I eat kiwis with the peel
Australians are next
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Logo design credit goes to: tubbadu
I open bananas by pinching the bottom instead of ripping at the top (because it works better) and people act like I’m insane.
That is how apes open bananas too.
Not that I'm implying anything of course.
See? The experts agree with me. Your bananas are upside down, not mine.
I looked into this and was unable to find quality evidence of such. I also open my bananas from the bananus
I set my clocks on 24 hour time. Usually gets a comment when they see it.
Started doing this since my very first watch. 24 hours in a day, why cut it in half? What is 12am or 12pm idk which is afternoon or midnight
I finally managed to learn am/pm after working with brits for years, but every time they said "after midnight, past midday" as if it made it easier to remember, I just responded with "after midday, past midnight"
waiting in line when there are self checkouts available. I just dont like doing it.
abandoning self checkouts because the machine is yelling at you and the workers are busy elsewhere. they say self-checkout lane 7 is still blinking to this day.
Funnily enough I tend to find that if you just pick up your bags and walk away a member of staff is arrives pretty quickly. Wild, right?
When eating pizza at a restaurant with a fork and a knife I start cutting bite size triangles from the center of the pizza, it's pure chaos and people lose their mind when they see me haha
I sigh loudly. Not vocally, but I take in a deep breath and then release it quickly. It's a tension release to me kinda like yawning but everyone around me seems to think I'm upset or frustrated when I do it.
I "fold" my socks by putting one sock fully into the other sock (picture wearing 2 socks on 1 foot). This way they are together and they don't get stretched out.
People see you doing this? Are you organizing socks on the subway...?
Some of us poors fold our clothes at the laundromat.
I don't listen to anything while driving
I'd go crazy if I were trapped alone with just my thoughts for that long.
Sock shoe sock shoe.
I have to test if the pants/sock/shoe combo works before committing to the whole process a second time.
I've had several people comment on the way I tie my shoelaces. I can't even remember how to do it the "normal" way, but I use that knot that takes about half a second where you make both loops at once and pull them through each other.
I skip the fourth step from the bottom on every staircase. It started because multiple staircases I regularly traversed coincidentally all had spiders make their homes on the fourth step, so I'd step over them. And then I just never shook the habit.
Brits seem to really love when I heavily salt tea and heat it in the microwave. I top it off by saying "Cheerio! Pip pip!" in my best southern drawl.
Don't know why...
I think they're amused at the person rather than the action. There's a better chance of finding rocking horse shit than a Brit truly saying "Pip, Pip", unless they're from the US or an actor in a 1950's black and white WW2 themed budget film.
"Mine is that I pour the milk before the cereal. people are always extremely confused by that."
You're a psychopath. lol
Give more exact timing than nearest 5 minutes. Eg "I'll be down in 4 minutes" because I have an idea how long things actually take.
ya know how you can like look at a light, like the sun or a light bulb, and as you move your eyes around you an kinda make shapes like whirling your eyeball around to make a circle with the light ?
well I do that but instead of just with lights, I do it with normal objects in my field of vision, and I do it really fast.
to the observer my eyes balls look freakishly fast moving, but to me I am making your head into a big star shape over and over again.
I too eat kiwis with skin, but apparently stranger is that I eat the whole apple, starting from the bottom working up, core and all.
You what to a kiwi?
It's self-evident. I'm not attracted to people without skin, regardless of nationality.
I use my indicators when reversing out of a parking spot. It’s the way I was taught, and it makes sense to me, but apparently it’s weird.
I write the number 5 from the bottom up.
I put my arms in my coat in front of me then flip it over my head
I use flatware when eating everything, including finger food. My friends only made fun of me when I ate crisps with a fork.
I will remove the top bun from hamburgers and use a knife & fork to cut little wedges out of them. Fewer carbs & no sloppiness!
People act like I'm a monster for eating kiwis in their entirety. Not just the skin, but even the ... Stump? Whatever the hard end but is called that presumably attaches it to the tree. It's just extra fiber!
Legs and beak too????
Even the nest.
I eat the entire apple, starting at the top and going in circles to the bottom.
Are you a horse?
Neigh :P
Leaving noobs to die in their dumb situations while I full clear my jungle.