
joined 6 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 hours ago

Some are more worst than others

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 hours ago

I'm guessing these same people aren't big fans of Aien

[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 hours ago

Oh noes. I need to go out and buy some pearls to clutch.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

Come to think of it, my kids were all born at large hospitals in large cities. The biggest expense for all of them was parking.

[–] [email protected] 164 points 10 hours ago (24 children)

The sequels aren't bad because they're woke (are they woke, though?), they're bad because they're bad.

For example, I think Daisy Ridley played the part very well, and the character fit in the overarching universe. But the plot was awful and predictable.

And somehow Palpatine returned.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 hours ago

Can confirm with a very condensed anecdote: I once applied for a job that required engineering degree in electronics or mechanics. I'm a hischool dropout. Interview went well, and I got a job offer a month later. I got the impression that they were more interested in the right type of person with relevant hands-on experience, and in my case that experience meant IT/Linux (I was always a hobbyist geek)and being used to operating heavy machinery (Grew up on a farm).

I'm still in the same industry, and I earn more than my friends with masters degrees.

[–] [email protected] 79 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (1 children)

Yes. They might follow you, but that's mostly out of curiosity and the fact that you're tall enough to be their leader. Sometimes they might even run at you, but that's mostly just to catch up and/or get closer - They're not charging at you. Stop, turn around, and T-pose, and they'll stop as well, waiting to see what you're up to.

Cows alone are pretty chill and playful. Think of them like huge dogs, but without the instinct for hunting. If there are young ones with them you wanna give them some extra space for obvious reasons.

Source: Grew up on a cattle farm.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago

There are, but they're quite some distance away, and the story doesn't focus on the region as a whole.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 15 hours ago

No. Only one, but I'm sure I'd have to deal with the same in other distros: New laptop last year with Nvidia 4060 -> Needs a relatively new driver -> needs a relatively new kernel, newer than what the OS provides as default.

I had to experiment for a while to find a combination of nvidia driver and kernel version that worked well. Took me at least a few hours to sort everything out.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago) (2 children)


Typical dwarvish. Very hierarchical. An industrious proud people, full of skilled craftsmen who pull their weight for the greater good of society. Due to seasonal attacks from a goblin horde nearby, they've built fortification that protect them, and during attacks the wall guards are helped by alchemists fire. Unfortunately that last step failed during the most recent attack, which was also unusual in its strength and strategy (the horde got outside help), causing the fortress to fall. While looting, the invaders opened the floodgates that had redirected the river, thus drowning any survivors except one.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) (2 children)

As an ordained dudeist priest, I think dudeism should be placed somewhere. I don't care hard enough where, because that's just like, your opinion, man.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago) (4 children)

I'd finish one of the stories I'd already started:

  • Sci-Fi, life on board a converted old interplanetary transport vessel, refitted for interstellar transport, on its way to join a small group of pioneers and colonize a distant planet.
  • Fantasy, centered around a crafty dwarf who has built a decent self sufficient for himself independent of the fortress, unaware that his childhood friend caught a curse and caused the fortress to succumb to the goblin invasion.
  • A more down to earth story about a struggling early twentysomething, and what sheer desperation does to a person.

...but the common denominator for all three is that I haven't quite figured out the plot yet.


....så det så

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Controversial hot take, I know... but in certain cases, normalcy and routine is the desired state. After a long weekend of family events, too many kids (of which most are my own), too many pets (of which roughly half are my own), and the house being drafty with the entire in-law clan and then some for the past few days, things are now finally back to normal.

Kids are in school, SO at work, and I'm in my home "office" (I use my bedroom), arranging the coming week. I schedule most things to "ot today" because now it's MY time. When picking up some supplies this morning I even bought one single beer that is for my lunch, and beyond that my work day will mostly be centered around waiting for various balls that are in other people's courts.

Anyone else who usually welcome mondays when they arrive?


...and I don't know which possibility is the least worrying


cross-posted from:

What are some interesting communities on Matrix worth checking out?

Title, pretty much. I'm in a couple of niche communities, and thought I should expa d into more generalized communities. All things tech are of interest, really.

Which communities are you in?


Title, pretty much. I'm in a couple of niche communities, and thought I should expa d into more generalized communities. All things tech are of interest, really.

Which communities are you in?


So, my employer suggested that it would be good for me, professionally, to get my certifications up to speed, and told me to pick a few that I found the most relevant at their expense. As I mainly deal with networks and Linux servers, and have done so for decades at this point, this was easy enough: renewing my CCNA that I took some 20 years ago, as well as getting my CCNP. The latter of which is closely related to what I already do.

However, my employer decided that I must pursue at least one Microsoft certification, and I honestly don't know where to start, as the only microsoft software I use is Outlook.

I've been thinking of my status as the walking embodiment of the "old man yells at cloud"-meme, and thinking it's probably time to turn into "old man embraces cloud". I know that a lot of our infrastructure runs in azure (something with which I have no experience. I did use some Oracle cloud VMs at one point, that's it.), and I know there was a huge ordeal last year that involved doing a lot of dataprocessing on temporary azure architecture, and I figure I should probably get in on that at some point.

Is perhaps something Azure related my best bet?

UPDATE: I was going to go for some azure stuff, but I resigned instead. Let's see if my new employer is willing to pick up the tab instead.


12 Years ago I had a Sony Vaio. I quite liked it. Then in my next job, 2017 or so, I went for a Toshiba Portege, and absolutely loved it.

Guess what the above two have in common? Yup, they stopped making laptops for the professional market. So now I'm a bit at a loss. Any recommendations?


  • Lightweight and easy to carry around.
  • 13-15" display, preferably
  • Decent battery life
  • It absolutely must have an RJ45
  • Works well with linux
  • Good keyboard quality
  • ISO keyboard availability
  • Touchpad. Bonus points if it has the touchpad buttons ABOVE the pad itself.

Summarized back story of this legendary beauty: When NZ was drawn into WW2, some heroes began thinking of armored defense. Bob Semple decided to make one, making this the best (and only) Kiwi tank ever built.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/norge

En tanke slo meg tidligere: Nå som den geopolitiske sikkerhetssituasjonen er littegranne mere skjør enn før, og mange land ruster opp, så er grensevakt på sin plass. Og med tanke på at vi har en enormt lang grense mot sverige så bør denne og bemannes, selv om de også er på vei inn i NATO. Men som de fleste her kanskje er enige i, så er faren for invasjon noen av veiene ganske lav.

Hva ville den diplomatiske effekten vært om Norge bestemte seg for å utplassere en garnison på svinesund bestående av kun én soldat? Delvis fordi jeg synes grensekontroll er viktig, og delvis fordi litt lavterskel skjitkasting over grensa (begge veier) er på sin plass.

Mest fordi at jeg er overtrøtt så har jeg et lite ønske om at dette skjer, og at situasjonen eskalerer til en anspent stillingskrig hvor sverige svarer med samme mynt og sender sin egen soldat. Da får korpen vår (han må seff minst være korporal, han er jo tross alt vaktsjef, garnisonsleder, sambandsmann, samt lagfører) selskap av noen han kan prate skjit med. Slikt blir det god stemning av.


The second part of the title is my own interpretation. I fly myself from time to time (Only recreationally, I have no plans on going commercial. I like my current unrelated career), and have been made aware of the medical requirements for pilots. While strict rules should apply, the regulations are outdated. I find it naive to think that there aren't any pilots currently flying with, for example, ADHD, and while that would in most cases in itself be a disqualifying diagnosis for pilots, it's even more disqualifying if it's medicated.

The video is about a compelling story and focuses mostly on mental health, but I feel that it hilights the same underlying problem; Pilots are incentivized to keep quiet about mental health issue due to an outdated approach because of a ruleset that basically states "No medication, no diagnosis".

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