
joined 2 years ago
[–] PDFuego 4 points 8 hours ago
[–] PDFuego 4 points 8 hours ago (3 children)

Nope, but your first two comments were about the headline and not the article which is why I assumed you hadn't read any of it, and then you were saying they're treating Grok as a source and not an LLM when they clearly called it a chatbot in the first sentence. I don't have to comment on YOU bringing up critical approaches to LLM outputs when that's not what any of this is about because you're just moving the goalposts.

[–] PDFuego 4 points 8 hours ago (5 children)

This just reads like Grok is any other source and not an LLM.

The article opens with "Elon Musk's supposedly "anti-woke" chatbot"

[–] PDFuego 7 points 9 hours ago (7 children)

I'm having trouble wording this in a way that doesn't sound like I'm talking down to you, I can only promise you that that's not my intent.

Headlines have always existed to get your attention, they've always been sensationalised and are frequently somewhat misleading about the substance of the article on the surface to evoke a reaction and get you to visit the website (or buy the newspaper/magazine). The author decided potential information about Trump being a Russian asset is more attention-grabbing than a meaningless story about a crap LLM designed to be crap by a crappy person turning out to be a piece of crap. If that bothers you then it's a perfect example of why you shouldn't get your news from headlines.

[–] PDFuego 13 points 9 hours ago (9 children)

Nobody's saying Grok is trustworthy. The article is about it being funny that it keeps saying shit that goes against the "anti-woke" bias it's programmed to have.

Though this is obviously not the first time Trump has been accused of being a Putin puppet, and most certainly won't be the last, it's hilariously ironic that the chatbot funded by his alleged "co-president" is talking such deep smack.

There are multiple links to other times it's happened too. It's hardly an endorsement of Grok.

[–] PDFuego 43 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Many people consider him calling that cave explorer a pedo guy to be the start of him going publicly crazy, which happened in June 2018 (ymmv depending on how much or how little you paid attention). The Cybertruck design was revealed and reservations started being taken in November 2019.

[–] PDFuego 6 points 4 days ago


If only

[–] PDFuego 30 points 6 days ago (29 children)

Amazing. Like it starts on its own.

[–] PDFuego 17 points 6 days ago (1 children)

That's the only one I don't recognise. Who's the artist?

[–] PDFuego 6 points 1 week ago

Of all the places for someone to make an error and lash out at the correction, it's beautiful that it happened on a comment showing zero concern for "uninformed" people. Not sure only educating those that ask for it is working out too well these days.

[–] PDFuego 2 points 2 weeks ago

Off memory I only need 8 more for Keldeo, 30 or so for Manaphy, and 80 for Meltan because I completed the dex but not a living dex. I don't think Meltan is worth the torture of playing through that again a couple of times for the fossils.

[–] PDFuego -1 points 3 weeks ago

And the dozens of people who made that comment didn't read so much as the first part of the first sentence of the article.

US inflation increased by more than expected last month

It's not the inflation that was unexpected, it's the amount. You can't get your news from headlines, people.


Hopefully this is the right place to ask, I'm not active on any other sites so this is the only place I could think of. I'm in Australia and I haven't kept up with any promotions' wrestling apart from the odd PPV since maybe the Ruthless Aggression era. The last thing I watched was Lucha Underground, which I had to torrent.

I want to show my partner some old PPVs (specifically Survivor Series 2002 and Royal Rumble 2005 for now), as far as I can tell the WWE Network has been discontinued and it tells me everything will be on Netflix now, but it's not clear if that's all of the archives or just new stuff. Searching online tells me Raw is possibly on Netflix, and they say in this FAQ that "select countries" get "select content" which tells me fuckin nothing. Other sites don't mention Netflix at all but say there's stuff on Peacock, Binge, Foxtel Now, or Kayo, none of which I've ever used and none of which are specific about what they offer.

Help? I'm willing to pay or pirate, I don't care as long as the quality is watchable. I don't have any streaming service accounts and don't want to have to sign up for them just to see what they're exactly offering.

Edit: Thanks for the responses.


For the first time I’ve put a tiny bit of effort into making a building look like… something. It ships in nitrogen, iron & copper ingots and alclad sheets, then ships out cooling systems and motors - I was making the motors for the cooling device alternate recipe anyway, so I figured I’d export half of them at the same time considering they’ll be going to the same place for the turbo motors & thermal propulsion rockets.

Usually I drop a bunch of foundations, spread out machines and clip conveyors through each other all over the place, put up some walls and never bother to light it, paint it or stick a ceiling on. This time I followed advice I’ve seen on this community and in Excrubulent’s videos. I’ve got blocks of machines which actually have space around them, conveyors are up on the ceilings & out of the way, and I’ve built upwards. I don’t have any better photos because I’m not on my gaming PC and this is just what I’d sent to a friend, but there you go.

If I were to redo it I’d have some changes to make to the way I connect the train platforms (like why the hell did I build it all the way over there instead of integrating the station into the ground floor?), and I’d have a dedicated conduit on one side of the building for sending items/power cables up and down rather than having lifts on either side of the main factory floor, but that’s what learning is all about. I like having 1-2 items produced per floor and shipping things up as needed, then dropping the final product from the top back down to the train.

I just have a couple of buildings left for Phase 4 (2 more project parts, but all of the components are produced in other factories and the only raw material I’ll need to process is the copper for the Nuclear Pasta, everything else can be achieved in 5 machines total). I was thinking in Phase 5 it’d be cool to build upwards like this then stick a drone platform on the roof for exports. I dunno.

Bonus pic from the train station you can see in the background:


I'm looking for a mod that'll let me set up a master list of work bills that can be done by multiple pawns across multiple workstations without having to edit the bills list of each one. Does this exist?

I currently use a mod (one of Dub's I want to say?) that can clone and link bills, but you still have to set up each workbench individually and remember to link anything new you add so it still gets tedious in a large colony. Something used to do this iirc, possibly Fluffy's Colony Manager, but I'm sure it didn't in the previous verstion or two and I've only started getting into 1.5 in the last week so I'm not sure if anything new has popped up.

Alternatively, if this isn't already a thing and anyone's up for making it I'd be happy to throw some money your way.


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