
joined 1 year ago
[–] yemmly 41 points 23 hours ago (8 children)

It will work with an LLM if the propagandist is trusting user input (tweets in this case). But any propagandist worth their salt is going to sanitize user input to prevent this sort of thing.

[–] yemmly -2 points 23 hours ago

You’re making my point for me. Will someone please think of the pandas? Also, the “/s” doesn’t affect pandas when in quotes.

[–] yemmly 1 points 1 day ago

I wish I had a chemical sniffing van.

[–] yemmly 6 points 1 day ago

On one hand, this might be a crime against humanity. On the other hand, I’d eat it.

[–] yemmly 3 points 5 days ago

I’m going to need to see your passport to prove you’re not American. Otherwise fines may be assessed.

[–] yemmly 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

What I hear you saying is that we need to make an example out of him to deter other asshats from acting on their hate. I buy that.

Also, I think people like him do these kinds of things because they want to hurt people. I want to deny them that satisfaction, to the extent it is possible.

[–] yemmly 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I didn’t mean to imply that those were the only acts of persecution committed against him.

And about the flag pisser: What he did was wrong. It was a hate crime. It is appropriate that he is punished for it. Peoples’ outrage about it is justified.

[–] yemmly 10 points 1 week ago

The perpetrator deserves to be punished. I’m not arguing against punishing him. I’m arguing against rewarding him.

[–] yemmly -1 points 1 week ago (5 children)

I absolutely think everyone should know that Turing was betrayed by scoundrels which led to his arrest for the crime of being himself (it was illegal to be gay at that time in the UK). After that he couldn’t get a job, despite being the best ever in the world at his job. After that, he fell into hopelessness and took his own life.

[–] yemmly 1 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Let’s make sure everyone knows the stories of queer heroes, like Alan Turing, a titan of computer science, information theory, and cryptography whose efforts helped save the world at one of its darkest hours.

…who was then so severely persecuted because he was gay that he wound up in an early grave.

[–] yemmly -4 points 1 week ago (9 children)

The real wrong that people need to be educated on is that respect for the human rights of others is not a “political opinion”.

Anyone who doesn’t know that urinating on others’ property (without their consent) is wrong has something so severely broken in them that public shaming can’t fix it.

Reddit is so toxic (self.reddit)
submitted 2 months ago by yemmly to c/reddit

There are a few subreddits I check out from time to time because Lemmy doesn’t have the volume of users required to keep those niche conversations active.

Wow, what a pain! There’s so much hostility and byzantine rules. It’s just not worth it.

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