
joined 1 year ago
[–] ShittyBeatlesFCPres 12 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

And people laughed at me for sticking with my MOS 6502. Who’s laughing now?

[–] ShittyBeatlesFCPres 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

His childhood in “Appalachia” that actually was a suburb between Cincinnati and Dayton.

If he was actually from West Virginia, he’d know couches are for burning after a football game. (You can still fuck a burning couch but it’s the most dangerous game.)

I’m from New Orleans I don’t even like to claim to be from the South — I’m from the Northernmost point in the Caribbean — and this motherfucker is claiming West Virginia heritage when he grew up basically equidistant from Chicago.

[–] ShittyBeatlesFCPres 3 points 1 day ago

My personal opinion (as a dispassionate atheist) is that religion isn’t the problem with human nature. In the U.S., for instance, we have some Christians who have strayed so far, I don’t get how they’ve even seen a Bible verse. But also, basically every major Civil Rights leader was a Christian preacher or woman of faith. There are similar situations everywhere. There’s Buddhists who are so non-violent they wouldn’t kill a fly and other “Buddhists” who commit genocide, which doesn’t even make fucking sense.

So, my view of religion is that it’s mostly not the thing to focus on. People can be organized for good or evil and there’s plenty of secular things where people define an identity. I suspect if religion never existed, we’d have all the same problems. I mean, we have soccer hooligans and it’s not because people object to 22 people getting some exercise on a lovely afternoon. (Or a miserable, rainy Wednesday night in England.)

[–] ShittyBeatlesFCPres 9 points 1 day ago

I have no idea if that framing is outrage bait — like, who gives a shit about hideous industrial blight when people’s homes and a national park are being destroyed — but also, what horrors are unleashed when an oil pipeline meets a wildfire? It sounds like it’d be pretty fucking bad.

Also, I get protecting the waste treatment plant. Firemen have it hard enough without having to trudge through actual hot shit. (And it might be flammable too. I do my best to avoid learning what happens after a toilet gets flushed.)

TL/DR: I’m totally ignorant of what happens when oil and shit meet fire but I’m guessing it’s bad.

[–] ShittyBeatlesFCPres 15 points 1 day ago (4 children)

I get what you’re saying but I like that Lemmy has a left wing bias (with a dash of libertarians). If it was the dominant media site, I’d agree about the echo chamber risk but so much media (in the English speaking world, anyway) is under right wing ownership now. Having a handful of sites that are a refuge from it all is a feature for me, not a bug. It’s an escape from the echo chamber.

[–] ShittyBeatlesFCPres 13 points 2 days ago

You’re not wrong but Tesla is probably more of a meme stock at this point. We might not be able to blame Wall Street for this one. There’s a lot of retail investors in Tesla stock because they think Elon is a super brain genius despite all evidence to the contrary.

[–] ShittyBeatlesFCPres 27 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Biden didn’t support segregation. He worked with segregationists to pass legislation. To call Biden a segregationist an insult to Cornpop. And you don’t want to insult Cornpop. Cornpop was a bad dude.

[–] ShittyBeatlesFCPres 51 points 2 days ago (6 children)

This is a bit like saying we shouldn’t judge the leaders of the Confederacy by modern standards as if there weren’t slaves and abolitionists and a global movement to end slavery. Trump was notably racist even for the 70’s. He literally refused to rent to black people and there was a whole federal housing discrimination case.

[–] ShittyBeatlesFCPres 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

If we can just get the remaining countries to jump on board by the year 2005, we might avoid the worst effects of climate change.

[–] ShittyBeatlesFCPres 38 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

Oh no! What will we do if morbidly obese 70 year-old slobs who are so afraid of cities that they think they need a gun to visit San Francisco start a civil war? How will we ever defeat the sandy vagina brigade that thinks a reality TV host is a big a strong man?

[–] ShittyBeatlesFCPres 24 points 3 days ago

What’s the “Iraq treatment”? The U.S. spending a trillion dollars to create enough instability for something like ISIS to emerge?

[–] ShittyBeatlesFCPres 18 points 4 days ago

It appears the world’s most divorced bozo is at it again.


This isn’t a great photo. I was sitting outside in Moab, UT playing with the night sky app. The bright dot right above the hilltops is the ISS. Taken with an iPhone 15 Pro on default settings (3 second exposure in the dark) so it’s not that far off from the actual view.

I live in a city but I’m near a dark sky site right now so I’ve been having a ball with just my binoculars and a camera phone.


It seems like there would be an advantage because of the type of subs that happen in that scenario. Making defensive subs in the final minutes of regular time would at least hurt you in penalties, if not in added time. But maybe it’s not an important factor.

I tried googling it but nothing came up. But it’s 2024 Google so maybe I just asked the wrong way or it wanted to sell me stuff.


Columbia University’s student newspaper has an editorial about what transpired.


I had to test/fix something at work and I set up a Windows VM because it was a bug specific to Windows users. Once I was done, I thought, “Maybe I should keep this VM for something.” but I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t a game (which probably wouldn’t work well in a VM anyway) or some super specific enterprise software I don’t really use.

I also am more familiar with the Apple ecosystem than the Microsoft one so maybe I’m just oblivious to what’s out there. Does anyone out there dual boot or use a VM for a non-game, non-niche industry Windows exclusive program?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by ShittyBeatlesFCPres to c/[email protected]

Waitress: You folks ready?

Dieter: I have lingonberry pancakes.

Kieffer: Lingonberry pancakes.

Franz: Three pigs in blanket.

Woman: [asks for blueberry pancakes in German]

Dieter: [translating] Lingonberry pancakes.


Lots of people were way more important than history books give them credit for. Do you have a favorite?

Mine are Ibn al-Haytham and Mansa Musa. For very different reasons. Ibn al-Haytham basically invented the scientific method. And Mansa Musa was such a baller that he caused inflation when he visited places.


I remember Funk and Wagnall’s at A&P but was that universal before we got computers?


I’ve never worked with major enterprise or government systems where there’s aging mainframes — the type that get parodied for running COBOL. So, I’m completely ignorant, although fascinated. Are they power hogs? Are they wildly cheap to run? Are they even run as they were back in the day?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by ShittyBeatlesFCPres to c/lemmyshitpost

I had Midjourney make Stalin the Tankie Engine.


I’ll be named THIEF soon enough.

The Aristocrats! (

I found the least efficient way to get to the Linux CLI.


I ordered a Raspberry Pi 5 so I have a Pi 3 that’s about to be redundant. I haven’t used Pi-Hole so I was thinking it’d be good for that but I’m curious if there’s any downsides for users. Are sites blocked if you dont whitelist them? That sort of thing.

Basically, I’m not worried about me having issues but I’m worried about a maintenance headache if friends and family can’t access things.

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