I'm ONE fat dude, you insensitive prick.
Do your smaller-than-average feet have any appreciable effect on your mobility? If not, I have to wonder why we need these clown-ass feet at all. Waste of meat and leather.
I know OP is joking (at least I hope he is), but it reminded me of this thread about Soulslikes:
Time-wasting respawns/progress loss seems like a very blunt tool with which to motivate the player to keep playing. It's some 1988 arcade coin-op shit that we really ought to leave in the past.
Nope, not discussing shit with Nazis. I just know of people even where I'm from (N. Ireland) who are mentally unwell and will walk around yelling crazy shit that, coming from anyone else, would result in instantaneous violence. But they're known to be crazy, so they get a pass. Not just Nazis, but imagine if someone is wandering through an IRA stronghold yelling "fuck the pope!". I don't assume that person to be playing with a full deck, and anyone who beats him up would be looked down upon. If I see 4 dudes doing the same thing together, then it's different. There's much less chance of it being crazy Jim off his meds again in that case. Sometimes the crazy person just says the worst shit they can think of, and Nazism is like the express route to the top of Mount Cunt, so it's easy even for a nut to rattle off some heinously-offensive diatribe in that vein.
All I'm saying - and I'm not suggesting everyone do this, just explaining where I'm coming from - is that I wanna know before I punch someone if they're genuinely evil or if they have a pre-existing head injury that coincided with their psychotic interest in WWII. I'm not saying we don't punch Nazis, just that we should be careful to target genuine Nazis and not unmedicated schizophrenics. And I don't know anything about the guy in the gif in the OP, maybe he was with a large contingent of scum and he has a political science degree, in which case he got what he deserved. But if he was alone, and was riding the subway to get into town wearing a Nazi armband, and trying to get people to react to him, I'm 50/50 on whether or not he's the real McCoy looking to martyr his chin for the cause or if he's someone the mental health services have failed.
TL;DR: Punch Nazis, but separate the Nazis from the Nazi cosplaying schizophrenics.
A lone dude like this wandering around antagonising people would presumably have some sort of psychiatric problems, so I wouldn't immediately KO him in the street, and would need to ask him a few questions first in order to gauge how tethered he is to reality. But if I see a clump of neo-Natals together, then we can skip right to the violence.
We can expect these people to carry out violent assaults now, with the understanding that their violence is tolerated by the fucking president of the country. This is going to get horrific.
I was taught to do that in word processing class in 1995 😭 I was only following orders!
Not that I would ever condone or encourage such abhorrent and inexcusable behaviour, but it would seem like if anyone in US politics is begging for a bullet, it's Musk. Even more so than Trump or his cabinet of monstrosities. Musk is uniquely poised to catch a round in the dome. And it will probably be a MAGA lunatic that does it.
Who better to make such a judgement?
For what it's worth, that woman absolutely did NOT murder her husband. Fuck Netflix "documentarians".
When numbnuts have no power in society, it's often dismissed as a fool's errand to try to counter their crazy claims. But I think we all need to be countering the crazy at all times, not just when the biggest crazies are enjoying power and reach. Otherwise, we get Joe Rogan and Mel Gibson talking about curing terminal cancer with animal dewormer and Donald Trump winning a second term and appointing RFK Jr. to delete vaccines from history.
Horse/barn door situation, but still. It can always get worse.
I don't think there are many non-Muslims who were onboard with this stupid shit either, to be fair. Besides the spittle-flecked gammon who were already bigots to begin with, of course.
The only Quran burning I'd support would be if Elon Musk did it as part of his whole white identitarian shtick. I'd send ISIS the airfare myself.