
joined 2 years ago
[–] DarkSpectrum 9 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

America is collaborating with Israel. Release all their names!

[–] DarkSpectrum 1 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Doesn't that suggest some kind of pattern of instruction or guidance being given to the presidential role?

[–] DarkSpectrum 69 points 20 hours ago (6 children)

Men like this do not understand the magic of the world around them 😔

[–] DarkSpectrum 26 points 20 hours ago

A symptom of believing they are better than others.

[–] DarkSpectrum -1 points 3 days ago

This here soil is as fer-tile as my cousin wife's baby maker and no city slicken, fancy pant scientist is gunna tell me different, ya hear!

[–] DarkSpectrum 34 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Why not remove Muslim men's eyes so they can't see women?

[–] DarkSpectrum 4 points 4 days ago

All this needs to be a shit post is an AI watermark

[–] DarkSpectrum 13 points 6 days ago

wife-hack of the 50s

[–] DarkSpectrum 2 points 1 week ago

Another reason why companies like Amazon treats it's workforce like garbage. They are seen as replaceable in the near future.

[–] DarkSpectrum 4 points 1 week ago

The attitude you describe is, I believe, the result of capitalist and religious propaganda that reinforces individualism rather than collectivist and non-religious yet spiritual philosophies. Those like Hinduism, Confucianism, Zen and Toaism.

Not to sell any one in particular but the common thread in the East is a different perspective than a boss in the sky eternally judging each individual.

Even if you aren't religious, advertising will tell you you're a special, unique and seperate individual. Desiring to stand out as famous, beautiful, smart, funny, strong etc is just a trap but one desired by many. Unfortunately, to be above others, then others must be below you. To be rich, there must be poor.

An understanding of this force of balance shows that to minimise the extremes of poverty you must minimise the extremes of wealth.

The East sees our true self is the larger whole of which we as Humanity are a small part of. While your name may seperate you conceptually, none of us are separate from the air we breath or the stars we see. Nothing is seperate even though the mind feels and believes it is so. Are you really in control? Do you beat your heart? When you make a decision, do you first decide to decide?

I only say all this because, when one genuinely switches thinking this way, then naturally you want to be generous and caring towards all others because you see everything as yourself includeing all that is non human.

These philosophies are not the complete answer to our problems because many of these philosophies were born in China and, even though it's embedded in their culture, they are still struggling like everyone else. But a more modern widespread common understanding of the true nature of the situation may be beneficial.

[–] DarkSpectrum 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Elite is a conceptual category. He's a human being like the rest of us and a small ornament on the tree of life.

[–] DarkSpectrum 2 points 2 weeks ago

The real shit post here


As title says, keen to discuss any ideas for features or gameplay enhancements that could make HD2 even better!

Mine are:

  1. A startegem that allows you to view the battlefield top down from space to aim/zoom and fire/manoeuvre projectile(s).

  2. Text chat and game stats available on the un-skippable post game wrap up screens.

  3. Armour with a self-destruction feature, with visible countdown limited uses. Watch out for friendlies!

Hide read posts (self.syncforlemmy)

I have the setting that marks a post read when scrolling. Now I want to automatically hide read posts so I don't see the same content. Is this possible in Sync?

The future is now (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago by DarkSpectrum to c/ai_

Maybe not heads in jars but certainly real-time video avatars and maybe even hologram heads!

Modern conservation (imgflip.com)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by DarkSpectrum to c/[email protected]

It would be nice if there was an option for different settings per account. For example, hide NSFW on one account but show NSFW on another.

Then when I switch accounts, the settings switch also.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by DarkSpectrum to c/badbenches

Is it possible to 'follow'or subscribe to individual Lemmy users so I can see their posts on my subscribed feed?


Everytime I open the app it takes me to /All where as I would like to set the default view to /Subscribed

So peaceful (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by DarkSpectrum to c/badbenches

There's nothing like the hitching and unhitching of truck trailers through a prison fence to bring peace and tranquility into your life.

agents: deploy (lemmy.world)

Since I stopped drinking 3 years ago I have found that some people who drink seem uncomfortable when I decline their offers for a drink. They will repeatedly offer me drinks even after I explain that I consciously quit due to substance abuse. Some of these individuals are in-laws who should have more concern for my personal well-being but continue to regularly offer me drinks which I continue to politely decline.

I have a theory that subconsciously these individuals know they have an alcohol problem and find it confronting or somehow judgmental when they meet someone who has taken steps to address their problem. I suppose it's easier to try and convince someone else to drink than it is to quit themselves.

It's important to be aware that you may encounter this type of scenario on your journey to stop drinking.

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