
joined 1 year ago
[–] Valmond 6 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

Step 1: sell the press to the rich

Step 2: everything is shitty now, but why?

[–] Valmond 4 points 7 hours ago
[–] Valmond 1 points 7 hours ago

Are you talking about oil and gas?

[–] Valmond 6 points 21 hours ago

A house demon will will help them.


[–] Valmond 10 points 21 hours ago (3 children)

It actually trickles up.

[–] Valmond 19 points 21 hours ago (1 children)

What does critical thinking & ethics has to do with an old religious book though?

Is the final exam to show how crap it is?

[–] Valmond 7 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

Lots of good advice here, I'll add one that I haven't seen ;

I go to a good book shop and say I'm into polars, so I just go to the polar section and take books that I feel might be interesting, there is a lot of information just by looking of the outside of a book (large book with gold title vs thin dense monichromatic...), then I open it some 10-20 pages in (the first page is often extra handcrafted to draw you in and might just be a cheap trick, or not of course) and read half a page. Usually the style just puts you off or makes you want more right away.

Another is just ask for recommendations, I bet we can find you a couple of good ones if you are interested :-)

[–] Valmond 12 points 22 hours ago (6 children)

Is there newer vaccines than those in uh 2020-21?

[–] Valmond 7 points 22 hours ago

Extreme left in france maybe, the left not at all.

[–] Valmond 53 points 22 hours ago (2 children)

Tanks are different, it is more or less normal they blow up from time to time, a destroyer not so much. Like an AWACS for example, should never get picked out of the sky.

Great anyways that russia is losing both in ridiculously high numbers.

[–] Valmond 5 points 22 hours ago (3 children)

Yep, went to france to kearn french, was questioned (by an idiot) why I didn't knew (spoke) french well.

They exist in all countries.

[–] Valmond 2 points 1 day ago

Yep, there were, for example, a mayor in Jonzac who made geo thermal for the whole village sometimes in the eighties (IIRC), it still runs today and I think all heat is just free.


Hi everybody!

I have a Lemmy server up and running for some maybe 10 months, and all was nice and good until I upgraded to 0.19.1, .2 .3 backtracking to .2, again to .3.

Everything seemed to start federating again, but with a twist; for example I had to post on [email protected] to jolt my server into communication with them for example.

Seemed okay, but now it's back again (I do not check out every community I'm connected to every week or more), and posting doesn't do anything on for example [email protected]. My post is there but I only see one answer out of two and I have like +1 on my server and more when I use this account checking out (this account is not on my server).

Note: I recently had a stupidly unlucky fiber cut for like 6 days (miss management, weekend, ...) so the server was offline for almost a week.

I tried other "navigators" than Jerboa and it's not Jerbias fault as it's the same on say Voyager.

I obviously tried reloading, restarting, posting, ...

Is there a way saving my server? Like an sql statement bringing all "dead" federation links up again as new? Maybe it's just me who doesn't make my server chat enough so some communities are flagged dead (even if I'm subscribed to them)?

Any help greatly appreciated!

Ps. Can show screens of it if needed (but it's like yeah, mindoki server 2 votes, others more).

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