...did they watch 1 and 2 and somwhow not realize it might just be a tad offensive to the average Christian snowflake?
Anything that makes you apply your hand to your face.
I doubt it. They do this mock outrage shit for internet clout. Christians have that, too. Probably just picked whatever the most popular movie was and walked in and out the door.
You give them too much credit, assuming they actually went at all.
Let's be honest, they probably didn't even watch it at all and were just sitting on the couch brainstorming ways to get clout.
It backfired. All of that persons social media accounts are private now.
25 minutes?
He says Marvel Jesus in his opening monologue.
With the pre-movie ads, it could've been 25 mins
When I saw it there were 2 previews.
Could it be that maybe, just maybe, they’re absolutely full of shit?
Or maybe it was dancing with the corpse at the start?
$5 says it's when he gets to the Wolverine on an X cross.
That's more a blasphemy against st. andrew though. (He's used to it)
Goes to R rated movie
Is shocked that movie has R rates scenes.
Marvel jesus is cooler than the original.
And he’s got cooler friends
And probably won't have followers that use his name to start a fear mongering organization called a "church" to gain power over the masses like the other one.
You know, this is a very controversial and divisive statement? I can't figure out if they do it for all the untaxable money, or the undue influence.
Imagine normal people would act like that. Today i went for a walk and i saw a naked dude nailed to a cross. Don't go outside guys, there are crazy people out there.
We went to a movie we knew we'd have a problem with just so we could tell people we have a problem with it. We know we just gave money to an industry we don't agree with but this was the easiest way to look victimized and sanctimonious at the same time.
Counterpoint, though: Maybe they didn't, and said they did.
And possibly they went and stayed. Enjoyed it and are just fronting.
Why they frontin' on my man Dee-Pee?
"We wasted our money proving we don't know what we are doing in life and we want you to support us!"
You know what? Porco dio, Christians are retarded.
Is that supposed to be an "I'm not amused" face. She might need to go to the hospital.
I am sure if it was offensive to any other religion then it would just be free speech 🙄
What were they expecting? A dancing musical number with jesus and noah spraying each other with holy water?
I feel like they skipped Deadpool 1 and 2. Otherwise they would have known what they were getting into.
Lol even then it's still Deadpool, so you never know what orifice that holy water will come spraying out of.
Considering that there are a few musical numbers and that >!DP considers himself Marvel Jesus, him and Wolverine stab each other a ton, we consider jesus' blood to be water or wine or whatever you want to call it, AND blood sprays all over the fucking everywhere....!< you could infer by stretching your imagination that yes, DP and Wolverine were in fact spraying each other with holy water
Just fyi that spoiler syntax doesn't work on Lemmy. You gotta do this to hide spoilers:
{revealed text}
Text hidden by the spoiler tag.
To get
{revealed text}
Text hidden by the spoiler tag.You can see in the pic that he currently has their one brain cell in his possession.
Hugh Jackman is not technically the Lord of the New Testament (though he could be a variant).
Imagine as an atheist couple going to a Christian sermon and then tweeting, "WE LEFT IN MINUTE 25, HE'S LOGICALLY INCONSISTENT, BIGOTED AND GENERALLY FULL OF SHIT".
I mean, duh...