
joined 2 years ago
[–] dustyData 1 points 9 hours ago

I've never in 15 years of Linux use and tinker have ever screwed a kernel. And I compiled LFS once.

[–] dustyData 2 points 16 hours ago

People underestimate the huge impact and importance that people give to touch and proprioception. Physical inputs will always be orders of magnitude far more satisfying than waving hands in the air without feedback.

[–] dustyData 6 points 2 days ago

If you're making it from scratch (with vaccinated chicken's eggs) and eating it right away, the risk of contamination is very low. It's industrial mixes and old (or poorly handled) mix that are a problem.

[–] dustyData 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

It's so satisfying to see mangohud jumping into the hundreds of FPS while knowing the game is cranking the highest quality image fidelity it is capable of. It's like taking an apartment dog to a park and releasing the leash. Run baby, run as fast as you can.

[–] dustyData 7 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

They are vet masks. They are generic and come on different sizes. The largest one can fit several small animals. The smallest ones are for cats and tiny dogs. I think the largest one they make are for horses and cattle. But they have special fittings for straps. This ones are rubber ring ended so they are easier to use to makeshift a tiny gas chamber.

[–] dustyData 2 points 3 days ago

This is one of those games that I love the description, love the sales pitches, streamers do a good job of promoting it. In paper I should love this game, but it just doesn't gel with me. There's something about video games that just cannot be conveyed through video or text.

[–] dustyData 31 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (2 children)

Technologically impaired pervy old people and Windows are always a bad mix.

I was once the trigger to fire an old accounting guy from a company because I was helping him do something with a cloud feature of office and a porn notification showed up. He had inadvertently installed some notifications from a porn website.

After the awkwardest silence in history I had to inform him that I needed to report that to management. He just said, ok.

IT later discovered that he was not only watching porn on company time. He was also taking creep pictures of female coworkers and saving them to the company gdrive. Upon further inspection, he was not only a pervert, he was also embezzling money. We had to file several criminal charges against him.

I guess the old adage of 'break only one law at a time' holds true. If he weren't a pervert we never would've noticed the stealing.

[–] dustyData 9 points 5 days ago

You think this is a win, but is just another step in the enshittification.

[–] dustyData 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Just because they are private doesn't mean Gabe doesn't like to make a ton of money. Dude owns tons of yacths and would like to own more. I love Valve and think they are the biggest ethical company in gaming. But they're still a massive corporate monopoly. No one is perfect, and they did do things that hurt people. No need to be publicly traded to also be evil. Trust but verify.

[–] dustyData 8 points 6 days ago

Because the cruelty is the goal.

[–] dustyData 13 points 6 days ago (11 children)

They deported the parents. Would you leave a sick children under the custody of a state who thinks you're sub-human due to your skin color? They had no choice but to bring the kid back with them to Mexico.

[–] dustyData 2 points 6 days ago

Knowing how shit actually works instead of blindly following your patriarch, the biggest sin of all.


“Johanne Sacreblu”, Mexican artists react to Emilia Pérez with a parody criticizing the film's misrepresentation of Mexican, and Queer culture. It raised 43,000 Mexican pesos ($2,100 USD) on GoFundMe. It is now fully available for free on YouTube.


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cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/18188737

Venezuelans are ready to throw off the dictatorship. Will the international community support us?

By Maria Corina Machado

I am writing this from hiding, fearing for my life, my freedom, and that of my fellow countrymen from the dictatorship led by Nicolás Maduro.

Mr. Maduro didn’t win the Venezuelan presidential election on Sunday. He lost in a landslide to Edmundo González, 67% to 30%. I know this to be true because I can prove it. I have receipts obtained directly from more than 80% of the nation’s polling stations.

We knew that Mr. Maduro’s government was going to cheat. We have known for years what tricks the regime uses, and we are well aware that the National Electoral Council is entirely under its control. It was unthinkable that Mr. Maduro would concede defeat.

We Venezuelans have done our duty. We have voted out Mr. Maduro. Now it is up to the international community to decide whether to tolerate a demonstrably illegitimate government. The repression must stop immediately, so that an urgent agreement can take place to facilitate the transition to democracy. I call on those who reject authoritarianism and support democracy to join the Venezuelan people in our noble cause. We won’t rest until we are free.


Venezuelans are ready to throw off the dictatorship. Will the international community support us?

By Maria Corina Machado


La doctora en filosofía e historia y docente Corina Yoris será la candidata sustituta de la Plataforma Unitaria Democrática de cara a las elecciones presidenciales de 2024, anunció María Corina Machado desde una conferencia de prensa realizada este viernes 22 de marzo en Caracas.

¿Quién es Corina Yoris, la candidata sustituta de María Corina Machado?

Crónica Uno

Caraota Digital


El comandante estratégico operacional de la FANB, Domingo Hernández Lárez, detalló que de esta zona protegida se han desalojado 301 mujeres; 839 hombres; 49 adolescentes y 82 niños.




La Sala de Apelaciones de la Corte Penal Internacional acordó rechazar este viernes el recurso presentado por el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro el año pasado ante la Sala y que buscaba parar la investigación por la presunta comisión de crímenes de lesa humanidad en Venezuela.





Courtesy of @RaoulDook.


El gobierno de Nicolás Maduro anunció la suspensión de las actividades de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de la ONU en Venezuela y les dio plazo de 72 horas a sus funcionarios para abandonar el país, bajo el argumento de que “se inmiscuyeron en asuntos internos”.

Caraota Digital

Crónica Uno



Este viernes 16 de febrero se cumple una semana de la detención de la activista de derechos humanos y presidenta de la ONG Control Ciudadano, Rocío San Miguel, a quien apresaron agentes de seguridad cuando se disponía a salir de Venezuela, junto con su hija, desde el aeropuerto de Maiquetía el pasado 9 de febrero.

Caraota Digital

Crónica Uno



La candidata María Corina Machado, de Vente Venezuela, obtenía 552.430 votos que representaba el 93, 13% del total con el 26,06% de las actas escrutadas que la dan como ganadora de la consulta interna de la plataforma unitaria demócratica, anunció la madrugada de este 23 de octubre el presidente de la Comisión Nacional de Primaria, Jesús María Casal, al dar a conocer el primer boletín del proceso.

Después de denunciar un bloqueo en sus servidores, que impidieron transmitir los primeros resultados, la favorita del proceso sumaba 552.430 votos, de 601.010 mil de los que se habían totalizado hasta el momento.

En segundo lugar estaba Carlos Prosperi, candidato de Acción Democrática, quien durante la tarde del domingo dijo en un video que no iba a reconocer los resultados al sostener que hubo irregularidades durante la jornada.

Fuentes alternativas:

United Press International

El País

CNN en español: En Vivo


La selección venezolana de fútbol goleó a su similar chilena, tres goles a cero, en la cuarta jornada de las Clasificatorias Mundialista Canadá, Estados Unidos y México 2026.

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