ah yes how I remember them chiseling my tooth out with a hammer. The surgeon I had was a bad ass.
I traded mine in. Was underwater by 10k. Fuck me, but fuck Elon more.