
joined 10 months ago
[–] Tikiporch 14 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

Nightmare rocket fuel.

[–] Tikiporch 9 points 19 hours ago (1 children)

So how does a homeowner fix it? The duct work is already in, so is it just about choosing more wisely when replacing the furnace/ac/heat pump?

[–] Tikiporch 7 points 3 days ago

You're a good person.

[–] Tikiporch 4 points 3 days ago

It's cute! I wouldn't make my back porch more inviting to disease vectors though.

[–] Tikiporch 1 points 3 days ago

Imagine non sexual genital touching.

[–] Tikiporch 11 points 3 days ago

Tangential to the topic, these photos choices are wild. The out of focus grammy photo bomb, and what does tobacco farming have to do with the problem?

[–] Tikiporch 7 points 3 days ago

The world's bad six inches, or the world's bad? 🤔

[–] Tikiporch 6 points 3 days ago

If you don't rock and stone, you ain't goin' home.

[–] Tikiporch -2 points 6 days ago

Your efforts would be more sincere if you used complete sentences.

[–] Tikiporch 1 points 6 days ago

It has regular screws and is completely disassemble..able..

I've had mine apart just to search out the source of a noticeable noise when I pedaled. Turns out one of the belts had a defect, and it was within the return period so I had them replace it. New one hums along with much less noise.

[–] Tikiporch 1 points 6 days ago

Your guess is very generous.

[–] Tikiporch 5 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

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