
joined 2 years ago
[–] douglasg14b 1 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)


Conveniently missed note above ☝️

The remainder of the executive team is paid what appears to be a fairly reasonable salary for the industry, low even.

The biggest cost ($6mill) is paid by the for profit Mozilla corporation.

Browser development is crazy hard, and expensive, work. Mozilla has honestly done a TON with the resources at hand. Google over here spending hundreds of millions for Chrome

It just sucks that they are seeing financial pressures that drive them into the profit corner.

[–] douglasg14b 9 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Turns out when you gotta choose between going defunct and selling ad space, selling ad space wins.

Also turns out that drying up donations for privacy protecting browsers means there is less demand for it, and less money to fund it.

The majority cost of Firefox is engineering salaries.

Eventually something has to give, and this is it.

[–] douglasg14b 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

This isn't even a good target for the outrage....

I get Luiging some healthcare insurance. But a state ran nonprofit for workers comp access with a CEO who makes 2x the salary of a mid level Netflix dev isn't exactly the big bad guy here.

I'm all for it, but can we choose more wisely?

[–] douglasg14b 0 points 1 day ago (1 children)

$600k/y is not "the rich". That's on the upper end of American middle class in 2025 if you consider the same quality of living as the same upper end 30 years ago.

The folks making $5, $10, $50 million/y are the ones we should be focusing on.

Not the CEO of a state ran, nonprofit, critical insurance agency who makes ~2x as much as a mid level software engineer at Netflix.

[–] douglasg14b 177 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Hell, even worse, crying in the lost information. Discord is a black hole where community knowledge goes to die.

It's the worst.

[–] douglasg14b 2 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I don't see it on the app store to remove anymore

[–] douglasg14b 36 points 1 day ago

Chrome* or Chromium based browsers*

[–] douglasg14b 7 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Protocols are much more difficult to create and implement.

The barrier for technical ability and maturity is much higher. Which is why you don't see them as often, and when you do see them they tend to suck, have massive gaps, or some other significant failing that prevents them from really scaling out.

Building reliable and robust protocols with a hobby project is a nearly impossible task, it takes a lot of effort and a lot of minds over a long period of time to settle on the specifications. And just as long to actually implement it.

Usually this requires some sort of funding and dedicated resources from the get-go. Which many of these projects lack.

[–] douglasg14b -2 points 4 days ago

Your getting downvoted for an accurate statement.

This really is just redditv2. Discussion to the sidelines over vibes and feels.

[–] douglasg14b 11 points 4 days ago (1 children)

This is definitely not a healthy dismissal of privacy violating behavior.

Especially in this day and age where it's being increasingly weaponized.

[–] douglasg14b 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

And in only one comment you managed go from "immigrate to a different country", as a panacea.

To "if you are part of 4.5% of the gross eligible population, then just immigrate to a different country by going through a difficult asylum process"

You do realize how ridiculous and a unrealistic the statements are right?


Hopefully you all can help!

I've been to hundreds of threads over the last few days trying to puzzle this out, with no luck.

The problem:

  1. Caddy v2 with acme HTTP-1 ACME challenge (Changed from TLS-ALPN challenge)
  2. Cloudflair DNS with proxy ON
  3. All cloudflair https is off
  4. This is a .co domain

Any attempt to get certificates fails with an invalid challenge response. If I try and navigate (or curl) to the challenge directly I always get SSL validation errors as if all the requests are trying to upgrade to HTTPS.

I'm kind of at my wit's end here and am running out of things to try.

If I turn Cloud flare proxy off and go back to TLS-ALPN challenge, everything works as expected. However I do not wish to expose myself directly and want to use the proxy.

What should I be doing?

I have now solved this by using Cloudflair DNS ACME challenge. Cloudflair SSL turned back on. Everything works as expected now, I can have external clients terminate SSL at cloudflair, cloudflair communicate with my proxy through HTTPS, and have internal clients terminate SSL at caddy.


I just messed my ankle up and am going to a conference in a couple days where I normally walk 15-25 miles/day for the next week.

I've been advised to use a wheelchair instead of crutches. And will rent one when I get there.

I get the feeling that I'm throwing myself into the fire here, having never used a wheelchair before, and likely spending a crazy amount of time in one moving around over the next week.

I usually can't deal with sitting down for more than an hour or so before my back hurts, so I'm worried about that.

What advice do you all have for me? What do I need to know? What pro-tips should I take for the next week?

How to "unmask"? (self.autism)
submitted 7 months ago by douglasg14b to c/autism

In my 30's and only within the last few years have I been able to really introspect my life, and realize behaviors that I've "created" or "fake" in social interactions. I struggled a lot in middle/high school, and even through my 20's. I've essentially "found" myself to some degree in my 30's, but I'm actually not sure how much of it is me and how much of it is masking.

I recognize the signs when I'm being fake in interactions that would benefit from being more genuine. It's automatic, and I've noticed others take notice when it's the wrong mask at the wrong time. Which just means I get better at it, which is nice and all, but it would be cool if it wasn't such an automatic reaction.

So my question to all of you is how do you reduce masking behavior in situations or relationships where it may be beneficial or necessary to not do so?

Awkwardly I guess you could answer this with "You get better at it with time", which is true of most things. However, I'm looking for some emotionally intelligent advice or anecdotes.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by douglasg14b to c/autism

Anyone else get anxiety when waiting for communication on anything soft-planned (or even hard planned for that matter)? Spiraling and all that.

Especially if the person involved is late or didn't respond. Ofc the reaction is to check in, that's what I'd want someone else to do for me if I indicated I'd do something or message someone. However, that can be interpreted as being needy or clingy when really I just want to know the plan and not be left hanging.

Life happens ofc, people gotta cancel plans, that's okay. But what really rubs things wrong is being left without information, that's when the anxiety shoots. Do you wait for them, or go do something else? If you go do something else, what happens when they're suddenly available? That's not respecting my time, so it's rude, but do you convey that?? What if you hinged your day on something, that just throws a big ass wrench in.

Everyone is living their own lives, and things happen, preventing communication. It just feels like it's more common than it used to be, or more... Negligent?


I guess /rant really.


I have already seen an allergist, and was on ramp up. We had to move, and to my surprise none of the clinics here will administer allergy shots.

There is a speciality clinic that will, but only if you are a patient of their allergist, they won't administer injections unless it came from them. There is a 3y wait-list for their allergist.

This is terrible news. My seasonal allergies are debilitating, they are a disability. In the words of my allergist "You are allergic to the world".

I could administer them at home, my spouse is an MA and knows how to do the subcutaneous shots. However, that's dangerous, and my allergist refuses to allow me to do this.

The alternative would be to just walk into a clinic or ER, get the shots administered by my spouse in the lobby. Wait the 20-30 minutes to ensure no anaphylactic reaction, and go home. And do this till I've ramped. But I get the feeling this won't go over well....

What sort of advice do you have for me on navigating this Lemmy? I was receiving treatment for this condition, and now I can't, which is essentially driving me into depression.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by douglasg14b to c/technology

This is great news, and a strong step forward.

A big part of this are the limitations around part pairing. Which often prevents repairs as the parts on the device are paired to each other and do not allow you to swap them out.

Recently this has become a problem even for EUVs like OneWheel. Who lock consumers out of repairing or modifying their devices.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by douglasg14b to c/liftoff

Whenever I try and go to this instance it shows that an unexpected error has occurred. What's the dealio?

The website itself appears to work.


Seems an engineer stole source code, docs, presentations...etc related to car technology.


I can't seem to figure out how to do this in liftoff.

The best search and find method that I have for communities is to create a new post and I can search through the communities on an instance there.

However I'm not sure how else to search for communities, it just go directly to one, as the search function isn't to helpful right now.

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