
joined 2 years ago
[–] eran_morad 8 points 4 hours ago

Most effective plan would be seppuku.

[–] eran_morad 2 points 4 hours ago

Where they want to be: in charge.

[–] eran_morad 1 points 4 hours ago
[–] eran_morad 7 points 4 hours ago

Terrorize the traitors.

[–] eran_morad 7 points 13 hours ago

Why? They’re proven idiots. Dumber than dogshit.

[–] eran_morad -2 points 18 hours ago

Sounds good, bro.

[–] eran_morad -4 points 18 hours ago (7 children)

Price discovery is gonna be a bitch.

[–] eran_morad 15 points 18 hours ago

American here: fuck America.

[–] eran_morad 19 points 18 hours ago (32 children)

It’s inherently worthless.

[–] eran_morad 10 points 1 day ago

How’s them egg prices tho?

[–] eran_morad 5 points 1 day ago

Took me until my 20s to reconcile my atheism. Maturity, i guess.

On Ukraine, it is becoming clear that Ukraine and Mr. Putin must find a way to a negotiated settlement to the war. Mr. Trump must make clear that the United States will continue to work with NATO to support Ukraine and that Mr. Putin will not be allowed to succeed. If that message is clear to Mr. Putin and if Ukraine can gain traction against Russia, President Volodymyr Zelensky will have the leverage to negotiate a settlement that provides for Ukraine’s sovereignty and security, allows Russia to remain in Crimea and other limited areas and achieves an end to the war. That would be peace through strength.

Fuck this guy. "Peace through strength", suck my dick.

The magazine is recruiting from a crosstown rival, The Washington Post, to bolster its political staff.


archive link

The country’s prime minister said the incident, the latest in a series of disruptions to undersea infrastructure, underscored the danger of a so-called Russian shadow fleet.

At least Finland is fighting for the good of humanity.


A grainy image of his face drew comparisons to Hollywood heartthrobs. A jacket similar to the one he’s wearing on wanted posters is reportedly flying off the shelves. And the words written on the bullets he used to kill a man in cold blood on a sidewalk on Wednesday have become, for some people, a rallying cry.

Four days after a gunman assassinated a top health insurance executive in Midtown Manhattan and vanished, the unidentified suspect has, in some quarters, been venerated as something approaching a folk hero.

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