Cow towel rack.
Forget food purists, this looks delicious.
Horse drawn carriage is the future, says buggy whip maker.
Windscribe was important because every bit of bandwidth saved mattered. Less so with 2.5gb fiber connections to home.
Damn, is no job safe from AI?
Eclectic choices. Your favorite genre of music is: "good."
No offense, but they did their time. If we want change, it should come from regular citizens.
He'll need the balls to actually follow through first. Musk won't do it for him.
I think this is a series, maybe post the rest?
Cool, more moon litter. Will it end up like the path to the summit of Everest, we have to place signs telling the billionaires to please clean up after themselves?
Most of the skepticism was rooted in the shorter testing period of the initial mRNA vaccines. We have the data now to prove they're safe, but that initial fast-tracking spooked people.
Your firstborn.