I’m fully expecting them to eat the dogs.
You all didn't buy the dip? Shit, yesterday i bought NVDA, TSM, even a bit of MU just for fun. I fail to see how semis recede from their position of utmost importance in the future. I only wish I'd bought more AMAT and QCOM a few months ago.
Guys. The traitor shitcunt convicted felon president currently has a publicly traded company listed on the NASDAQ. He just raked in probably billions in thinly veiled bribes via his newly minted shitcoin. The First Whore has a shitcoin of her own. Kushner is making how much in real estate deals worldwide, including plans for Gaza?
Corruption like that described in this article barely fucking registers.
If the tide doesn't turn by the midterms, I'd imagine that political violence is the only way out of this mess.
My day is brightened just a bit by her suffering 💕
I’d really rather a tremendous dose of ketamine get extremely close to musk.
It all makes sense when you accept that Putin installed this traitor shitcunt for the expressed purpose of destroying the US-led Western alliance. He found the flaw in our system - our shallow self-interests - and played us. Whether those among us who can see reality will have the strength to usurp the traitor filth remains to be seen.
Where else are they going to get 11-year olds to rape?
Like 99% of republicans.
Quit your semantic bullshit. Fewer dead people is relatively good, and that is the best that anyone's going to do in our grim reality.
One easy way for him to solve this would be to kill himself.