Then everyone clapped
Confidently Incorrect
When people are way too smug about their wrong answer.
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Yeah for real, there's been another very old tweet that this seems to be based on. Might be real but reads very copied from the previous one.
Tell me you don’t talk to female academics, lol.
NASA Earth meeting
Are there also meetings on other planets?
Duh, it's NASA, they can fly to the Moon or Mars
They should do a video call instead of flying there for meetings all the time. Much more efficient and cheaper.
I'd be willing to bet this isn't real.
I've been to lots of scientific talks and the idea of someone trying to call put the person talking is kind of ridulous and never happens. You would have to an asshole of the highest calibre to do that. And the fact he mentions a specific paper/person and that just happened to be tbe person speaking and the idea that the speakers name wasn't listed is just so incredibly unlikely I can't ever imagine that happening.
This just seems like the kind of thing people fantasing happening, so they can smugly correct them.
To be fair, she didn't say she was giving a talk, guess it could have been a side conversation. It would seem more likely in a little side conversation.
However, at least when it happened to me, the other person remembered the paper but not the author, so it seems weird to refer to the paper by author. Also it feels weird even if he did remember to throw in the "et al". It's extra weird for her to declare that she is "McCarty et al", since she is saying she is "and others". It feels like a detail thrown in to make the exchange sound more "sciencey", when it doesn't make sense.
Since I had it happen to me, I'm sure it's happened to other paper writers, but this exchange doesn't sound like a realistic way for it to go down. So it's at least massaged for dramatic effect.
I mean, she's McCarty...
But I feel like this reploat has been around for a decade by now, and it's always bothered me.
Just sounds like a George Costanaza thing where she thought of this comeback but never in the moment
the hair thing could be drama for the tweet but everything else is not the first time nor the last time that happened, there are others stories like that
Don't you understand? It's not about him. To have a line as perfect as 'jerk store' and to never use it. I, I couldn't live with myself.
Human drivers of fire??
That's not how "et al" works
Someone call the police!
I am the police.
Colloquially, it is.
White guys in this thread: Hey now, this racism business is a two way street.
Everyone else: Your race is bad so we can be racist!
Big L right there
This once again shows how important it is to acknowledge ones own biases and to account for them.
holy shit just like digimon
But Doctor, I Am Pagliacci
Wow. If true, sick slam.
What's this got to do with his skin colour?
Or... is she just racist?
She's just pointing out that because of his race, the man she was taking to was in a place of social privilege and he should be more mindful of this when talking to under-represented groups in his field, such as women and POC.
Reminding him that his race grants him a level of authority, encourages him not to approach every conversation with the assumption that he is the smartest in the room.
Hand wavey nonsense. Racism is racism no matter the direction or made up reasons.