The look on his face really screams happiness and fulfillment, don't it?
A place to post ridiculous posts from
(Full transparency.. a mod for this sub happens to work there.. but that doesn't influence his moderation or laughter at a lot of posts.)
In reality you are just addicted to making money so what you are saying is "I do drugs and so should everyone"
if it took him 91 hours a week to do his job, they probably should have let him go.
No see you don’t get it. He gets the grind.
God I was going to try to give some dumb response… but honestly the best I’ve got is-
—I work more hours so I can make more money so I can do more cocaine, so I can work more hours…..
and that right there is what this whole thing it about!
Only 13% of adults in India have attainted tertiary education vs 17% in China, and 50% in the U.S. Explains where the bulk of productivity is in those countries, hard and blue collar labor. So this explains this guy’s pov, he basically wants to exploit labor as hard as possible.
Republicans want to create that kind of system here in the U.S. because they’re convinced that you don’t need an educated population to maintain US GDP supremacy, completely neglecting that the bulk of US services are centered around work that’s not hard labor or blue collar related. Even if the U.S. makes a transition to blue collar or hard labor work in the next decade, it will never attain the same kind of productivity as India and China in this respect because of the different cultural make up of these respective countries…unless, there’s a brain drain and people who want a higher quality of life abandon ship to a non-factory country.
But importantly, the reason China and India have that kind of GDP output given their respective focus in the first place is precisely because the U.S. focuses its attention on financial and technical innovation. So if everyone shifts to pushing hard labor, then what happens? Someone’s going to have to pick up the slack, and it’s likely going to be the EU unless Russia steam rolls over them.
The way nations and their leaders decide to do things is interesting, often to the detriment of sane long term investments.
I am even more disappointed by that guy's choice to work only 6 days a week.
I do not believe in sleep or rest.
I firmly believe that CEOs require diapers, not toilet breaks.
I used to shit myself continuously at the office, the stench was unbearable. And yet I went on, staying at my desk, asking people to come in to berate them.
I chose to be estranged by my whole family. My kids hate me. My wife despises me. My father won't talk to me. Even my mother loathes me.
I managed all that by dedicating every second of my life to my job, so that I can die miserably and get a gravestone saying 'lmao the shitman's dead, rest in shit loser'.
Amateur! I haven't stood up in so long my leg muscles have atrophied. Slowly my body has fused with my office chair. I only take 10 min micro naps as my body periodically shuts down, a weakest of my flesh. Never leaving the office, I occupy one entire floor of the building as my productivity lair. This floor has been secretly hidden from everyone else to avoid distractions. I only enter other floors when most employees are gone for the day, usually late at night. I make these excursions to double check my coworkers daily progress or scavenge for food.
Most of my coworkers seem to fear me, perhaps I've become something of myth? They gave me a name, because I heard one scream "the Chairman is real!" as I startled him. He was working late that night as I creeped around his cubicle wall. Since I was famished, I quickly knocked him out with a keyboard and dragged him back to my lair for a quick power lunch.
Someone is thinking about the shareholders!!!
Imagine being this turd's kid
This isn't that difficult if your only job is reading emails and giving one word replies like Yes, No, Proceed, or Delay
Which is all the guys at that level do.
At my job we've learned that anyone above director level simply will not read beyond the first sentence of a fucking email. So we have to write them these orc-like one liner emails and pray they understand whatever it is the fuck they need to understand. They have zero nuance or patience. They just want to grunt and point.
They do notice bolded, red letters usually saying "PRODUCTION HALT".
So if the first email didn't do the trick you double the CC list and sprinkle some color in the text. After that they're on their own.
I hated working with a team in India because of their insane work expectations. I'd be online in the morning my time, knowing it's basically the middle of the night for them. I'd say things weren't a high priority but they'd still stay online and finish it that day (that sort of stuff). Then they'd basically work first thing when they woke up as well. It was really frustrating in a weird way. I shouldn't have to resist communicating with a coworker because I suspect they're going to ruin their work life balance to do something I ask them to (even when I make it clear it's a low priority). But I can't just not communicate things that need to be done or ask questions I need answers to. It really sucked.
Like imagine your friend is asleep and you're at their house. You want some coffee at some point so you just shoot them a text message asking where it is in the kitchen as you go back to bed to wait for them to wake up. Next thing they dart out of their room, groggy, apologizing for over sleeping, and begin making you a whole ass latte. Then imagine them doing stuff like this so often that you're nervous to ask them to do things so they don't drop everything to assist. Now imagine they're a coworker so you must communicate tasks to them. That's sort of what it felt like.
Don't know if it would work in your scenario, but I will use Delayed Send on an email when I want to get my thoughts down right now but don't want to bother the person I'm sending it to until a better time.
Lol, I have maybe a co-worker or two I feel that way about. Work in events so work-life balance gets rocked during peak busy times. It's honestly just really hard to turn it off, cause everything needs to happen either 5 minutes ago or yesterday.
Like, shindig being planned for 2030 but we need those details yesterday.
I can emphasize. We work hard, bro, catch this email back on Monday. 😮💨😂
"I hated my life, if I had any, and so will you"
It's the classic I-suffered-so-everyone-else-should-suffer-to-keep-it-fair mentality.
Ignoring the fact that we should work to reduce suffering for future generations.
And that it's probably a lie, and even if it isn't a lie he's not doing it anymore.
He is counting all of his two hour lunches, his golfing/tennis/other sport activities that count as 'networking', spending hours harrassing his secretaries, and all of the other non-productive 'work' in his entirely fictitious work schedule.
Just to add more context, this shithead's daughter is the wife of the British PM.
Wife of previous British PM, not the current one
I was just looking at a picture of Victoria Starmer thinking, “uhhh, what?”
I used to work with a guy like this, they'd do six hours of work in twelve hours, were constantly having important business calls etc, and simply didn't have a life outside of work.
I'd be willing to bet this person was less productive than some executives that worked less than half the time.
That sort of thing was common at this shitty bank I used to work for. People would fart around and stretch out tasks just to spend more time in the office pretending to be at "work".
Performative nonsense that drove me bonkers. Especially when I wanted to finish up a task so I can go home, and they're hanging out at my desk bending my ear with small talk.
Exactly. I worked with a few people like this. Claimed to work 7-8 basically. I would see them drop for a hour at a time several times a day, be unresponsive for hours, and hardly get anything accomplished, and when it was, it was either broken or poor quality.
The brag isn't what they think it is
That explains the sunny expression
I have to suffer, so the other people should do that, too.
I ~~have~~ choose to suffer, so the other people should do that, too.
Men like this do not understand the magic of the world around them 😔
Plenty of them are just liars. They'll look you dead in the eye and tell you "When I was your age, I worked 29 hours a day and 10 days per week".
Others simply don't want to acknowledge that the nature of their "work" is play. Flying from party to party with their gaggle of C-level friends, wining and dining clients and patrons, getting a Bill Clinton style office break between angry calls to your junior managers to "work harder!", playing Sim City or Factorio with a billion dollars in state money unconcerned with the end result because you already took out a big chunk as your share, golfing...
None of these assholes are doing manual labor. They're all just schmoozing with one another and collecting a vig on the cash that passes through their hands.
Not to mention they have people to take care of their cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc. Regular people do all that work themselves.
Plus they parasite the society.
How do you maintain a 14 hour schedule in half a day?
You offshore your hours to someone else in India
It’s like a recipe for becoming a fuckhead.
He definitely didn't get rich from that. Only stupid people work for money. He works WITH money.
Anybody that deep in that awfulness is of course going to try to play it off like a badge of honor. So hard to see it for what it is from there.
What the actual fuck?
Asian parents be like: "dEPreSSiON iS cAusEd bY LaZiNesS, juST WoRK hARdeR aND yOU wiLL bE hAPpy!"
Me: 🥲🔫
Let me guess: he was 30 when that picture was taken.
Did he fly to work on the back of a dragon as well?
Fuck you. I am whoring out my brainpower and will do only what I’m paid for. If it happens to take only an hour each workday, that’s not my concern.
Sometimes I feel like we need a government appointed slapper, a person who's job it is to look dickheads up and be authorized to give them a big slap across their face for being assholes.
Bodyguards would not be allowed to prevent it, and a report on why the slap was delivered would be presented.
In this case the report would say:
Slap ID: 2025-01-427
Reason for slap: Being an uncaring idiot
Details: Slapee forgot about the value of family and personal growth, made statements and took actions to reduce those to unsustainable levels. This was based on slapee's own missersble work history and mistaken assumption that slapee's personal choices in the past is the only correct choice by modern workers. This is currently false and was false in the past as well. Slapee is reminded that their own choices and failings should not be forced onto others.
Expected outcome from slap: Slapee takes a week off work and experience their own personal life to experience the value of it, then spends six months in intensive therapy sorting out their own life to be a better leader.
Possible future actions: If Slapee neglects to take action to correct their behavior, the ministry of punching may need to be contacted and further percussive encouragement may be delivered.
Percussive encouragement, lol!
Yeah he's like Elon; he never sleeps and has no concept of how anyone could possibly be different than him unless they're inferior. Just another rich narcissist sociopath.