
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 hours ago

Can I play it in front of my kids?

It's been a while since I played, but I think the answer is mostly yes. There are sex scenes, but they're pretty well-telegraphed ahead of time and I don't think you can get into them by accident.

how long from startup to the next save point?

What's a save point, to you? The game allows saving at any point (except maybe during combat?), but this may or may not be a satisfying experience to you. For the most satisfying experience you'd probably want to consider your camp the save point, and that can go a couple of hours between occurences, depending on the quest and how good you are (/the difficulty level).

Is it a lot like Mass Effect?

A very similar narrative style with the focus on your relation to the NPCs. Gameplay is very different. Much more about tactics and less about action. Personally I found that balance really awkward and not enjoyable: I'd rather lean more into the action like a Skyrim (or, indeed, ME) style game, or do tactics properly in a turn-based manner like BG3 or Lord of the Rings: Tactics. But I stuck it out for the story & characters which were great, though I couldn't bring myself to keep going with the big DLC once I lost momentum thanks to finishing the main story, or to pick up either of the sequels.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 10 hours ago

Fantasy series with a very D&D-esque world and a combat system that feels a bit like an MMO or a turnbased tactics game. It's real time with optional pausing, and you operate your whole party at once, with the ability to pause to give each of them precise orders, or to pre-program them with specific responses to situation.

I think it mainly became popular on the back of its characters. The story was good but nothing special, and personally I found the combat in Origins to be absolutely terrible. But building up your party, getting to know the characters and making decisions that affect them was amazing. At least on par in this respect with the original Mass Effect trilogy.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 14 hours ago

Transcriptiona four-panel comic.

The first panel shows a boy brushing his teeth. In the background are framed photos of a white dog, a weird fox-like creature, and Rick Astley from the music video for Never Gonna Give You Up, as well as usual bathroom things. He wears a yellow shirt with "LOL" written on it. Above him is a bubble with the words "Normie Gary" in it.

The second panel shows the same scene, but the boy is gone, leaving behind his toothbrush and a spot of toothpaste. Where he stood are white puffs of smoke, with the word "POOF". The bubble saying "Normie Gary" is slightly larger.

The third panel shows the boy with a confused expression on his face, dribbling spit. He is surrounded by white clouds, and in the background are blurry flames. "NORMIE GARY" is repeated, much larger, now a speech bubble with three tails coming off of it. In the same direction as that bubble's tails are three other speech bubbles each with a single tail, reading "?!", "!!!" and "!?!".

The fourth panel shows the boy sitting surrounded by three demon-like creatures with red skin, cloven hoofs, and horns. They each have a speech bubble. The first reads "It... It worked???" The second: "AAAAAH!" And the final "WHAT THE FU" (before it gets cut off by the edge of the frame with only the leftmost edge of what might be a "C" visible). The boy looks even more confused than in the previous panel, mouth agape, surrounded by question marks.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

To be clear, my main question here is: is he playing defence for Labor again (like he frequently does whenever Labor and the Greens have a disagreement), or is this a genuine look at the issue?


Original source by ZeTrystan.

Transcriptiona four-panel comic.

The first panel shows a boy brushing his teeth. In the background are framed photos of a white dog, a weird fox-like creature, and Rick Astley from the music video for Never Gonna Give You Up, as well as usual bathroom things. He wears a yellow shirt with "LOL" written on it. Above him is a bubble with the words "Normie Gary" in it.

The second panel shows the same scene, but the boy is gone, leaving behind his toothbrush and a spot of toothpaste. Where he stood are white puffs of smoke, with the word "POOF". The bubble saying "Normie Gary" is slightly larger.

The third panel shows the boy with a confused expression on his face, dribbling spit. He is surrounded by white clouds, and in the background are blurry flames. "NORMIE GARY" is repeated, much larger, now a speech bubble with three tails coming off of it. In the same direction as that bubble's tails are three other speech bubbles each with a single tail, reading "?!", "!!!" and "!?!".

The fourth panel shows the boy sitting surrounded by three demon-like creatures with red skin, cloven hoofs, and horns. They each have a speech bubble. The first reads "It... It worked???" The second: "AAAAAH!" And the final "WHAT THE FU" (before it gets cut off by the edge of the frame with only the leftmost edge of what might be a "C" visible). The boy looks even more confused than in the previous panel, mouth agape, surrounded by question marks.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) (1 children)

I'm more interested in some karage chicken from that Japanese place. Though something tells me their self-description as a "fine" dining place is optimistic.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

Yeah but at least we (millennials) exist in popular culture and the public discourse. You never even hear about gen X unless it's someone pointing out how you never hear about them.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 15 hours ago (3 children)

Is that one of his good "exposing corruption in our political system" type videos, or one of his shitty "here's a misrepresentation of our voting system to encourage you not to vote third party" type videos?

i.e., should I bother watching it or not?

[–] [email protected] 11 points 16 hours ago

Foreign Minister Penny Wong, who is also the leader of the government in the Senate, was not present in the chamber at the time of the vote.

Absolutely gutless move, Labor. For shame.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 16 hours ago

A brave move. Party discipline is very strong in this country, especially in Labor, and going against the party line is a big move. But it's the right move. Good on her for standing up for what is right, even if her colleagues would rather tacitly support genocide.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 17 hours ago (3 children)

It seems to me that 90s kid millennials and their young children are the current “mainstream”. And boomers have just shifted out of dominance in the past 5 years or so

Once again, poor Gen Xers get ignored.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 17 hours ago

Perhaps, but that would still mean Sanderson is wrong here in attributing the blame to straight-to-streaming, when it’s actually due to the rise of social media. Which has meant that for my age group (young millennials, going through teenage years through the mid-to-late ’00s to early ’10s) it’s been true the whole time we’ve been paying our own way to the movies.

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