Hypotehtically say he sent the amilitary to take Greenland what would the outcome be
I'm really confused how can one judge stop this
Hitman Absolution -- preferably
Just Cause 2
Killer is Dead: Nightmare Edition
Kerbal Space Program
Exactly, they don’t care for us. I’ve said it before I lowkey believe they all collude with each other but in the public eye pretend to hate each other. They just care about having power not the people
I really don’t think Biden cares enough.
I see Mario with big tits
Can't Harris request a recount?
I’m actually happy for this, and hate saying this but the women who voted for him and the Latino/as that voted for him will most likely suffer the consequences of their actions. They won’t have the right to complain
Never heard of this rule can someone help explain it?
Welp guess I might make an exception then lol
Not a big book reader so can you explain?
Any idea where I can get some then so I don’t have to wait and order?