
joined 1 year ago
[–] dustyData 5 points 45 minutes ago (1 children)

Although the most paranoid affirmations around Y2K were certainly exaggerations, it was a very real problem. Nothing bad happened because there was a worldwide effort to fix it. Sure, planes weren't going to fall out of the sky or anything, but there were some issues and it did cost some money for those who did suffer the consequences. It is not even the only issue with date tracking in software.

[–] dustyData 2 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

I wonder how many celebrated French singers are upset that she opened the performance while mangling the French language?

The answer is probably none. The Olympics is a celebration of multiculturalism not just the culture of the hosts. If anything, it speaks about the impact of colonialism and historical french cultural hegemony during the XIX century.

Oh, and she does speak french, with an accent, but she does speak it.

[–] dustyData 3 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

It was Gojira, a rather famous french metal band, with Marina Viotti, an also famous franco-swiss opera singer.


[–] dustyData 2 points 2 hours ago

Did you miss the gender fluid threesome?

[–] dustyData 12 points 5 hours ago (4 children)

The decapitated Mary Antoinettes singing operatic methal from a palace's windows were cool.

[–] dustyData 11 points 11 hours ago

The autistic savant is a trope since forever.

[–] dustyData 43 points 11 hours ago (3 children)

Pure fear of admitting mistakes and being held accountable.

[–] dustyData 4 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

It's just fancy jargon for someone's else computer through the internet.

[–] dustyData 2 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

Making a simple scene requires the making of models and background or environment. The environment has to be made separately. A model requires the actual 3d models geometry, rigging (in order for the geometry to move), textures to give the model a surface, and an animator which blocks the movement frame by frame. Then you'd also need someone exclusively animating the camera, and depending on the production pipeline a different process of making special effects and shaders to treat the illumination and materials. Some of these parts can be made by the same person but usually, specially in high quality productions, a different highly trained specialist will handle each part separately. Each is an art form that requires lots of education, skills and hours of labor to make.

For instance, the most recent spider man animated film, Across the Spider-Verse, took roughly 5 years to produce. For contrast, Snow White, the first animated film took roughly 4 years to make. Just because something is computer animated doesn't mean it was easier or took less time to make. Most computer animators receive training in classical 2d animation, as most basic skills and principles are transferrable. Also, most 3d animated films today include a lot of digital 2d work to achieve the artists desired vision.

[–] dustyData 5 points 1 day ago (3 children)

So, you don't know how animation works, got it.

[–] dustyData 12 points 1 day ago

That's because he aims at a very specific hyper engaged demographic. The pre-pubescent teenager. Then they keep watching either out of habit or emotional stunting. They might not be a very sofisticated audience, but they are very dedicated. It might be all they watch, they construct their identity around the content they watch and demand parents to spend money on the products pushed to them by their favorite influencers.

This is not unusual, all generations have done it and diverse agents have capitalized from it. From boy bands, to star wars, Disney kids/adults… They are the unicorn audience in marketing, if you can get your claws on a person during that development stage, you got yourself a consumer of your brand for life.

[–] dustyData 8 points 1 day ago

Repopulation duty.


La doctora en filosofía e historia y docente Corina Yoris será la candidata sustituta de la Plataforma Unitaria Democrática de cara a las elecciones presidenciales de 2024, anunció María Corina Machado desde una conferencia de prensa realizada este viernes 22 de marzo en Caracas.

¿Quién es Corina Yoris, la candidata sustituta de María Corina Machado?

Crónica Uno

Caraota Digital


El comandante estratégico operacional de la FANB, Domingo Hernández Lárez, detalló que de esta zona protegida se han desalojado 301 mujeres; 839 hombres; 49 adolescentes y 82 niños.




La Sala de Apelaciones de la Corte Penal Internacional acordó rechazar este viernes el recurso presentado por el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro el año pasado ante la Sala y que buscaba parar la investigación por la presunta comisión de crímenes de lesa humanidad en Venezuela.





Courtesy of @RaoulDook.


El gobierno de Nicolás Maduro anunció la suspensión de las actividades de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de la ONU en Venezuela y les dio plazo de 72 horas a sus funcionarios para abandonar el país, bajo el argumento de que “se inmiscuyeron en asuntos internos”.

Caraota Digital

Crónica Uno



Este viernes 16 de febrero se cumple una semana de la detención de la activista de derechos humanos y presidenta de la ONG Control Ciudadano, Rocío San Miguel, a quien apresaron agentes de seguridad cuando se disponía a salir de Venezuela, junto con su hija, desde el aeropuerto de Maiquetía el pasado 9 de febrero.

Caraota Digital

Crónica Uno



La candidata María Corina Machado, de Vente Venezuela, obtenía 552.430 votos que representaba el 93, 13% del total con el 26,06% de las actas escrutadas que la dan como ganadora de la consulta interna de la plataforma unitaria demócratica, anunció la madrugada de este 23 de octubre el presidente de la Comisión Nacional de Primaria, Jesús María Casal, al dar a conocer el primer boletín del proceso.

Después de denunciar un bloqueo en sus servidores, que impidieron transmitir los primeros resultados, la favorita del proceso sumaba 552.430 votos, de 601.010 mil de los que se habían totalizado hasta el momento.

En segundo lugar estaba Carlos Prosperi, candidato de Acción Democrática, quien durante la tarde del domingo dijo en un video que no iba a reconocer los resultados al sostener que hubo irregularidades durante la jornada.

Fuentes alternativas:

United Press International

El País

CNN en español: En Vivo


La selección venezolana de fútbol goleó a su similar chilena, tres goles a cero, en la cuarta jornada de las Clasificatorias Mundialista Canadá, Estados Unidos y México 2026.

The games industry sucks (www.youtube.com)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by dustyData to c/games

Same title as the video. Game dev writer Alanah Pierce offers her POV on the recent layoffs from Epic Games.

This is one of the few industries that consistently and continuously posts record profits while also firing everyone who put in the work to make the success possible.


Al menos 11 mil funcionarios policiales y militares se desplegaron en la cárcel de Tocorón, en el estado Aragua desde la madrugada de este miércoles 20 de septiembre, donde esperan desmantelar grupos delictivos que operan desde este centro penitenciario.

#URGENT Gobierno Bolivariano pone en marcha operación contra la delincuencia organizada que funciona desde el Centro Penitenciario de Tocoron.11 mil efectivos desplegados en esta acción enmarcada en Los cuadrantes de paz para garantizar la seguridad ciudadana #LiberacionDeTocoron pic.twitter.com/5hpV8g7U6z — Alfred Nazareth (@luchaalmada) September 20, 2023

Fuentes alternativas:

El Pitazo

La Patilla

Tal Cual


América Económica


Al menos siete apagones se han registrado en zonas de Caracas y otros 17 estados del país, donde además reportaron bajones, desde la 1:00 de la tarde de este miércoles 13 de septiembre.

Fuentes alternativas:

Tal Cual

El Nacional


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