Actually they don't, they want to replace fedex and UPS.
No one wants the business of daily letter service.
Actually they don't, they want to replace fedex and UPS.
No one wants the business of daily letter service.
There are two sorts of people...
People who will speak about how they feel anxious about various stuff
People who will be privately anxious about all this stuff.
McConnell basically stated that Trump deserved conviction, but didn't want congress to be the ones to do it. He wagered that it's a problem that would take care of itself without having to be the ones to piss off the MAGA people he hoped to keep energized and aligned to the GOP even as Trump went away.
Then the SC basically said it's the job of congress, and not the courts (although they reserved the power to specifically declare something as not a duty of the president, so the courts could proceed if and only if the supreme court signs off on it).
To the extent that it could have maybe had the SC ultimately rule that January 6th was not an official duty, DOJ slow walked the process so that it was way too late before the SC would have even had the chance.
Problem being that even when they try for that, near as I see they are still just as prone to demolish it and rebuild anyway. At best the framing is retained, but they rip everything out including the drywall and renovate.
I suspect everyone knows better than to tell him not to do it. That's likely as anything to make him decide he will do it.
But they also know if they don't press the issue, Musk will always flake on any thing like this.
Because ultimately, those armed MAGA people's faces are just too delicious for the leopards to resist. There's already been discontent that they aren't seeing the improvements they wanted, and some of them directly getting screwed by Trump and Musk.
Both Putin and Trump are 80s relics and so it matters little how much the wor[l]d has changed, the cold war facet applies to the blindly pro-russian stance of Trump.
Of all the stances to take, this one is insane. Almost every violent conflict has shades of gray, nuance rather than unambiguous good and bad. The Ukraine-Russia conflict is one of those supremely rare straightforward ones where Russia is just straight up the bad guys.
That's certainly the trajectory Project 2025 wants to really drive home. That's not exactly a defense of Russia.
Yeah, it's amazing. He's not a "Republican" he's Trump. He's not your friend/ally/supporter no matter who you are, he only supports himself. Your welfare is only vaguely relevant so long as it directly supports his status, the instant you aren't useful, you will get backstabbed hard.
Unfortunately that's not a particularly useful fact to highlight to republicans, and democrats bet too heavily on that being a talking point and it won them no favors.
The target audience for this doesn't care about the markets. They imagine tatriffs will scare the companies into giving the lower class more jobs with decent pay, and they don't have stock or even big 401ks.
They should notice a complete lack of improved pay over the long term though.
Trying to play devil's advocate to figure out where he could vaguely have support now and I'm coming up empty...
Big business? He's screwing with their ability to offshore for cheap.
Labor? He's against workers rights
Military? He's constantly insulting them and handicapping them and screwing with all the suppliers and contractors too.
Pacifists? He's simultaneously fomenting violence in Israel with us support while encouraging Russian violence by removing Ukraine support.
Racists? Well he's certainly got the spirit, but as malicious as he is, in terms of number of people it's been a token show, and they are such dealing with as many brown people in their day to day lives as before.
People who wanted lower prices? Obviously not helping them on any front.
People who wanted lower taxes? Well that's not happening even in theory except people well into stuff figures that are losing way more than the tax breaks in other losses due to everything else going on.
I can't think of a way anything he did improves things in any real way for any domestic interest, bad or good
No one can count that high