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I'm an Europe based nurse and work shifts: 06:00 to 14:00, 13:00 to 21:00 or graveyard shift: 20:00 to 06:30 the next day.

Working bedside full time I earn EUR 4K before taxes plus shift supplements that earn me between EUR 0.5 and 0.9K per month, so that’s between 4.5K and 4.9K per month. Most of this extra money comes from working the graveyard shift, the second biggest contribution are weekends.

I know I'm not going to work bedside until I retire because this is a tiring and demanding job and have been looking for administrative positions within my hospital system.

There are 2 regular 9 to 5 jobs that fit my area of expertise: case manager and study nurse. Monday to Friday, no weekends except a doctor needs me with him there, no night shifts. My starting base salary would be 3.7K but I wouldn’t get supplements anymore.

I’m not sure I want to have a normal 9 to 5, mostly office based job if it means earning EUR 0.8K to 1.2K less than I do now. I’d sleep better, I wouldn’t have to wake up at 4:30 or fear that a loud neighbor is going to ruin the night because it's Friday and he wants to party, I wouldn’t feel tired after every morning shift, I wouldn’t have to work 8 to 10 days without breaks…

But I believe I’ve grown used to nursing: a positive aspect of waking up at 04:30 is that streets are empty when you go to work and when you come home, there are always free seats on your commute, no children yelling after school, no queues when you go shopping, I don’t mind working weekends because you work less and earn a bit more… And where I work there is a huge nurse scarcity and my manager doesn’t complain much when I call in sick.

I don’t know how to decide


So awkward, but come on it says right there on the package to wash those mushrooms or whatever it is… You’re not their mom but you don’t wanna eat feces or whatever ended up on the produce. A quick rinse is never going to be perfect but it’s better than nothing.

In the absence of legitimate suggestions, commiseration is welcome too 😉


I've been looking for a new job as a software developer. The huge majority of job listings I see in my area are hybrid or remote. I just had an introductory phone call with Vizio (which didn't specify the location type in the job listing). The recruiter told me that the job was fully on-site, which I told her was a deal breaker for me.

It makes me wonder how many other people back out after hearing that the job is on-site. And it makes me wonder why this wasn't specified in the job description. I assume most people only want hybrid or remote jobs these days, right?

Anyways I was just wondering how many of you guys apply for on-site IT jobs? Hybrid is so much better, I don't know why people would apply for on-site jobs unless they have no other options.


Background Info:

Recent events and news about water scarcity got me thinking about this. So the question is essentially the title. Or am I missing something?

If you live anywhere that uses a sewer system rather than septic tanks, isn't it already doing that?

In my area, the water company pulls in from the river, filters and processes it, and pipes it out to homes. It gets used in the homes, discharged into the sewer to a treatment plant, treated, and then pumped back into the river.

Even if your water company's intake is before the sewage treatment plant, the next town's intake is downstream. So if you're not drinking your neighbor's processed toilet water, you're drinking that of the town upstream.

Is getting mixed with river water simply enough to "dilute" the ick-factor here, or is there something I'm missing?


Is there a hard threshold? Do high risk investments such as penny stocks qualify as gambling? Do low risk investments? Annuities? Bonds? CDs?

This comment got me wondering.

Is it more to do with the venue? Stock markets and real estate vs casinos and the lottery?

Were the MIT Blackjack Team gambling or investing?

Or Jerry and Marge Selbee?

Is this just another semantic hotdogs are sandwiches discussion or is there an agreed threshold?


Can credit union and coop banks replace traditional banks completely?

Edit (adding additional question): Has there been an attempt to do this on a national or societal level?


Thinking about the gaming magazines I used to read as a kid in the '90s. Some of them have found their way online thanks to preservationist efforts, but most are seemingly gone forever. (I'm talking about the particular magazine I read as a kid, many others have complete or near-complete collections available online in the form of scanned hardcopies.)

Do the publishing houses keep a digital copy of every magazine they release? If so, why don't they release them? They could probably charge a fee to download them, like other digital magazines do, but of course it'd be great if they just shared them for free for historical purposes on the Internet Archive or something.

It would be an insanely short-sighted practice to not keep masters of these publications forever, no? 🤔 The raw files probably take up a few CDs' worth of space for the entire run of the magazine. Big assumptions on my part, I have no clue how any of it is done!


  1. Do they retain the files forever?
  2. If so, why might they not be shared 20 or 30 years later?



Recently got Walk Scape which is a rune scape inspired game, but you do things by walking and just reads from the google analytics on your walking distance, so no gps and doesn't care where you go, just that you walk. So like to mine something, you take 10 steps, and so on. Also really nice that if you complete your current task, your steps are stored. So you don't have to do things while on the walk, you pick stuff to do before you walk, and then check in after. Really enjoying it!

Also got an app called Macadam, which gives you prizes for walking. But the model is kinda annoying because you'll get 25 coins for walking 2,500 steps in a day, but then you'd get like 5k for doing surveys and 10k for "playing partner games". So it feels a bit just like a mist play clone with a pedometer.

I didn't like games like pokemon go because the best way to play was always just to drive to a good place and hang out there. Also it required you to stop while on your walk.

Curious if there are any other fun walking games!


I have seen multiple times on Lemmy that the IRS wants people to report income from illegal means and that they don't care to bust someone for it. For example, an illicit drug dealer is expected by the IRS to report their drug sale revenue without having to worry about being caught for drug dealing.

Will the IRS seriously not report illegal activities or individuals that report they earned income through vague illegal means?

If they don't, do law enforcement agencies skim IRS tax reports to find people that report illegal income to further investigate?

Can IRS tax forms that report illegal income be used against someone in court?

It just seems ridiculous that reporting illegal activity, however undefined, to the federal government would be a safe option.


I know medical questions aren’t allowed on this subreddit, but this one was so mundane and yet so oddly specific that I figured this was the best place to ask.

My left middle finger keeps getting an annoying, itchy rash that is covered in tiny pimples. It’s worst on the sides of the finger. I know eczema is a thing, but I’ve never heard of it being specific to one finger.

The closest thing I could find is maybe dyshidrosis, which can give you itchy in the side of your finger. but I think those bumps have fluid in them like blisters, and I don’t think my bumps have fluid.

If it helps, I usually wear rings on my middle fingers, but I haven’t worn any in a while, and my right middle finger is totally fine. I’ve been having problems with this specific finger getting insanely itchy rashes for over a year or two.

Pros / cons of riding a bike? (self.nostupidquestions)
submitted 2 weeks ago by _number8_ to c/nostupidquestions

apparently my city literally literally banned public rail funding, and people online love jerking off about how good biking is, so i figured might as well try. I have come up with:


  • good for mental health / exercise / endorphins
  • arguably quaint
  • feel like an old timey guy taking his wares to market
  • feel european
  • can annoy others
  • less of a police state around them vs cars
  • more flexible parking, routes
  • capacity to be peaceful
  • nice in summer


  • look like an annoying dork (esp w neon - which also hurts the quaint factor)
  • have to wear a helmet (^)
  • getting sweaty, potentially "unpresentable" for work
  • still have to find safe parking
  • still takes a while
  • have to find new routes to places
  • can't listen to music or might die
  • little meaningful protection against severe injury
  • can only carry so many groceries/etc
  • sucks in winter

I can't say I've been using Lemmy for long, but from the get-go it seems that the communities, memes, opinions that get upvoted seem to reflect left-wing ideas.

I'm certainly not complaining, it honestly feels like a breathe of fresh air compared to other social media sites that seem to shift further and further to the far right, though I am curious to hear why this might be the case? Does FOSS tend to attract more left-wing minded people, or does this just happen to be a broadly left-wing microcosm/bubble?

Hope you all have a great day.


Here’s a (very stupid) parody of the attitude as I imagine it from the most obstinate people with this view:

Well, my doctor says I need to take this medication, so that's what I'm going to do. I don't care what all those other people online are saying about their experiences with it. My doctor knows best, and I'm not going to listen to a bunch of anonymous strangers on the internet. They're probably just making stuff up anyway.

Sure, I get that a lot of people had some nasty side effects or didn't see any improvement, but my doctor assured me that won't happen to me. He's a professional, so I trust him completely. And I know he's only trying to help, not line his own pockets or anything.

All those online forums and support groups are just a waste of time. What could a bunch of regular people possibly know that my highly educated, experienced doctor doesn't? I'm going to take this medication exactly as prescribed and not ask any questions. My doctor is infallible, and I refuse to get a second opinion or consider any other options. Nope, I'm just going to blindly follow his advice and ignore everyone else. That's the smart and responsible thing to do!

(Yes, this is extraordinary (and like I said stupid), and yes your doctor knows more than JoeRando420 telling you to buy homeopathic crystal suppositories. In fact I only have one user in mind writing this post, someone I forget who posted long ago about a condition I cannot remember. Hope they got better.)

Main point is: why not let a large number of people who heard about a condition from their own qualified doctors help you at least scribble down some questions to ask your own medical folks at your next appointment? (But please avoid those crystal suppositories.)

Edit: thanks everybody, read all your posts and they're all great points! Glad I posted here. Thanks for reading something at least 80% dumb :)

How do I verbally say 2.1 ng/kg (self.nostupidquestions)
submitted 2 weeks ago by andrewta to c/nostupidquestions

I know the ng means nanogram

But I’m curious how would I say the above line of 2.1 ng/kg

For context I got it from this paragraph

a lethal dose of 1.3–2.1 ng/kg in humans

Would it be

2.1 nanogram per kilogram?

Also if I wanted to write that as a decimal number how would i write that?


Currently Chromium 128, and Firefox 127. They always seem to go shoulder to shoulder.


Preferably I’d like a site that uses Dalle 3 because it’s a let down how ChatGPT only generates one image at a time now, but sites with stable diffusion will work as well. I tried googling sites that use Dalle 3 but no luck

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/nostupidquestions

Do people still hand out physical business cards at events or is it all digital now?

i should have asked before ordering 50, lol


Thank you for all the replies, I’ve got the answer I need but I’ll add some more information just in case anyone wants to know.

  • I’m based in Europe and not Japan
  • I’m working as a videographer and trying to build a film company
  • I plan on doing more event coverage so I’ll bring them with to quickly hand out my contact details.
  • The card has the following: Busines name, my name, phone number, email, and website.
  • I had thought about adding my social media but couldn’t find a nice way to do it that matched the rest of the card.

EDIT 2: just now realised I didn’t complete the last sentence of the last bullet point


I have already seen an allergist, and was on ramp up. We had to move, and to my surprise none of the clinics here will administer allergy shots.

There is a speciality clinic that will, but only if you are a patient of their allergist, they won't administer injections unless it came from them. There is a 3y wait-list for their allergist.

This is terrible news. My seasonal allergies are debilitating, they are a disability. In the words of my allergist "You are allergic to the world".

I could administer them at home, my spouse is an MA and knows how to do the subcutaneous shots. However, that's dangerous, and my allergist refuses to allow me to do this.

The alternative would be to just walk into a clinic or ER, get the shots administered by my spouse in the lobby. Wait the 20-30 minutes to ensure no anaphylactic reaction, and go home. And do this till I've ramped. But I get the feeling this won't go over well....

What sort of advice do you have for me on navigating this Lemmy? I was receiving treatment for this condition, and now I can't, which is essentially driving me into depression.


Seems pretty dumb in our biological design to not be able to regenerate such a functional (and also easily breakable) part of our body.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by ThatWeirdGuy1001 to c/nostupidquestions

I own a long dagger/short sword. The hilt is in the design of the German eagle with its wings spread out as the hand guard and in the middle of the hand guard is a swastika. The scabbard is also adorned with swastikas on the top, mid section, and bottom.

I don't want to own this piece as I don't want to be seen as a Nazi sympathizer or anything of the sort, but I don't want to sell it to someone who actually is a Nazi sympathizer or something like that.

What do I do with it besides trash it? I don't want to trash it because it's decent quality. It's not historic in any way (which disturbs me to think about) but it's well made.

What can I do with it?

*The item in question is not historical


I was just thinking if you are on your computer anyway would it just use some of the excess electricity that your computer would have wasted or would it be worse than charging your phone from a charger while using your laptop separately.


people have been demonizing it for most of the AD years i think but it's quite pleasant really. are there any proven negative effects?

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