Gasp! Biden failed to create peace in the middle east the same as every other politician and the last 3/4 of a century!
While they probably would have disagreed about everything else, I think Montesquieu would have agreed with Mao's statement that political power grows from the barrel of a gun. In Montesquieu 's day the numbers of armed civilians would have easily eclipsed any slight edge in technology and tactics that the military would have. Today however, even if we had every citizen pick up an AR-15, it would be insignificant to the bombs and missiles and artillery the military could field. The consent of the governed is no longer needed.
So basically the Democrats need to lie big like Trump and promise things they can't deliver. Sadly, you might be right.
Lol. That's actually hilarious.
Okay, we agree that Republicans are insane Nazis. Good.
What could the Democrats have done that is so bad that insane Nazis sound like the better option? What makes that a rational choice?
I don't think there is one. I don't think anything the Democrats did mattered because voters weren't voting based on reality.
There is no democracy without an educated populace. We have something worse than that: a miseducated populace. The apathy towards voting and the hatred of the current administration are intentionally engineered by bad actors.
Your submission in "Incarcerated Youth Firefighters" was removed for Misinformation .
I would like it if you acknowledged that Republicans are the root of the problem and not Democrats. Sure, the Dems have a lot of room to improve, but there is no comparison! Republicans are fucking insane!
You're right that they don't have any idea how the country functions. When polled 3/4 of Americans can't name the 3 branches of government. Only 17 states require students to pass a civics test to graduate high school. Only 9 states and DC require students to take a year of US government or civics. 8 states have no civics requirements at all.
The Praetorian Guard killed something like 13 emperors. Food for thought.
"Remember who we are". We are the country that wrote our first immigration law to keep out Asians. We are the country that said all men are equal while holding slaves. We are the country that inspired the Nazis with our eugenics and system of institutional racism keeping blacks down. We are the country that committed genocide against Native Americans. We are the country with more prisoners than any other nation on the planet. We are the country that spends the most on healthcare but still allows people to die from preventable diseases because they are poor.
Trump is exactly who we are. We are racist greedy trash that doesn't deserve to exist.
We need to make dueling legal but only for federal elected representatives. There wouldn't be a MAGA politician alive within a month.
My poodle is being treated for lymphoma right now and best case we have a year with her. It's heartbreaking. I just want her to be happy and healthy