
joined 1 year ago
[–] dustyData 1 points 58 minutes ago

My little cousin was 10 during the height of the craze. I have been regaled with hours of FNAF lore that now lives rent free in my head. My YouTube recommendations were cursed for years. I still tease him about it nowadays and he cringes hard.

[–] dustyData 4 points 9 hours ago

The answer is incompressible noise. Hours of full on 8k video and 7.1 channel DTS of pure noise. There's noise designed specifically to being incompressible and unable to deduplicate. I think some podcasts got in trouble with Spotify for something like this.

[–] dustyData 11 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

The cherry on top, you can't say no. You can only tell them to “ask you later”.

[–] dustyData -2 points 9 hours ago

Bus goes Vrrrroom vrrooom. Fuck AI.

[–] dustyData 12 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago) (1 children)


It actually just means to undercut an existing industry with venture capital, taking on a loss until the existing competition is out-priced out of the market. Then once a monopoly is established, tear down quality service, hike up prices, shaft costumers and use the money to pay huge bonuses to the executives. If the company is still profitable afterwards then just recreate the same old industry and competitors but with an iron grip monopoly. If it is not profitable, just sell the company and distribute the dividends amongst the C suite. Rinse and repeat.

[–] dustyData 16 points 1 day ago

I'm more of a walk-in abortion kind of person.

[–] dustyData -3 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Awesome, Valve still won't take my money even at full price.

[–] dustyData 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

All distro's differences come down to how the chain of utilities is stringed up together. You have:

  • Bootloader
  • Kernel
  • Init and service daemons
  • Package manager
  • Display server
  • Window manager
  • Widget toolkit
  • Desktop environment
  • User applications

And a whole lot of in-between. Essentially Fedora and Debian each have defined and originated a set of core software that work as standards for the first 4 parts of this chain. Arch is another, even on pure Arch a wizard installer has to deal with those in order to set up a properly working system. For some, those are the most technical and difficult parts of setting up and designing an OS. Then every distro is a variation on the rest of the chain or customizations on the first few parts, but almost always based on one of the —current— three standards.

There are also philosophical differences that drive technical decisions in the background. Favoring one way of doing things over the other. Debian is usually focused on stability, reliability, security, function over form. Arch is usually about the bleeding edge, speed, max efficiency, innovation, customization, user freedom. Fedora is pragmatic and down to earth, compromising between the two and focused on smooth user experience. Usually different distros will provide some variation or adaptation on those themes. Like making Debian more corporate, or updated, or making Arch easier to install, or making Fedora but optimized for gaming, etc.

[–] dustyData 8 points 1 day ago

Never underestimate the accumulated idiocy of hundreds of people all focused to be inept on the exact same thing.

[–] dustyData 6 points 1 day ago

This is new hardware piling. What they claim to do requires reworking manufacturing, is not retroactive with current designs, and demands more hardware components. It is basically a hardware thread scheduler. Cool idea, but it won't save us from planned obsolescence, if anything it is more incentive for more waste.

[–] dustyData 5 points 1 day ago

The thought of commuter traffic as an extreme sport depresses me. But then, the number of people who die from cardiac arrest while sitting in a traffic jam is not zero.

[–] dustyData 7 points 2 days ago

I've seen people unironically and without self-awareness admire Draper and want to “be like him”. I don't get it.


La doctora en filosofía e historia y docente Corina Yoris será la candidata sustituta de la Plataforma Unitaria Democrática de cara a las elecciones presidenciales de 2024, anunció María Corina Machado desde una conferencia de prensa realizada este viernes 22 de marzo en Caracas.

¿Quién es Corina Yoris, la candidata sustituta de María Corina Machado?

Crónica Uno

Caraota Digital


El comandante estratégico operacional de la FANB, Domingo Hernández Lárez, detalló que de esta zona protegida se han desalojado 301 mujeres; 839 hombres; 49 adolescentes y 82 niños.




La Sala de Apelaciones de la Corte Penal Internacional acordó rechazar este viernes el recurso presentado por el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro el año pasado ante la Sala y que buscaba parar la investigación por la presunta comisión de crímenes de lesa humanidad en Venezuela.





Courtesy of @RaoulDook.


El gobierno de Nicolás Maduro anunció la suspensión de las actividades de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de la ONU en Venezuela y les dio plazo de 72 horas a sus funcionarios para abandonar el país, bajo el argumento de que “se inmiscuyeron en asuntos internos”.

Caraota Digital

Crónica Uno



Este viernes 16 de febrero se cumple una semana de la detención de la activista de derechos humanos y presidenta de la ONG Control Ciudadano, Rocío San Miguel, a quien apresaron agentes de seguridad cuando se disponía a salir de Venezuela, junto con su hija, desde el aeropuerto de Maiquetía el pasado 9 de febrero.

Caraota Digital

Crónica Uno



La candidata María Corina Machado, de Vente Venezuela, obtenía 552.430 votos que representaba el 93, 13% del total con el 26,06% de las actas escrutadas que la dan como ganadora de la consulta interna de la plataforma unitaria demócratica, anunció la madrugada de este 23 de octubre el presidente de la Comisión Nacional de Primaria, Jesús María Casal, al dar a conocer el primer boletín del proceso.

Después de denunciar un bloqueo en sus servidores, que impidieron transmitir los primeros resultados, la favorita del proceso sumaba 552.430 votos, de 601.010 mil de los que se habían totalizado hasta el momento.

En segundo lugar estaba Carlos Prosperi, candidato de Acción Democrática, quien durante la tarde del domingo dijo en un video que no iba a reconocer los resultados al sostener que hubo irregularidades durante la jornada.

Fuentes alternativas:

United Press International

El País

CNN en español: En Vivo


La selección venezolana de fútbol goleó a su similar chilena, tres goles a cero, en la cuarta jornada de las Clasificatorias Mundialista Canadá, Estados Unidos y México 2026.

The games industry sucks (www.youtube.com)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by dustyData to c/games

Same title as the video. Game dev writer Alanah Pierce offers her POV on the recent layoffs from Epic Games.

This is one of the few industries that consistently and continuously posts record profits while also firing everyone who put in the work to make the success possible.


Al menos 11 mil funcionarios policiales y militares se desplegaron en la cárcel de Tocorón, en el estado Aragua desde la madrugada de este miércoles 20 de septiembre, donde esperan desmantelar grupos delictivos que operan desde este centro penitenciario.

#URGENT Gobierno Bolivariano pone en marcha operación contra la delincuencia organizada que funciona desde el Centro Penitenciario de Tocoron.11 mil efectivos desplegados en esta acción enmarcada en Los cuadrantes de paz para garantizar la seguridad ciudadana #LiberacionDeTocoron pic.twitter.com/5hpV8g7U6z — Alfred Nazareth (@luchaalmada) September 20, 2023

Fuentes alternativas:

El Pitazo

La Patilla

Tal Cual


América Económica


Al menos siete apagones se han registrado en zonas de Caracas y otros 17 estados del país, donde además reportaron bajones, desde la 1:00 de la tarde de este miércoles 13 de septiembre.

Fuentes alternativas:

Tal Cual

El Nacional


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