
joined 2 years ago

I think your average geek used to be like, somewhat academic and erudite and into arcane knowledge and had some level of good faith of wanting to engage in discussion

Now it's all frauds and absolutely braindead elon stans and crypto dipshits and conservative freaks and people who enjoy and defend watching big tech destroy everything.

[–] _number8_ 160 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (9 children)

API pricing is such a shitty obnoxious dogshit practice that is now of course becoming standard because of course it is. internet barely costs money come the fuck on make a quality product

It used to be a respected standard for developers and hosts to be somewhat open and friendly to 3rd party devs, because ultimately they're customers and they're helping recruit and retain customers, they should be treated with respect. just because it's innovative and disruptive to invent the machine gun doesn't mean it's good

[–] _number8_ 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

all this bullshit about taking their phones away...they have to wake up at 7am for school and be there all day, they can't even have one bit of joy? they can't do banter during class or record a lecture or look stuff up? why are we acting like school has to be strict because it has to seem strict


I diligently mute them, I'm a freak I cannot stand them. But from the nature of many people's complaints about ads, it seems like they listen to them and want to retain the words they've said?


suicide? appreciating the good moments of the day without thinking about the wider hell you're in, somehow?


(ignore the old TV)

an ESPN+ exclusive fight has literally nothing to do with the football


cozy 90s BBS forums, obscure blogs, etc.

[–] _number8_ 3 points 5 months ago

contacting my representatives is exactly as useful as writing a letter to santa

[–] _number8_ 7 points 5 months ago (6 children)

this is insane. why can't we vote for them not to be able to do this? isn't this a democracy?

[–] _number8_ 78 points 5 months ago (13 children)

it's ridiculous how much we jerk off to being the greatest country in the world ever but we can't even have this basic quality of life feature that so many other countries have made work. fucking israel has universal healthcare! what a pathetic empire

[–] _number8_ 30 points 5 months ago

my city is literally prohibited from using public funds for any type of train because of some GOP devil magic thing -- so all we have is busses, which suck because you're still beholden to traffic jams and lights and speed limits and roads. pointless and not even a sense of whimsy or transcendence

[–] _number8_ 32 points 5 months ago (1 children)

i like when people use big words cause then i can learn a new word. it's nice knowing words to say stuff with

[–] _number8_ 2 points 5 months ago

we should bring back the cape. nice and flowy, not constraining, looks striking

megalopolis was pretty incoherent however

[–] _number8_ 3 points 5 months ago (4 children)

i hate how this "best performers" rhetoric always comes out in WFH discussion. everyone should be able to work from home if it's better for them regardless of if they're The Best at their dunder-mifflin ass job

[–] _number8_ 28 points 5 months ago (1 children)

this country is so cool i love living here


both companies notably ruined the internet in the 2010s by consolidating discourse then taking various steps to destroy the user experience and the feel of the communities for profit.

so, broadly, the web went from cozy, small hobby forums in the 90s and 00s, then with the 10s as a transitional period, the 20s being practically complete corporate control of online discourse.

it's a bummer. but nothing lasts forever. where will we go next?


i genuinely feel like my entire life and mindset have done a... at least a 90 by now, by somehow, somehow getting this hail mary pass off and setting this up. i can't believe this is real life it's very bizarre, i'm just shaking with anxiety and energy

i just feel like she'll hate me upon first sight (this was thru an app) for some reason, she'll sense the autism, she'll know i'm off and the next hour will be awkward and she'll politely say goodbye.

i mean, alternatively, it could go well, she could be cool. she seems cool which i suppose is why i did this. what is happening i cannot believe these are things that are going on in my life i feel like i was just in a major major hitting slump for 10 years, strikeout after strikeout

and then also what if she ghosts me or stands me up like in the films. what then? add it to the list of failures and try to rebuild my self image?



By that I mean, it must be an inherently comforting thing to think - we inherently know this and want there to be something after death, because it feels right, or more meaningful. There's a reason basically every civilization ever has some sort of afterlife ethos.

I realize I am basically horseshoeing my way into evangelicalism but still. Maybe life was better if we believed there was something beyond this. [edit - please note that yes, the world is shitty, things are awful and getting worse, and that is exactly my point -- we get THIS SHIT, and nothing else? god that's awful]

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