joined 1 year ago
[–] NOT_RICK 1 points 3 hours ago

Well yeah, of course not. Is this news?

[–] NOT_RICK 8 points 8 hours ago

And that is why you always leave a note!

[–] NOT_RICK 21 points 9 hours ago (3 children)

Shot down a US drone you say? Oh no.

[–] NOT_RICK 32 points 9 hours ago (8 children)

Did they seriously write “murder” in the dictionary? I could see a tenuous connection if it was a book about the history of Israel but the dictionary? Dumb.

[–] NOT_RICK 8 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

I sourced that snippet directly from the article which is a US news source…

[–] NOT_RICK 36 points 10 hours ago (7 children)

Nah, I just get annoyed when people rub their free healthcare that we already know about in our faces. Especially on a site like this where most everyone agrees that the US healthcare system is trash.

[–] NOT_RICK 26 points 11 hours ago (6 children)

For anyone wondering why this Synagogue was the site of a protest:

They arrived apparently in response to a real estate event that promised to provide the latest information on “housing projects in all the best Anglo neighborhoods in Israel,” according to an advertisement that appeared in the June 21 issue of the Jewish Journal.

[–] NOT_RICK 3 points 12 hours ago

Semaglutide does cure some ailments and does improve lives. The profit incentive isn’t always misaligned with good health outcomes.

[–] NOT_RICK 18 points 16 hours ago

Media bias fact check cites the reasoning behind their determinations so you can decide for yourself if their assessments hold water or not.

[–] NOT_RICK 16 points 18 hours ago


The State of Mississippi made it a capital crime if a murder is committed on the property of a school.

That’ll fix it! Classic Mississippi

[–] NOT_RICK 1 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

This is the kind of stuff that has me holding off on buying solar. Why should I take out a loan now when that money can get me a significantly better system in 5 years?

[–] NOT_RICK 6 points 1 day ago

That was a fascinating read, thanks for sharing

submitted 6 months ago by NOT_RICK to c/eagles
ANOTHA ONE (self.eagles)
submitted 7 months ago by NOT_RICK to c/eagles

That’s all, another gritty win. Love it


In my search for the ultimate retro gaming machine I’ve been surprised by the limited options when it comes to controllers for iOS and android. While there are plenty of controllers that you can clip your phone onto in landscape orientation, I haven’t seen any that are designed to play in portrait mode. I see several benefits to a clip on controller for portrait mode. Pinball games, Tetris, and DS games all play best in portrait mode. Plus, a portrait mode controller would be close to the original gameboy in terms of form-factor.

Anyone else looking for something like this? Have I missed a product that’s out there? Maybe once I get a 3D printer I can cannibalize a Bluetooth controller and experiment.

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